yes they should be called thus
2006-06-15 01:36:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, native Hawaiians are native, but they are not necessarily Native Americans. Hawaii is not part of the continental United States. They are Polynesians. Native Americans are called that because they already occupied the continental United States when Europeans arrived. It would be ridiculous to call Hawaiians Native Americans, and frankly I think they would be offended. The Hawaiians I've known have been proud of their Polynesian heritage.
2006-06-15 01:41:13
answer #2
answered by Mike 2
You know buddy, you are a stupid jerk! The natives of Hawaii are not natives to America, they are natives of Hawaii, it doesn't matter that Hawaii is now a state of America, Hawaiian natives are natives of Hawaii, put down your stupid pipe and sit on it , dumb ***! Furthermore, If American Indians were in charge of there country, America would be pristine, healthy, happy, war less, and would not be the lead player in the Game of Let's Terminate the Planet. Let's face it dude jerks like you are the reason your kids are toast, as well as mine! Thanks again, god help you!
2006-06-15 01:50:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When the british colonised north america they fought other european nations for terrotory.Once the british had eliminated al the other contestants they set about meaningful peace treaties with the native americans(indians) The colonists had different ideas They kicked the british out and started a war of attrition with the indians.They were victorious
2006-06-15 02:31:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well I think the point is on the main-land Native Americans are the American Indians who have always been there. Hawaii wasn't always a part of the good old US. Key-words and phrases above are: "main-land" and "wasn't always a part of".
2006-06-15 01:42:38
answer #5
answered by Teacher 4
nicely I typically verify with them as interior of sight American because they don't look Indian. Indian refers to someone who's from India. i replaced into informed that it truly is the perfect time period to call them. I also agree about the Black American. i'm American a Black American of African ancestry. So Black American will be more desirable installation.
2016-10-30 22:40:31
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I'm tired of all this semantical mental masturbation. And I'm tired of of all the time and effort wasted on racial classifications and names.
I will just continue to call blacks, Indians, Eskimos and Orientals, 'blacks', 'Indians', 'Eskimos' and 'Orientals' and not worry about what the perpetually offended panty-waists think.
2006-06-15 01:48:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
At the end of the day, why does this even matter?...I vote we should move on and spend energy on whats going on today, not griping about or arguing about things that happened way before our time...
2006-06-17 16:06:28
answer #8
answered by JC 5
yes they do as they were the only natives that were on this land before us and this was all they're land not ours so in answer to the question yes
2006-06-15 01:39:15
answer #9
answered by santascastles 1
No one ever suggested otherwise.
2006-06-15 01:36:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous