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15 answers

well, cuz she thinks they are like toys and she must like playing dress up with em' just hope she doesn't have anymore after this one she is having cuz well thats just sad.

2006-06-17 17:49:36 · answer #1 · answered by Girly♥ 7 · 1 1

If she was your neighbor would you be so concerned? All the paparazzi following her 24/7. All parents make mistakes. Kids don't come with instruction books. There is money to be made by people who judge by a photo in a tabloid at the check out stand. If you knew her as a person next door would you now more about her than a tabloid reporter? How can a person who basically stalks someone (waiting for a chance to pounce) be a good character reference? Don't you think having not private life at all can be waring and stressful. She seems to come from a "family" atmosphere (if you believe your tabloids).

2006-06-17 19:36:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every new mom makes mistakes, just most of us are lucky enough that we're not being followed 24/7 by hoards with cameras. The baby in the lap was really bad, and did you notice when she tripped with the baby it wasn't a photographer who reached out to her and her child. My daughter once rolled off the bed, falling out of a high chair happens every day all over the place.... once again, the rest of us don't have it plastered on the front page. Who's business is it if she's having another baby? My 2 kids are 15 months apart, as long as she wants them, loves them, and she certainly can provide for them, wish her luck and lay off. Btw, my daughter who fell of the bed at 6 months is now 17 and at the top of her class in one of the finest schools in Boston.

2006-06-17 17:54:28 · answer #3 · answered by uhohwhoopsbroken63 3 · 0 0

thats simple when your famed and rich you can do what ever you want have a kid if the father leaves who cares you got the doe ra me cutie to pay for baby sittin nannys and maids, besides dont believe everything the tabloids put out thier she could grow to be a great mother thats most womens instinks anyway ,,shes was just in a big career and young to boot. time will show what she can do with motherhood. plus in that style of liveing you need a serious man most people in the spotlight go threw several relationships ///signed www.dart1968042 YAHOO.COM

2006-06-17 18:10:40 · answer #4 · answered by mummy 1 · 0 0

Because she is in love and whats her own family. All new mothers make mistakes but they don't have the press hounding them about it. She should take a break from singing and just be a parent and maybe attend a parenting class. Also after the birth of her second child its time for birth control pills.

2006-06-18 04:02:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She has a lot of money to pay someone else to raise them. The only time that they're with her is when the press is around making her look like if things are bad. Stop feeling sorry for her, she's rich!

2006-06-17 17:59:30 · answer #6 · answered by jcool 2 · 0 0

The papparazi are the ones that are making her look like an irresponsible mother. You do not have the right to judge her like that. Of course, new mothers are going to make mistakes when they first have children.

2006-06-17 18:30:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can identify with her but what makes us different is that I stopped at number one. See, things, events better said happen in your life that make you want to live it on the fast lane. I still feel tremendously that she hasn't realized that you can continue on without harming others and she's already harmed.

2006-06-17 17:51:28 · answer #8 · answered by claudia91701 3 · 0 0

Do you even have kids??? Probably not. So who are you to judge who can or cannot have kids?? For as much crap as the press puts her through on a daily basis, i think she does a fine job.

2006-06-17 17:52:19 · answer #9 · answered by trucker3977 4 · 0 0

Exactly. She needs to take a class on parenting, read a book or something. My goodness, she wants to be left alone?

2006-06-17 17:58:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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