Cheers to you. I think after this many years it's time to ammend all the ammendments.
Certainly,,, with that said, and agreeing with you,,, there are inappropriate times to openly, publically, voice ones opinions. IE: Politics and Religion being two subjects that one should temper statements about.
Rev. Steven
2006-06-16 12:40:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I agree it is the most abused freedom....But ,
People that can't take the criticism that goes along WITH the Freedom of Speech are missing the entire point.
2006-06-16 19:38:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I totally agree that Freedom of speech is the one most abused. The way I look at it, all freedom comes with responsibility, and willingness to accept the outcome of what a person has done. If a person wants to spout hate, then they should be prepared for the concequences.
To me, the word freedom is so misused and abused.....
2006-06-16 19:36:15
answer #3
answered by merlin_steele 6
I agree. Our freedoms are easy to support when they are lock step with our beliefs. However, when we feel personally attacked, or doubt is cast on our position, we can move into defensive mode, which doesn't usually take the other person's rights into consideration. Just think of this way,,,if you are a tolerant person, are you tolerant of people whom you see as intolerant of you? If you can honestly answer yes, then you may be more well centered than most of us.
2006-06-16 19:38:25
answer #4
answered by Raidered81 3
You don't believe in freedom of speech then. If you did, you would know that you if you believe in freedom of speech you have to precisely for those things people say that you despise. You are entitled to completely denounce them, sure... but to censor or silence dissent is to not believe in freedom of speech.
2006-06-16 19:37:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The answer(s) to your question falls into the category of the following sayings:
"Stick and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me"
"If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"
"You can't have freedom without allowing others to have it also"
(the last one is my own). The sayings are endless but it all boils down to ENJOY FREEDOM AND ALLOW OTHERS THE SAME.
2006-06-16 19:44:19
answer #6
answered by Linda J 1
i think that we're lucky to have freedom of speech and that people being able to speak their minds is a great thing...
In parts of the world women cant vote...children are forced to fight in wars......
Freedom is a great thing
2006-06-16 19:41:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous 3
I think the right to arm bears is the most unused freedom. i don't think I have ever seen an armed bear.
2006-06-16 19:35:30
answer #8
answered by sshazzam 6
America is where irony goes to die.
America is the only country where
Americans will protest the right to protest.
2006-06-16 19:38:09
answer #9
answered by nefariousx 6
Except holy figures,it depends on the people if they are open minded or not
2006-06-16 19:39:38
answer #10
answered by Ahmad 4