dif·fer·ence (dÄf'Ér-Éns, dÄf'rÉns) pronunciation
1. The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.
1. An instance of disparity or unlikeness.
2. A degree or amount by which things differ.
3. A specific point or element that distinguishes one thing from another.
3. A noticeable change or effect: Exercise has made a difference in her health.
1. A disagreement or controversy.
2. A cause of a disagreement or controversy.
5. Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction.
6. Mathematics.
1. The amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another.
2. The amount that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another.
7. Archaic. A distinct mark or peculiarity.
tr.v., -enced, -enc·ing, -enc·es.
To distinguish or differentiate.
SYNONYMS difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness, divergence, variation, distinction, discrepancy. These nouns refer to a lack of correspondence or agreement. Difference is the most general: differences in color and size; a difference of opinion. Dissimilarity is difference between things otherwise alike or comparable: a dissimilarity between the twins' personalities. Unlikeness usually implies greater and more obvious difference: unlikeness among their teaching styles. Divergence suggests an increasing difference: points of divergence between British and American English. Variation occurs between things of the same class or species; often it refers to modification of something original, prescribed, or typical: variations in temperature; a variation in shape. Distinction often means a difference in detail determinable only by close inspection: the distinction between “good” and “excellent.” A discrepancy is a difference between things that should correspond or match: a discrepancy between his words and his actions.
1. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar: discrepance, discrepancy, disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, divarication, divergence, divergency, unlikeness. See same/different/compare.
2. A marked lack of correspondence or agreement: disagreement, discrepance, discrepancy, disparity, gap, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency. See agree/disagree.
3. The condition or fact of varying: variance, variation. See change/persist, same/different/compare.
4. A state of disagreement and disharmony: clash, conflict, confrontation, contention, difficulty, disaccord, discord, discordance, dissension, dissent, dissentience, dissidence, dissonance, faction, friction, inharmony, schism, strife, variance, war, warfare. See conflict/cooperation.
2006-06-16 18:03:52
answer #2
answered by Poutine 7