You can believe her. It doesnt sound like she's actually lied to you. She's only said that she misses you. She did not say that she likes you. You may be reading into this more than there is.
I guess you can ask her how she feels about you. But you may not especially like her response. But then you would know how she felt and you would no longer need to wonder.....
2006-06-18 03:40:54
answer #1
answered by iyamacog 7
Women love to play emotional and mental games. Just get used to it. The best thing to do is to ignore her. If she calls, tell her you are busy. If she likes you, she will keep trying. If she doesn't, then you will know how she feels.
2006-06-18 10:45:19
answer #2
answered by spudric13 7
hmm it depends she dosent liek you but misses you.. and shes talks and likes other boys im not so sure about that maybe you shouydl talk to her and be like do you like me or not it makes you jeaslous cuz u like her alot but tell her straight forword that u like her and dont want to be playing games!
2006-06-18 10:38:55
answer #3
answered by hislilsnugglebug29 1
hmmm...sayin she misses u doesn exactly shows tat she likes u m i rite? i mean itz kinda normal , even frenz do say they miss each other...if she never sayz she likes u perhaps she doesn , or she takes u as her fren onli..sorry to say tat dude..but no harm askin her tho...but anyway usually..if me..i do experience people sayin to me they miss me or...they love me...but itz a different kinda this matter its...they love their y not ask her?
2006-06-18 10:54:59
answer #4
answered by donald7702 1
give her a chance, but if it continues for more than a couple of weeks than kick her to the curb. if she really cared for you than she wouldn't be treating you that way, and she would be talking to you, and wanting to be with you.
2006-06-18 10:42:36
answer #5
answered by donna 2
Is this a girl u met on line?
2006-06-18 10:45:43
answer #6
answered by BlkBeauty24 3
Sounds like she just wants you to like her, so she can screw with your head. If she liked you, you would know! If she knows you like her, wouldnt she tell you how she feels? She seems like she likes to play games.
2006-06-18 10:42:14
answer #7
answered by MandyHawk 3
hmm strange
2006-06-18 10:36:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just asker...
2006-06-18 10:37:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no! NO!!!!! i noe those types of chiks, NO!!!!
2006-06-18 10:38:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous