There are several ways. Some, you can tell with the lining. Most designer bags have a lining specific to the designer. Fake bags often just have a generic lining. Most designer bags come with an authentication card so if you have a problem with the bag you can take it to the store and they know it's real. Fake bags often do not have the little details that real bags have. For example, all Tod's bags are made to stand up on their own. If someone is selling a Tod's bag that can't do that, it's fake.
2006-06-14 07:30:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Quality: The stitching and material always gives it away for me. If there are visible screw-ups in the stiching (double stiched, threads are loose) then someone didn't take so much time on that one - enough to be worth $1200 or so.
The straps should be folded over the metal loops and sewn; hidden and smooth. There should be no sloppy double layer look anywhere on the straps.
Material: Leather should be able to mark up easily as the bag should age well. And leather has a distinct smell. Vinyl does not scuff up very well and feel cheap.
2006-06-14 14:59:20
answer #2
answered by ...Just Me :) 2
Yes, check the spelling. no, seriously I've seen some appalling gaffs. That aside, usually when someone is advertising something as authentic, genuine 'Gucci' handbag then it really is a genuine authentic handbag. Look for items that have been photographed in what appears to be someone's home, most people will show you the bill of sale, yes, there are bargains to be had, but be prepared to be ripped off and always remember, if it sounds too good to be true...
2006-06-14 14:42:13
answer #3
answered by trebs 5
It all depends on the designer, but usually check the lining. If it doesn't have a special designer labled lining, its not real. (also check spelling) I also have some secrets:
Louis Vuitton- if it has the different colored LV signs on it, no two colors would be right next to eachother including diagonally. if its the original brown bag check the LV sign. Real ones have tiny greenish lines running diagonally through the LV signs.
Coach- if it has a tiny line going into the C, then its not real.
2006-06-14 14:49:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If the item can be traced back to a reputable dealer, and the price is hundreds of dollars, then it is probably genuine.
If the item is offered for sale on a street corner and they are only asking $20 for it, it is probably a knock off.
2006-06-14 14:30:40
answer #5
answered by Dan in Boston 4
It depends on the quality of the fake.
Usually, the only reliable way is to look inside for an authentic symbol. For example, a Fendi bag has a gold "Fendi" symbol.
2006-06-14 14:31:33
answer #6
answered by queenbee 3
i never can tell the 2 apart, except the originals usually are better and longer lasting.
2006-06-14 15:27:47
answer #7
answered by Stephanie J 2
You dont need to if you buy it from a reputable dealer
2006-06-14 14:30:25
answer #8
answered by TAFF 6