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2006-06-15 01:37:54 · 22 answers · asked by screwed_up_1205 1 in Sports Wrestling

22 answers

No, because Andre the Giant was in fact 7'3" 575 lbs. in his prime, but now the Great Khali is 7'4" and 420 lbs. If you think Yao Ming is then you're stupid because although he is 7'6" he only weighs 310 lbs. They all suck anyway!

2006-06-15 01:52:31 · answer #1 · answered by Cutting Edge 4 · 4 2


2016-05-21 20:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Largest Athlete

2016-11-06 19:55:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

He was, until the Great Khali showed up. Or maybe Andre the Giant was the biggest. Whatever it is, I know that Big Show isn't the largest athlete in the world.

2006-06-15 04:39:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

Is WWE's Big Show really the largest athlete in the world?

2015-08-13 10:34:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wikipedia lists Paul Wight (The Big Show) at 7'0" / 500 lbs.

I don't know what you can consider largest but the Giant Gonzalez was 7'7" and pushing 400, also there is a Turkish basketball player, Sulten Kosen at 7'11.5 but only around 300 lbs.

2006-06-15 02:10:58 · answer #6 · answered by bucksbeat 2 · 0 0

I think that The Great Khali is.But there's a lot of athletes in the world so it might not be either one of them.No one REALLY knows.Just like how on smackdown they say Mark Henry's the world's strongest man but he's not really the world's strongest man.

2006-06-15 05:37:29 · answer #7 · answered by Dani 2 · 0 0

In height, several professional athletes are taller than the Big Show. In weight, outside of other professional wrestlers (Yokozuna, Haystack Calhoun), check out sumo wrestler Emanuel Yarborough ... he tips the scales at 700 POUNDS. At he stands at 6' 7".

WWE calls BIg Show the largest athlete in the world (which he isn't) just like they call Mark Henry "The World's Strongest Man" (which he is NOT).

2006-06-15 04:18:05 · answer #8 · answered by icehoundxx 6 · 0 1

( Match # 1 ) - Tag Team Match Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus def. Jack Evans & Sin Cara( w/ The MotorCity MachineGuns)( 2 / 10 ) Comments - I do not see the British Invasion coming out on top here, Evans & Cara have far more potential. The only thing i liked about this match was the presence of the Guns, although i am a bit disappointed they didnt have a bigger impact. If the British Invasion are your number one contenders for the tag titles then it makes sense why they won, it just would have been more interesting if Evans & Cara had earned their way into that match. ( Match # 2 ) - Singles Match Chavo Guerrero def. Evan Bourne( 5 / 10 ) Comments - I am not exactly sure what defeating Evan Bourne did for Chavos career, unless sometime before SummerSlam he faces a member of the British Invasion. Or if you are reintroducing the CruiserWeight Championship. Either way facing Bourne tonight seemed to me like a waste of Chavos in-ring ability. ( Match # 3 ) - Invitational Match Tyler Black def. Wade Barrett( 0 / 10 ) Comments - While its good to know that Black will get his rightfully deserved United States Championship match at SummerSlam, i think you missed a golden opportunity. You could have chosen anybody who has ever wrestled to answer this invitational, it could have been anyone just think about that. I do not expect Black to capture the championship, but i eagerly await finding out if im correct or not. ( Match # 4 ) - Divas Match Madison Rayne & Melina def. Velvet Sky & Angelina Love( 0 / 10 ) Comments - Madison Rayne & Melina better receive their well deserved shot at the tag titles after this. Or at least Madison Rayne gets a shot at the Womens Championship. I just find Angelina Love having both belts to be a little ridiculous. ( Main Event ) - Singles Match Kurt Angle def. The Big Show( 10 / 10 ) Comments - Keeping Big Show out of the World Heavyweight Title picture is a smart play for now, but i wouldnt write him off for good. I suggest finding something for him for SummerSlam, hes just that damn good. But, all in all giving Kurt Angle some momentum to ride towards SummerSlam is a smart decision. --------------OVERALL: 3 / 10 This is but half of what i expected from you, im not disappointed though. Card placement is the one thing that was severely lacking on this card however. The main event was exactly where it should have been, everything else though was not, of course the divas match should have opened the show, followed by the Barrett invitational, then the tag team match, and finally Guerrero vs. Bourne right before the main event, i think a Big Show & Chavo Guerrero tag team would be interesting. word to the wise

2016-03-15 06:04:53 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No, because Andre the Giant was in fact 7'3" 575 lbs. in his prime, but now the Great Khali is 7'4" and 420 lbs. If you think Yao Ming is then you're stupid because although he is 7'6" he only weighs 310 lbs. They all suck anyway!

Their is a other One.. The one that Big Show Wrestle at W.M22
The Sumo Wrestle

2006-06-18 14:49:18 · answer #10 · answered by rusipatel125 5 · 0 0

Heaviest Athlete

2017-01-04 15:53:21 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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