It all depends - mood, tiredness, etc... Although we do kiss MUCH less than when we were first together... To my regret - I think I'll try to change that, thanks for the reminder!
2006-06-14 03:04:07
answer #1
answered by asherdaire 3
Yes, everyday. I would say at least 5 or 6 times a day. You know the usual goodbye kiss in the morning and the hello kiss in the evening. But theres usually these really long passionate ones whenever we feel like it and its mostly 3 or 4 times in the evening. And of course the long good night kiss, (which sometimes turns into more!)
2006-06-14 10:11:42
answer #2
answered by Wanda 2
We sure do kiss every day. We kiss when we get up, before he goes to work, when he comes home, whenever we pass each other, when we go to bed, when we go out. Usually it is three at a time. Some are short and some are long. It has to be at least 50 or more. Kissing is affectionate and gives a chance to hug and to connect.
2006-06-14 10:16:09
answer #3
answered by oddbutterfly1 4
Loads! I'd say 20 or so quick pecks on the lips to say hi or bye or whatever when we are just passing one another! And probably the same number of the more lingering type! Depends on work, homelife (ie kids!), studying etc ie how much time we are actually together in a day! But as many times as is possible is best!
2006-06-14 10:03:17
answer #4
answered by Tatsbabe 6
I work a first shift job and my husband works second we don't see each other very much at all during the work week. But we have a rule that when he comes to bed, whether I am awake or not, he has to give me a kiss and when I wake up in the morning I give him a kiss before I leave. It helps us stay connected during the week - and we make up for lost time on the weekends!!!
2006-06-14 10:06:58
answer #5
answered by aimeesue 1
We kiss each other every day, everytime that we are together, is so much that I can't say how many times and for how long, but when there are people, for a little moment
2006-06-14 10:04:14
answer #6
answered by ice cream with chocolate 6
Yes. Depends on the situation. It might be aquick kiss goodbye in the morning before we go our separate ways to work, or it might be a passionate kiss if we are feelin' pretty frisky at the end of the day!
2006-06-25 02:34:12
answer #7
answered by Samba Queen 5
Married 4 years. Kiss all the time!!
2006-06-14 11:00:08
answer #8
answered by N N 1
Yes! Jus small pecks every time we walk by eachother just about, and after 10 yrs. we still have hot make out sessions, when the kids aren't around of course. And we will kiss for hours.
2006-06-28 07:51:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I try to kiss my wife as often as possible... We have been married for 17 Years, and She still is my best friend and greatest love. If I can kiss her once a day or 20 times a day its OK with me....
2006-06-23 02:21:11
answer #10
answered by eldertrouble 3
I ask for a imaginary flying kiss on phone from my partner..well i have to be satisfied with that only!hes too far...
now its mandatory for each of us to give kisses on phone every time we hang up!
2006-06-14 10:04:44
answer #11
answered by Anonymous