The Virgin
August 23 to September 23
Virgo Traits
Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical
On the dark side....
Fussy and a worrier
Overcritical and harsh
Perfectionist and conservative
The Virgo personality can be derived from observing the specific characteristics of the Virgo season (from 23rd of August to the 22nd of September)
Virgo is the sign of the end of summer, the time of harvesting the fruits of labour. It is a sign that is aware of the end of summer’s plenty and the coming rigors of the winter and therefore it always has an underlying anxiety. Just as peasants of old knew their grain stock is not inexhaustible, Virgo is aware that all (physical or mental) resources are limited and this brings the anxiety of loss, of not having enough.
Their only option is to organise the yield of the land for survival. Several actions are involved here : the grain has to be sorted, separating the wheat from the chaff. Then it has to be stored appropriately for conservation. Then little by little it is distributed fairly among people and the quantities given are controlled so it can last all winter. This control implies a knowledge of the available resources, a judgement about its usefulness and the ability to refrain from eating everything up in the first three months. It means carefulness and being able to resist instincts. In this article, the main principles will also be the headings for all the Virgo traits.
Virgo is the sign of harvesting the fruits of labour
Virgos are hard workers
and they are not afraid of tedious, boring tasks, as long as they know they are doing something useful. Because they are capable of hard work, they expect the same from other people and they have little understanding for laziness, procrastination and the like. They are not counting on gifts or chance nor are they taking risks to participate in unrealistic schemes for quick money. They know that everything has a price and that the goals they pursue will best be attained by hard work. They also plan their actions efficiently and they always try to use as little resources as possible (for example water, electricity, paper).
The fear of not having enough is a strong drive in Virgo and they take every precaution not to be in a situation of need. For example, when traveling, they will consider all eventualities that could happen and start very early before the journey to collect all objects they will take with them. They are fond of "survival kits" and other Swiss knives. They'll also have a guide to their journey because planning the route takes away some of the risks. Virgos are the stock guard of the zodiac so if you are in need for something they will surely have it. But you have to have a good reason for asking because as the guard she won't deplete the stock easily! Some people will say she is mean... Maybe thrifty is a better term! Virgo will plan her life so as to never be in need meaning she likes to save, buy her own house etc.
Best professions
Best professions for a Virgo according to French astrologer, Andre Barbault :
Tendencies associated with Virgo : restraint, control, discipline, mastery.
Associated functions : perceive, analyze, destroy and compose.
Associated objects and concepts : health, animals, small things, manufactured objects.
Associated actions : accumulate, analyze, classify, collect, count, preserve, control, manipulate, measure, issue rules, verify.
Places associated with Virgo : workshops, offices, fields, depots, laboratories, shops, hospitals, factories.
All these combine to the following professions for Virgo ASC or MC or sun sign (in order of importance) :
a) Physician, pharmacist, veterinary, ambulance man, midwife, herbalist, manicurist, diet assistant.
b) clock and watch maker, optician, and other jobs requiring precision
c) engineer, chemist, statistician, archivist, laboratory assistant, accountant, draftsman
d) craftsman, ceramic craftsman, farmer, shop keeper or owner
e) technical secretary, computer related jobs, telephone operator
f) domestic employee, employee of state
Because She Knows Resources Are Limited
She is cautious
Dislikes risk
Feels an underlying anxiety
Uses objects and energy sparingly
Protects the environment
Fear and Danger
Virgos keep their cool when others are in panic because they are so used to hold their emotions in check. A Virgo is pragmatic and she knows it won't help to shout and run around aimlessly when something goes wrong. It is a paradox actually because one trait of Virgo's personality is to be permanently anxious. That makes her over-vigilant and she is very quick to detect any danger or malfunction. As a matter of fact, it is as if a Virgo always has a feeling of an impendingcollapse of everything around her (not literal!). That is why, when times get really rough she might say "I knew it" and she deals efficiently with whatever is there. On the other hand, in daily life, she can bother everyone by constantly expressing worries and fears over trifling matters.
She fear the unknown, that which is hidden and concealed, unconscious and lurking in the dark. The aim of the Virgo personality is to bring everything to light, to be aware of herself and her environment, because as the saying goes : "knowledge is power". Understanding is the weapon of a Virgo against the vicissitudes of life. A Virgo's unconscious goal is to acquire a mental map of the chaotic world which will help her control any situation she thinks. In the internet they're probably the only ones who like site maps and complicated navigationbars with categories and subcategories.
Because She Manages The Stored Ressources
She is conservative
Is a skillful organizer
Clings to conventions
As it was said in the introduction, Virgo's function in the zodiac is to bring in the harvest and organize it. As such it is a sign of plenty, as Leo or Cancer, but it is a limited plenty and so it has to be rationed.This urge to organize goes like a thread through all the areas of a Virgo's life : she will organize her day, her relationships, the years to come and so on with a list of things to do or a table withpros and cons. The aim is that nothing be left unattended. Behind that, one can find the need to arrange the world so that it doesn't appear chaotic. Everything must be clearly seen, transparent. Nothing mustlurk in the dark. Arranging and organizing also fulfills the purpose or reassessing one's stock : even if a shelf isn't messed up, a Virgo will rearrange it, just to see what's there and make a mental map of herpossessions.
At work, they excel in planning, maintaining calendars and schedules for themselves and others. If they organize a social event like a seminar for example, they will attend themselves to every little detail. It involves a lot of work and the result is not spectacular. The only sign of this care is that everything runs smoothly and no problems occur because they have all been anticipated! Virgos love computers because they're such a great tool for arranging and rearranging anything.
As Her Sign Is Linked To The Declining Strength of Nature
A Virgo's mind is soft and compassionate
Her emotions function on economy mode
Virgo is not exactly a social animal. She prefers to be alone and keep her integrity rather than mixing with anybody. Still, if she does find people she will let near her, she is very devoted and helpful. If Virgos invite friends, they will make a perfect dinner around a perfectly dressed table in an enchanting environment and take care of every detail themselves. The Virgo personality is capable of great respect and adaptability. They are friendly, thoughtful and non-intruding. They will be attentive to their friends needs and help fulfill them the best they can. They like to serve. Yet they also can draw back into their shell quite surprisingly and without giving noticebecause something has displeased them.
In their own search for perfection Virgos have acquired a lot of skills and knowledge that they eventually wish to share with others. They are highly aware of the vulnerability of human beings and this makes them humble and willing to help. They have compassion for the suffering of their peers and often want to "save others". Unlike Pisces that feels compassion, but does not necessarily act it out, a Virgo will use allher capacities and organization skills to see that problems get solved in a very practical way.
Also, to feel that she is a valuable member of society, she thinks she has to be useful. Often a typical Virgo personality will chose jobs connected with helping others in various ways. They also like to counsel or coach, sharing their knowledge to help others fulfill their potential. The Virgo personality doesn't imply the search for personal power over others, often because they see the futility of such an ambition. What has risen to its heights must fall, so it's no use to rise high in the first place, they think. A position of power oftenmeans that one is bound by a number of rules and often helplessly caught in unwanted actions dictated by external circumstances. That is why, Virgos prefer to be second next to the person in charge, like the Cardinal de Richelieu. But a Virgo is capable of ruling - it is just that she doesn't like it too much. The Virgo Elisabeth the First and King Louis XIV are examples for that.
Even though Virgos are usually unselfish and accept without murmuring the work that others load on them, they can change to the opposite. A Virgo who has been heavily disappointed and has shed all illusionsabout life's beauty and happiness becomes cynical and has a "couldn't bother" attitude. She feels indifference and her wish to serve fades away. As a result she becomes an egoist, thinking that if the world doesn't want her, at least she can manage her own life according to her high principles.
Emotionally inhibited
A Virgo hates to be in need of an object and not having it but even more so, she hates to need a person because she knows perfectly well, she cannot control other people and they might not be present when necessary. The result is, that she'll try to be as independent as possible, to cater herself to all her own needs and wants. She oftenprefers to live alone and sacrifices the need for contact, for human warmth and being together and tries to "survive" with the least amount of resources possible. Sometimes it seems that the Virgo personality is cold and detached or even that they despise others.
One of the less charming traits is that she can be fussy and easily irritated for minor delays or inconveniences which lead to sharpcritical words. More tolerance would be needed and it definitely is an issue of growth for Virgos. In fact, they fear true contact and exchange of emotions. They close themselves up and try to be "emotionproof". They fear that passion might sweep them away and that they'd lose mastery and control over themselves. A mind too clouded by emotions and passion cannot think or concentrate well to have a clear idea of the reality of each moment. Because the aim of the Virgopersonality is to be lucid and aware of each situation in order to have maximum control.
For people who love to express and receive expressions of love or other emotions, this trait of the Virgo personality is perceived as a character-flaw. But given a certain level of security, she might well allow herself to feel and to tell her love. Just don't expect her to do so the first evening! Some will say Virgos are frigid : maybe if they are disappointed by their partner. And that can easily happen because they expect so much of others.
Pure sex
Let's talk about sex. Obviously there are two types of behavior in this area too. Some Virgos are cold on the outside but once ignited they are very passionate. Others remain cold and get involved in sexualactivities only because their body demands it but will feel disgusted inwardly. As the Live Journal user thevioletangel wrote in a post, "My Virgo-rising boyfriend turning to me after we first made love and saying, " is dirty...I think I need a shower." Either that or the hand sanitizer at his computer desk."
Not all Virgos need a shower after it but they certainly need cleanliness before sex. As always, they like things to be neat andperfect. That is why they are also interested in the "better" sex which includes special techniques such as Tantra and Taoist methods for increasing enjoyment. They will read manuals and apply the techniques. This "higher" sex is also attractive to them because it is validated by religion and becomes more acceptable. Good for their partners! Actually they are quite compatible with Scorpio in the area because this signlikes heightened intensity.
Because Her Function Is To Sort And Separate, a Virgo
Is critical
Is shy, modest
Likes to better him/herself
Has a discriminating intellect
Thrives towards purification
Needs clarity
Likes purity and simplicity
The function of discrimination which is proper to Virgo involves making a judgment : good/bad, pretty/ugly, pleasant/unpleasant etc. This of course is like splitting the world into two : light and dark or blackand white. Splitting is an act that destroys the original simplicity that was there at the beginning of time. As it is said in Zen Wisdom, "The Great Way" : The Great Way is not difficult for those who do not pick and choose. When preferences are cast aside the Way stands clear and undisguised. But even slight distinctions made set earth and heavenfar apart." (Great Way can stand here for all higher ideals Man may strive for : Enlightenment, God, a better Earth and so on).
In olden days that separating function was attributed to the devil, Lucifer, the one who brings light. It is the fruit of the tree ofknowledge which caused Adam and Eva to be thrown out of paradise. So we have quite a big issue here! In a world where we would make no discriminations at all, everybody would love or at least accept everybody else as they are. Whereas discrimination brings affirmations as : "I like him" or "I don't like her", "I like this but not that"etc. The consequence of that attitude is that if you are very picky, you can end up having just a few friends and start to feeling lonely and abandoned. This is what actually happens to a number of Virgos.
Discrimination is one of the main characteristics of Virgo. They makeexcellent critics for movie reviews but when they apply the same hard judgments to people, they can be very hurtful, keeping friends,partners or even family members away. They are said to be shrill (a way of arguing or criticizing that seems too forceful). They are also very severe with themselves and that is why they are usually modest and shy.They feel unworthy because they are constantly and inadvertently havingjudgmental thoughts about their own actions and words. They imagine that everyone can see their shortcomings as accurately as they do.
That is why they strongly dislike being on a stage or speaking alone in front of a large audience because it exposes them to the judgment of many people. They under evaluate their real abilities. This makes them modest and non-intruding – and some will even have strong feelings of inferiority which hamper their creativity and general enthusiasm.
Some may become very negative and cynical because whatever one does, there is always something to be criticized and so they are frustrated because they can never reach their goal of perfection. By the way, never judge a Virgo. She will hate you because she's the master in that field and she knows all too well what her shortcomings are. So here youhave a person often nagging at others and very touchy if you dare to nag at her. Can be difficult sometimes!
Her sharp wit allows her also to see through the pretense of some bragger or dishonest person. Virgos are very suspicious and tend to give priority to the negative side of everything and everyone they encounter. For example, when they tell a story, they will talk briefly about the facts and in length about what went wrong, who should have done better and what displeased them. In fact, they love to criticize!Some people fear the disapproval and contempt of a Virgo because she seems to be so smart and she knows how to tackle the weaknesses ofothers so they feel humiliated. Perhaps it is a way for her to fell better than others because she is suffering of inferiority feelings.
A mature Virgo will realize how destructive this attitude is to her own happiness and that of others and will apply her discrimination only on topics that actually require it.
Bettering Oneself
A Virgo has a life plan, things to accomplish, books to read, things to learn and to master, techniques of self help to grasp and to apply. She cannot really afford anyone intruding and upset her while she is in the making. So she puts a distance, appears cold and unemotional just to keep people off. Or she may wear a boring conventional mask which doesn't arouse suspicion, desire or inquisitiveness. She may accept passion for some time, actually not out of choice but because nature isdictating it – but thereafter things must get back to normal and she needs a lot of freedom to carry out her life's task. She is everpursued by the disorderly instincts or base emotions coming from a chaotic unconscious and she tries to counter them by control withreason and morality – just as a virgin female in the olden days would protect her virginity against the assaults of men.
And because controlling oneself in this way is extremely difficult because one has to go against the current, she is vulnerable to theinfluence of others who could distract her, lure her into the calls of the instincts and ruin all her work for self betterment. Actually, modern psychology would say, it is an identity problem. Virgo is constructing her identity, choosing how she is going to be (that is : perfect) and that is why she is vulnerable to influences and can changefaces radically. Since her "bettered" identity is constantly under threat, she can suddenly revert to a crude one if conditions favor it. That is one of the reasons it is said Virgo is a double sign. For example, she can shift from very polite to rude depending on the environment. That is also why, some Virgos will be intolerant against others. They want to draw a clear line between them who they think are good and some others who they think are bad. Then they refuse to mixwith the "bad" as if they were going to be contaminated. That is actually a fear to lose one's identity.
Because Virgo sees all the options and all the choices available, she has a hard time making a choice. First she has to evaluate the pros and cons for every choice, then weigh the pros in order of importance which is not always easy or possible and then all those details get mixed up and she doesn't know anything anymore. Example : a Virgo at the shopping mall : "This one could be good for this summer...oh but it has arms will be unprotected from sunlight...that one has long sleeves but it is not cotton...whereas the first one was...which is more important : long sleeves or cotton? But actually I like the colorof that other one...shall I take the color I like or the white cotton one etc"
Unable to make a decision, she goes back and forth among the shelves, the salesclerk becoming even suspicious, thinking she hesitates about the best shoplifting method. It is often said that a Virgo should let go of details. But this is like asking a cancer to let go of nurturing or a Sagittarius to let go of searching. The problem with Virgo is that she puts the small details and the big important infos on the same level of importance. In fact she has to learn that not all details are weighty and that appropriate decisions can be taken by setting priorities. In my example, if the priority would be health then the choice goes to the cotton shirt and all other options are not worth thinking about. If the priority is "pamper oneself" the any shirt she likes will do.
All this thinking adds to their nervous sensitivity and they are prone to restlessness and insomnia. Their health is not worse than that of others, especially because they are careful about what they eat, but they do feel weak out of mental exhaustion and constant underlyinganxiety (to be in need, to be un-perfect and so on). They are sometimes hypochondriacs (a person continually worrying about their health without having any reason to do so [Cambridge Online Dictionary])If you ask "Are Virgos insecure?" the answer has to be yes.
Virgos love order and tidiness. But that doesn't mean that they ARE orderly. Some are very sloppy actually. But that is just a reaction. Because Virgo has such a high standard of order and neatness, they rarely can achieve it in daily life. So if they see that they cannot reach the goal they intend,they simply give up and are messier than everyone else. For them it is either perfect or not worth it. What they areafter is the satisfaction of seeing all objects well aligned. If that is not possible then little mess or big mess is just the same to them and they don't bother. They even prefer to let everything accumulate and then do a BIG clean-up which will be very much worth it. Liz Greene also suggested rightly in her book (Astrology for Lovers) that if aVirgo doesn't clean her place, she is probably busy cleaning her mind that is to say applying self-help methods for mental improvement. In fact, tidying up serves the purpose of being aware of where everythingis so that when it is needed, it can be found immediately.
Purity and Simplicity
Virgo likes purity. She'd like to become clear and shiny in her mind and bodyand/or would like the environment or the house to become so. And she's fond of cleansing methods like the ones taught in yoga for cleaning the stomach and the bowels and other methods for cleaning the mind.Cleanliness and purity is also a form of simplicity. She wants to be real, without artificial or superfluous things.
Virgos like simplicity and clarity. If they have too many things, they will sort some of them out in regular "spring cleanings". They like simple object, those that are not sophisticated but long-lasting. They will accept complicated and detailed ones if these are USEFUL. But if they only add to confusion they'll hate them. They don't like superfluous embellishment or too many adornments. They like it clear and simple,everything being visible. They will also present themselves in this way. Their way to dress is unsophisticated and they are not the ones that use a lot of accessories unless they fulfill a functional purpose.They will talk about the main points when they speak, avoiding repetitions and exposing their message clearly for everyone. Theystrive towards undisguised presentation of things as they really are.
One of the main Virgo personality traits is perfectionism, they say. Liz Greene writes : " But to be a perfectionist means you have to be idealistic, since you have to have an ideal of what constitutes the perfect. Virgo is no idealist. It's one of the most realistic, possibly the most realistic sign of the zodiac. Virgo harbours no possible rosy versions of a perfect utopian world, or even a perfect utopian kitchen." I think she may not be an idealist but she has an ideal and that is perfection. Virgos want to improve, to better things, to removeimperfections or flaws. They have an expectation of high standard foreverything they use, meet or think. As for the choice of their partner, they will not date anybody.
When meeting someone, they sense pretty soon if they are compatible and if they could live together on a long term basis. If it turns out that the answer is no, they'll not go further. They are very picky and will take only the best of everything. They think and plan their own life and determine who is worth dating, what is worth to be eaten (we become what we eat), which movie is worth watching, which book she will feed her mind with. It is as if she wanted to meet only best people, eat only best food, have only best mental input because she's afraid of contamination, of being soiled by something not entirely perfect. Just like a virgin, she will not let anybody near her because it could mean losing her personal integrity, her own life purpose and intentions.
Liz Greene writes, that all this self betterment is to prepare for a dive into social life when she has evolved and has become a Libra (in her next life?). Libra is about letting go of oneself – even dying alittle and really opening up for others which Virgo isn’t really ready for, she says.
Creativity in the sense of creating something new is not the strength of the Virgo personality. But she is very gifted for crafts because her sign ruler Mercury is the God of dexterity. They master techniques andcan reproduce something according to a pattern. But the pure type will rarely create an entirely new piece of avant-garde art.
2006-06-17 13:17:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous