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Why? Tell me your story. I didn't enjoy being pregnant and labor. I am thinking about having another baby.

2006-06-15 10:37:23 · 10 answers · asked by seatonrsp 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

10 answers

Some people get that mama-to-be glow, you know? I'm not one of them. I was cranky and tired and nauseated and swollen. I developed preeclampsia, and got put on bed rest for a few weeks. I hated bed rest, but I joked later that it was a good thing: my feet were so swollen that I could not wear shoes. Seriously. ANY shoes. Not even flipflops or my husband's Tevas. They induced me at 37 weeks, feeling we'd both be better off with her out.

First they did an application of prostaglandin gel, and it didn't work. A second application worked...kinda. But when things weren't progressing, they broke my water and added IV pitocin.

When I went in for the induction, I was the only one of my doctor's patients on the ward. But 24 hours into it, there was a giant thunderstorm. And suddenly the ward was flooded with women in labor. My doctor had 9--yup, count 'em: 9!--patients in labor at the same time. (At one point, she had teams of nurses in each room, and she stood in the hallway hollering orders and racing from bed to bed.)

Phoebe started to experience some distress, and my blood pressure skyrocketed. They told me that an epidural might help get things under control. I said OK, if it would help Phoebe. (This was some 40 hours into things.) They checked me AFTER the anaesthesiologist had done the epidural, and I was at or past 8 cm. Yikes. But, strangely, the pain didn't stop. They said to move around, that it would kick in eventually. It didn't.

After 52 hours, it was time to push. We tried 15 positions, I think? (I had no idea there were so many!) They could see her head, but it wasn't moving. She was good and stuck. After 3 hours of pushing, they said "she's in trouble, you're in trouble, let's do an emergency section."

Turned out that I had a skeletal abnormality that would not let her head pass, and I'd been basically crushing her for hours. In fact, once they opened me up, it took two sets of hands and a vacuum extractor to get her out!

I had to go to the recovery room, alone. And no one talked to me. I was freezing cold and shaking like crazy (a drug reaction?) and there was no one to ask. But they brought me upstairs and let me meet my babe as soon as they were sure I was stable. And things got better from there.

I definitely don't recommend the hard, extended labor/emergency surgery combo! I was a mess after. All the bummer stuff about a regular birth, and all the hassle of surgery, too.

But I went back again. My second daughter was born (early again due to preeclampsia) via SCHEDULED C-section. Still not a fan of the surgery, but it was WAY better this time.

Except that she was born with an asymptomatic thrush infection that she passed to me, and it took us two months of misery to clear it up. And a 21-day course of Diflucan. (I swear it was worse than her birth!) But that's a different thread. After all, you asked for BIRTH stories, not NURSING ones. :)

2006-06-15 11:13:50 · answer #1 · answered by Yarro Pilz 6 · 1 0

My first pregnancy got difficult at the very end. I had heartburn that kept me up nights, and the extra weight on my hips made walking difficult. (I have a small frame, and my first baby was over 8 lbs) The delivery was especially tough. I got really sick with flu-like symptoms right before delivery. The delivery took so long, they had to change the date on the birth certificate. They let me suffer so long, they really should have done a C-section, but that's beside the point. I was exhausted and crying, and I probably alienated at least 3 shifts of nurses. I spiked a fever during labor, so they had to give my baby antibiotics for a week after he was born. He was born with meconium in his lungs from all the stress of delivery.

Anyway, he was my first, but not only, baby. After he was about 9 months old, the horrible memories of labor and delivery started to fade. I wanted another baby. When my son was about a year old, I found out I was pregnant again. The two births could not have been more different! Delivering my daughter was almost too easy! It is possible for your next labor and delivery to be easy!

Search your heart for the answer and you will know what to do.

2006-06-15 17:48:44 · answer #2 · answered by Terisu 7 · 0 0

I was 18 when I had my oldest. I was on bedrest with her for 4 months due to toxemia. I had also gained 100 pounds because of the same illness. When she was 4 months old, I found out I was 2 months pregnant (both my children were concieved on birth control) With my second, I was on bedrest for 6 months due to placenta previa. I admit I had some hard pregnancies and deliveries. With my oldest, I was induced and labor lasted 36 hours. With my youngest, I was once again induced and labor lasted 24 hours with her. They're now 26 months and 14 months and I wouldnt change it for the world. I not only plan on having 1 more child, I would like 3 more. When you hold that new baby for the first time, the pregnancy, and delivery don't compare to the joy you feel for your child. Even now, I wouldnt change anything that happened with my pregnancies because the outcome was well worth it. I got 2 beautiful daughters out of it. If you want another baby, I say do it. Nearly everyone has a difficult first pregnancy. My second would have went smoother if I hadn't gotten pregnant so soon after I had my first child. Whatever your decision may be, it's entirely up to you. Good luck with whatever you decide.

2006-06-15 17:52:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will Not have anymore children!! I am getting fixed next month on the 5th! On May 11th of 2006 the doctor had me go in to break my water. He was unable to do that cause the bag of water was like leather he said. Well so he decided to use potocin. I did have that with my first son 6yrs ago and it wasn't that bad so was ok with it. This was my 2nd child and I did the first without pain medican and wanted to do the same. Well they induced me at 3pm and by 11pm It was time to push. Well after an hour the doctor said the words no woman wants to hear... You have to have a emergency c-section the baby is too big for your body. Finally I had my son at 1:29am perfectly healthy littleboy 8lbs 7.5oz. Thats not tha bad part. After being home the first 3 days my incesion started to hurt really bad and it hurt when I urinated. I went to the doctor and I had a UTI and my inscion was infected. They said I probly got the UTI from the cathiter and the infection just because some people get it. After lots of pain and antibiotics I was cured.. Except my stomach from the belly button to my private are still numb.. It feels like Pins and needles all the time. I asked the doctor at my two week appt. and he said that it is normal and I will get feeling back soon. Well nothing yet! I will ask at my 6week. This is just my story don't let it perswayed you to have a child or not. My first pregnancy and delivery were Perfect. Not a single problem. I guess one out of two aint bad!!

2006-06-15 17:50:09 · answer #4 · answered by letsdoit_456 2 · 0 0

Oh God yes! My husband was deployed my entire pregnancy to Iraq and I was alone in Hawaii. I know your thinking "hummm so terrible" right? Well it seems like the perfect place to be barefoot and pregnant except for the fact that it was extremely hot and with the awful stretch marks that plagued my belly made the beach out of the question.Then to add onto the drama my entire family lives in NY and his in Michigan so all I had was my schizophrenic neighbor to keep me company and the occasional field mouse (there is an overabundance here for some reason). When it was time to deliver my husband was on his way back for his break and when I went into labor he was in the air on his way back...yes I know that was amazing! When he arrived at the hospital I was 12 hours into labor and his sand ridden uniform and sweaty smell was the best thing I could have ever imagined at the time. Then 14 hours later... yes 14 hours later.... my son, all 11 pounds of him, decided to grace us with his presence. Now the last 15 minutes of it I don't remember...why? Well that is because I passed out from sheer exhaustion. After my baby was born I couldn't even see him because I was rushed to CT to get checked to be sure that I was ok after passing out. I was still bleeding so badly that I left a trail of blood that soaked through the wheelchair from the labor and delivery floor to the CT area. But let me tell you I am so ready to do it again because my beautiful baby boys face is all I need for motivation. Good luck tell me what you decide

2006-06-15 17:49:13 · answer #5 · answered by 20mommy05 5 · 0 0

I had a pretty tough pregnancy with my third. It wasn't as bad as stories I hear, but I remember thinking, 'never again.' I couldn't sleep unless I was almost in the sitting position. I couldn't walk unless it was snail pace. My feet and calves were so swollen by the end of my day, (And I worked until the end, but was able to sit down often) that I felt like if I stood up, my leg vessels would burst.
He only weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz., which was much larger than the first two. His head got stuck on my pelvic bone during delivery, and my epidural wore off. (It did the first two times, as well. )
I want one more!! (It amazes me that I do..) I love being a mother, and the short amount of time in pain is worth everything that follows. Even all night pow wows.
Being a mother is the most wonderful gift God gave me. I hope you have another.

2006-06-15 17:44:04 · answer #6 · answered by mama 5 · 0 0

I had gestational diabetes during both of my pregnancies. I had to follow a diabetic diet and take insulin for both. Towards the end of both them my b/p was high and had to be on bed rest for the month . I now have 3 healthy boys( I had twins the second time) but I wouldn't go through another one. I enjoyed my pregnancies even though I had to give myself shots all the time. I just feel that our body has limits and don't want to push it.Besides,I have my hands full with 3.

2006-06-15 17:58:49 · answer #7 · answered by Bri . 2 · 0 0

my whole pregnancy i spent vomiting and swollen and well with my c-section it was a NIGHTMARE they closed me then opened me AGAIN cos they lost a metal 'CLIP' and they thought that they left it inside ARGHHHHHH and my drugs were sorta running out and i could feel this HUGE PAIN around my stomach area then once out of hospital and at home the stitches got infected so i had this bloody green liquid coming out where the stitches were and i could barely walk AND i swore to NEVER EVER EVER EVER have kids again BUT NOW 1yr and 2 mths later my husband and i have been trying for 4 mths for bubs 2 and i CANT WAIT !!! i know its crazy after all ive been through but after the first daughter we had i couldnt wait for no2 ITS ALL WORTH IT!!!!

2006-06-16 02:12:42 · answer #8 · answered by bellitarose 4 · 0 0

I had my daughter 5 years ago, and yes it was painful, but i would do it again in a heartbeat. and have been trying too.
it's not something to be scared of, cos once the baby is out the pain is gone!
The pain is just so worth putting up with.

2006-06-15 17:40:58 · answer #9 · answered by Belle 3 · 0 0

I would because after having them they are a bundle of joy,

2006-06-15 17:44:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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