Congrats for not falling into the labor induction pool! This can lead to a long list of other medical interventions that can spiral into a bad place.
The thing that stalls labors most is feeling uncomfortable. Stress. Adrenaline can actually stall a labor. I went from 8 cm to 7cm and got stuck there, when my mother in law came into the picture. Really! I ended up having to have surgery.
You will NEED to try and relax while in labor as much as you can. The more you relax and let go during contractions, the more work they will accomplish each time, and the easier the whole thing can be (though it's very rarely easy).
Epidurals can also stall or slow labor. They also make it very difficult to push baby out because there is often no sensation so you don't know where to push (this is the other reason I had to have a cesarean).
Standing, walking, even stairs if you can manage it, will all help to progress labor. I found one of the best positions for during a contraction (especially if you end up with back labor) is leaning into someone in front of you and just LETTING GO as much as you can, surrender to your contractions - they are going to come and go and there's nothign you can do about them so let them be what they are. And then having someone else behind me putting pressure on my back (if you have back labor).
However - if you begin labor just as you are going to sleep - the most important thing to do is REST. Try and get as much sleep right now as you can, mama. Labor is the hardest work you will ever do (at least, if you do it natural, and even if you don't its hard - I did natural for about 18 hours, at home, before I had to transfer to hospital and my dreams of homebirth went out the window) and you need to conserve your energy in the beginning.
It can be really exciting when you know you are in labor but trust me - you will need to rest. Rest now, as much as you can. sleep every opportunity. Have sex and walk when you are up and about, this can help bring it on (only have sex if your waters haven't broken). Nipple stimulation (anyway you please) can also help run the oxytocin that picks up labor.
Another important thing is to labor at home as long as you can manage. Being in the car can slow your labor as well. It's very painful to be in the car while you're in labor at any point - home birth is a great option but not available or right for everyone. And make sure you don't have anyone in the room (or house, or even outside the room!) who you do'nt feel comfortable with. Birth and labor can be a rewarding, beautiful experience. Don't let someone else ruin it for you.
I wish you the best of luck for your birth. I know those last few weeks can be antagonizing, sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting. Take your rest while you can. I hope you aren't getting the kind of heat we are in Ontario right now.
2006-06-17 11:43:39
answer #1
answered by Melissa N 4
Labor can be temporarily postponed by medical professionals in a hospital, but it is only done for reasons where there is concern for the fetus or if labor and vaginal delivery is dangerous to the mother. For example, if it is too early for the baby to be born they can sometimes stop the labor, but it usually will start up again shortly anyway. if it is too dangerous for the mother to deliver vaginally they will perform a Cesarean section, commonly known as a C-section.
If you're at 42 weeks, tell your Obstetrician it's time to induce! Don't delay any further. If you start labor spontaneously, in other words if it starts by itself, don't do anything unusual; don't become extra active or extra sedentary (sitting or lying down more than normal). It will progress at the rate it should. If not, the doctor can order Pitocin or Oxytocin which will make your labor more active and bring the baby sooner.
2006-06-17 18:47:31
answer #2
answered by Cindy P 2
walking may make it go faster, or swimming. Sitting and relaxing won't control it. If it does start, let your doctor know right away . Sometimes labor is a split second. Not always, but for some Yes.
2006-06-17 18:33:18
answer #3
answered by jenny in ohio 3
alot of women walk before they give birth which I heard can help speed up the process. Also sitting in a warm tub or having sex can always cause you to go into labor faster because it stimulates and contracts the muscles.
2006-06-17 18:39:25
answer #4
answered by Tara 3
walking, sex and sometimes those don't work. i tried both and couldn't go into labor. i had to be induced bc i was so uncomfortable. i couldn't take it and i was a week and a half over due. even after i was induced i was in labor for 27 hours. and i had back labor. that's the worst i think. all i have to say is good luck.
2006-06-17 18:33:58
answer #5
answered by angela934 3
Why hasn't your doctor induced you yet? My doctor will only let someone go 7-10 days over. Walking helps and so does sex. Go to the store and go for a walk, I walked my friend around walmart and that helped progress her labor.
2006-06-17 18:29:49
answer #6
answered by Katie Girl 6
I would talk to your Dr. about inducing you. Tell him you can;t go another second due to pain and being misrable...
2006-06-17 18:36:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
walking will cause it to speed up
2006-06-17 18:29:23
answer #8
answered by sarah 5
Walking and even sex may help it along.....seriously.
2006-06-17 18:28:29
answer #9
answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7
no once your in you in.
2006-06-17 18:38:28
answer #10
answered by tink 1