If the election was today, maybe. It would probably be a pretty even split at this point, but the Democrats may have a slight edge today. Politics, like the weather, changes every five minutes. Republicans will reunite and place 100% of support behind their selection. Democrats will fracture and split then end up with the "one that won, not the one we want" candidate. We won't really know who is going to win until November 2008. But this is gonna be a fun election. There'll be more skeletons, scandals, mud slinging, and hate talk than any election before. It's gonna be a wild ride and I plan on getting there early and getting a good seat.
2006-06-15 02:05:05
answer #1
answered by johngjordan 3
Not if they put Hillary Clinton on the ticket.
To the person, impeachGWB, do you know anything about John Edwards? Being from the state that John Edwards was once a senator for, I cannot tell you one thing he ever did for our state. He hardly ever showed up for any of the senate meetings in Washington. John Edwards is nothing more than a professional politician who can only smile and keep his hair looking good.
2006-06-15 10:12:10
answer #2
answered by Caleb's Mom 6
Well, judging by your other questions, I assume you want a democrat in office so you and your terrorist buddies can have an easy time of it, like when Clinton was in office and allowed you cockroaches to multiply. After 9/11, I don't think that even a democrat could be soft on terrorism anymore. You and your kind are not long for this earth.
2006-06-15 10:40:56
answer #3
answered by rduke88 4
Depends on who runs. Clinton have next to no chance to win because she has too many of her own party that can't stand her and they will just stay home and not vote on election day. It also depends on whom from the Republicans will be the nominee. McCain or Guilianni could win but the far right may not let either of them win the nominee...they prefer someone like Allen. If the Dems want to win, someone like Warner is their best best.
2006-06-15 08:45:39
answer #4
answered by The Krieg 3
Definitely. It always swings back and forth.....8 years of Bush is enough to screw up an entire country. 2500 dead US soldiers, and 20000 injured...
The United States has spent more than a quarter of a trillion dollars during its three years in Iraq, and more than $50 billion of it has gone to private contractors hired to guard bases, drive trucks, feed and shelter the troops and rebuild the country.
Imagine if Bush had used that money to improve health care and education in THIS country. Imagine.
2006-06-15 08:59:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
, I don't think either party should win . They are all corrupt in Congress . Corporations own them and pay to put them in office . You don't actually think your vote counts do you ? Not after the 2000 & 2004 elections . Why vote , the Supream Court will pick the Presadent for us !!!
2006-06-15 09:15:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes- we're getting Hillary in office in 2008, then again in 2012.
2006-06-15 08:43:03
answer #7
answered by Professor Chaos386 4
I hope so, I am tired of the Re(dumb)licans saying what they mean but not meaning what they say. I can't believe it has taken so long for the people to start to see through the lip service
2006-06-15 08:51:44
answer #8
answered by ohmywhatamessimin 4
Yes, It's time for a Better change.... Go, John Edwards~!
2006-06-15 12:23:46
answer #9
answered by impeachgwb 5
Only if he is actually the antichrist!
God will protect us from such open-minded, compassionate, considerate, generous EVIL!!!!!!!!!!
Liberal spelled backwards is larebil, which means SATAN in western Hungarian.
2006-06-15 09:31:02
answer #10
answered by Lil OL REBORN 2