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It also has an Asian Club and Latino S.U. I asked about a white club and was told I was racist by a black dude. What gives?

2006-06-16 14:21:53 · 8 answers · asked by computer_pc_doctor 2 in Social Science Sociology

8 answers

It doesn't sound racist to me. White is not a culture or a heritage, it's a label of power. Everyone who labels themselves as "white" has a true heritage aside from that label. Where are your ancestors from? If their from Europe, question your school officials about a European descendants club, or a Scandinavian club, etc. The term "white" automatically makes people thing about hatred and oppression. The difference with the term "black" is that it is meant to describe those people who are descendants of victims of the slave trade in some shape or another a\nd who were transplanted to the U.S., it's not even about color - it is culture. But who does the term "white" represent? Those who came here on the Mayflower, descendants of German immigrants, Italian immigrants? When you call yourself "white" , what group are you really associating yourself with? Think about it from this perspective- why don't schools have a Men's Studies course if they have Women's Studies?

2006-06-17 11:36:57 · answer #1 · answered by The Truth 3 · 2 0

It is racist! Well, at least according to the government, the church, and the rest of society. Same reasons why it doesn't pay to be white anymore. You won't get the new job against a "minority", even if your more qualified, good luck getting any government aid to help buy a new home or for school, and all clubs, groups, and social activities that are all "white" are strictly prohibited. Welcome the the USA...

You will have a better chance at catching a cab though!

2006-06-16 21:31:30 · answer #2 · answered by jagerbombjag 1 · 0 0

You're told this because white is seen to be the "defult". On my campus, every theater group, fraternity, service club etc. is by "defult" white because that is the majority population here. So, although minorities CAN and often do join these groups, they often don't feel that they are "at home." I have a friend (who is white) who joined the NAACP group on our campus. She shared her experiences and said that often, people didn't want her involved because they thought she had "ulterior motives". Basically, I think in a perfect world, there wouldn't be a need for ethnic clubs. But - we don't... so these groups give minorities (ethnic, racial, religious etc.) power in numbers and and oppertunity to connect with like minded individuals with similar backgrounds

2006-06-16 23:34:14 · answer #3 · answered by Heather K 2 · 0 0

Whites have a day to themselves every day of their lives. We live everyday as White day. We play by the rules and government of Whites. Do White ppl need a club? They're already in one, its called life.

As people of Color we are forced to live in a White society and when asked why we have our own day once a year or our own little group at school... its B/c we want a day of freedom where we aren't ruled by White ppl.

No you aren't racist, but you should look at things from an outsider's point of view

2006-06-19 22:09:30 · answer #4 · answered by ~∂Їβ~ 5 · 3 0

I don't know...maybe because whites already have a lot of clubs and these people would like to be in clubs where they understand eachother ( no not language wise)

2006-06-16 21:25:43 · answer #5 · answered by all eyez on me19962000 2 · 0 0

Because black students demanded one. As did the other groups. As a way to help each other cope with either being a greatly-outnumbered group, an economically-disadvantaged group, or both.

You are in neither category.

2006-06-17 00:11:18 · answer #6 · answered by mcd 4 · 0 2

And they say the white man segregates. We don't need to they do it all by themselves.

No matter what we do or say we will always be considered reces.

2006-06-16 21:29:03 · answer #7 · answered by Extremely Evil 4 · 0 0

ur schools racist

2006-06-16 21:25:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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