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a store(s) that has good prices and cute clothes,and accessories,and stuff like that..thank you:}

2006-06-17 08:08:31 · 15 answers · asked by santacruzchick02 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

15 answers

JC Pennies has really cute, trendy cloth, and it's affordable, Khols is the same way...they're cloth is sooo cute, and also affordable, Bealls is also a store like that. All of those stores sell cute and trendy cloth and accesories, but if you want a store that only sells accessories I would recommend Claire's they're stuff is affordable, and CUTE!!!

2006-06-17 08:12:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

alright i foyu really want to save money look cute and trendy.


if you like you know abercrombie,hollister, AE. i dont really think its verpy creative and almopst everyone looks like everyone else.

slales are the smartest way to go. its always important to look for stores with huger slaes like 60% or 50% . if you look closley at forever 21's cothing, its just as good as other brand stores without paying the big bucks.

here are things to remeber when shopping.

stores like mervens are very good they have many 50% off sales.

never buy anything that looks cheap

target is a smart place to buy your clothing

if you are thin go to walmart and but cheap T shirts for about 3-6$ remember this only looks good if you are thin and you can wear there small sizes. (dont be afriad to be a savvy shopper

when you go shopping wear a an undershirt, to sample the thinner shirts

claries has a sale called 10 for 5$ its a great place to buy earings for cheap and thier pretty. look during the 3 and 4th week in the monh.

if you are looking for great jeans go to marshalls but i think ross is the best holders of jeans.

famous footwear is the place to go for shoes for a great shoe bargan.

payless is also a great shoe place.

if you like funking up your purses buy some cheap purses.

jsut remeber to look carfully while browsing. if you think somthings a little bit pretty try it on. cause you never know how it looks on you.

hope i could help

2006-06-17 15:26:28 · answer #2 · answered by kizsescoco13 2 · 0 0

I love this store called Delia's. They have really cute graphic tees as well as tunics, accessories, shoes, jeans, etc. Pretty fair priced too. I like their tanks a lot as well. They have a catelogue in the mail as well. Check them out at http://www.delias.com/

Also, a bit on the pricey side, but still really cool is Urban Outfitters. Kind of the same stuff as Delia's but I think they're a bigger company.

Also, on the basic/simple side is American Apparell. They sell really comfy shirts, dresses, etc.... and nothing there is made in sweat shops.

2006-06-17 15:21:14 · answer #3 · answered by scrumpt10us 2 · 0 0

It depends what stores r in ur state, some cool stores i shop @: Aeropostale for comfy & sporty clothes and sweaters
Claires or Icing for jewelery
Forever 21 for really cute & girly clothes
Marshall Fields or Lord and Taylor for other things...

2006-06-17 16:49:36 · answer #4 · answered by XXX 2 · 0 0

I don't know what your price range is but for
purses : coach is my favorite but if you are looking for a not so expensive purse, the the BP department in Nordstroms has some cute ones and so does old navy

shoes: nordstroms, steve madden, D&G, J. Crew and coach

clothes: abercrombie, nordstroms, forever 21, old navy, hollister, american eagle, cute little boutiques, victorias secret, H&M,
J. Crew, Saks, Neimans

accesories: coach, nordstroms, forever 21, H&M

2006-06-17 17:29:07 · answer #5 · answered by YESIWILL 3 · 0 0

Neiman Marcus
Banana Republic
New York & Company
J. Crew
Nine West

2006-06-17 15:31:23 · answer #6 · answered by caribbeanbabe 4 · 0 0


2006-06-18 11:28:26 · answer #7 · answered by fairyqueen 5 · 0 0

Charlotte Ruse/ Mandee's,
H&M/ Forever 21/Dot's

2006-06-17 15:37:15 · answer #8 · answered by maxiemillie143 2 · 0 0

Pac Sun, American Eagle, Anchor Blue, Buckle. I love these stores!

2006-06-17 15:11:22 · answer #9 · answered by Susie 6 · 0 0

old navy their cloth are casual and fit very well , gap has good quality and when i have extra money banana republic , express , new york and co has allot girlie cloth

2006-06-24 14:27:25 · answer #10 · answered by Yissel s 3 · 0 0

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