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18 answers

With kindness, tact and diplomacy.

There was a time when someone pointed out in love that I could stand to improve on my appearance make up and clothes wise.

This person was loving patient and kind and even paid for the makeup. As a result now I am able to help people pick out nice colors for themselves and I complement people on how they look.

If you make a person feel low about themselves or cause them to feel inferior they will either tell you off and/or "shy away" from you.
a WRONG way to tell someone is Gee you will never get a boyfriend looking like that let me show you how its done that is mean and also arrogant.

A KIND approach would be you have such beautiful eyes, cheekbones, hair smile skin tone etc I have an idea let me take you shopping and you and I can pick out colors that would look great on you as well as makeup you are beautiful but lets enhance what God already gave you, (this approach is great for people who may have a little weight on them and or people who don't have a lot of friends cheering them on).

The best makeover you can give someone is just appreance but to boost thier self confidence and morale

2006-06-17 09:43:18 · answer #1 · answered by encourager4God 5 · 3 1

Try to inspire them by the latest fashions or take them to the mall. You can also recommend them with a nice statement such as this one: "I think you would look better with...." except for saying "you seriously need to get the latest fashions and have a makeover to improve that FACE" The recommendation might work, but the person must feel their uniqueness. You should be patient and encourage the person. i hope this helps!

2006-06-17 16:34:15 · answer #2 · answered by geeko 2 · 0 0

i once did that

at first i told him up front. He said "no dude shut the f--- up man" and so i picked a girl randomly from a table (she was actually a plant, i had talked to her before about it) and asked if this kid needed a makeover and she said "uhh... YEAH DUH YOU MORON" and sat back down and so he agreed to go get a haircut and some new clothes

sadly that didnt help him

2006-06-17 16:32:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, when I am warming her up for the news that I like her for more then just a friend I mention that I would like to take her for a day at a spa and then treat her to a style and make up. After all she deserves it. After that she just HAS to get a new outfit (My treat) and then dinner and dancing out to show off the new look. :)

2006-06-17 17:03:54 · answer #4 · answered by Airplanegirl 6 · 0 0

Maybe you should be focusing on your own shortcomings...
Obviously you are a very vain person; you're avatar and questions show that. Maybe you should focus on your problems and faults and let those who aren't so vain live life the way they want.

2006-06-17 16:31:59 · answer #5 · answered by catkinso3201 4 · 0 0

Call Ambush Makeover! They'll hook it up!

2006-06-18 03:27:40 · answer #6 · answered by Lanani 6 · 0 0

Unless that person's personal hygiene (bad breath, BO) was objectionable, I wouldn't say anything. The most I would do is ask if they would like to go shopping w/you & make gentle hints if they do.

2006-06-17 16:33:05 · answer #7 · answered by Taffy Saltwater 6 · 0 0

Be careful with this one!! Maybe say something like "Have you ever thought of (fill in--cutting your hair, trying this new foundation, not wearing so much friggin' eye liner, etc) I suggested to a friend that she remove her "moustache" instead of bleaching it and she didn't talk to me for 2 weeks. Geez, she looked like Santa Claus!

Ho Ho Ho

2006-06-17 16:31:50 · answer #8 · answered by i'mjustsayin' 2 · 0 0

Don't tell them directly because it might hurt their feelings, when you're deep in conversation with them start talking to them like about make-up or haircuts or stuff like that and then say something like "That haircut would look so good on you!" or something like that!!!

2006-06-17 16:31:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Offer to take them shopping, do their hair and/or make-up, and that sort of thing YOURSELF. It looks like friendly fun rather than a judgement of their appearance.

2006-06-19 05:47:06 · answer #10 · answered by Dave 6 · 0 0

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