2006-06-14 02:43:44
answer #1
answered by Bassetlover 4
I believe that our society has made us to believe that it is only right to be with one person. It may be in our vows but we are still animals.
Our sexuality has been made taboo for centries and Americans have only got worse in the past centry.
We need to embrace this act of beautiful love and not have to sneak around all the time.
No it is not realistic for the man OR the woman.
Many of the answers in here come from young married or dating teens to twenties that are still in fantasy land. Try being married for 20 years without getting it regular...3 times a year maybe and see what happens. Don't say get divorced because there is still a family and kids thing that is going just fine there.
So top that you nay sayers
2006-06-14 03:41:58
answer #2
answered by rickdude 2
In an ideal perfect world where butterflies fly around, money rains from the sky (not water), and clouds are cotton candy no married couples do not have sex with anyone until death...
But since we live in a smog infested world, where money is scarce, and clouds damn near are brown...no..more and more couples are growing promiscuous. Especially men. It is scientifically proven that we have a gene that subconsciously serves as a catalyst to our desires to seek more (and sometimes that gene is seen in women.) So no, I don't think it is realistic to think that married couples to have sex with anyone else until death, especially since you are already biologically designed to do otherwise. It's more important to set boundaries before or during marraige so you can maintain a healthy one.
2006-06-14 02:46:39
answer #3
answered by Johnard 1
I think it is totally realistic if the people really love each other then they don't want anyone else. I've been married for 15 yrs and with the same man for 20 yrs. and I am totally happy not to have sex with anyone but my husband.
2006-06-14 02:43:01
answer #4
answered by shywoman 3
Honestly depends on the people in the couple. If you've got two hardcore-monogamous people who're dedicated to working through any oddness that might arise and affect their intimacy, then yes, it's wholly realistic to think they'll never have sex with anyone besides their mate ever again. Key there is COMMUNICATION and HONESTY, with yourself and with your mate.
If sexual monogamy is a high priority for you, figure out why and let your mate know, ask them to do some deep-thinking on the subject and give you their view. If sexual monogamy's an idea you can't stand, FIGURE OUT WHY and again, have that conversation. It's NOT having these willing-to-listen kind of conversations that leads to nasty things like lying and stepping out on the sly.
2006-06-14 02:52:07
answer #5
answered by Jess 2
Yes I feel that ,yes you will be attracted very strong one day to another person. And flirting is fine to make u feel wanted again and attractive, but not to act on it. It must be a disapline you hold your self accountable to. Sex is important but at death you want to feel forgiven and that is a big favor to ask for after cheeting. Now if the love is over seperate then find the new person. Cheeting hurts everyone, And a cause for a lot of violence.
2006-06-14 02:45:41
answer #6
answered by Maryanne D 1
It is very common for people to be unfaithful in their marriage but it has devastating consequences. If you really and truly love this person you will think about that before you hurt them because anything can happen and the truth is always revealed so if you want to take that risk is up to you. The statistics on infidelity have gone up tremendously in these last couple of decades and so have the amounts of divorce so if you don't want to be in that category then don't cheat.
2006-06-14 04:22:16
answer #7
answered by honey27 4
absolutely. I am so attracted to my fiance and so in love with him, I couldnt' imagine anyone else touching me in that way ever again. I'm not even attracted to other men anymore. Since I have been with him, I havent' even thought about being with anyone else nor have I felt atttraction to anyone else physically. I absolutely love having sex with my man.. it is awesome every time and sometimes when it isnt' perfect we just laugh about it and that is what makes it so great. The thought of being with someone else physically like that literally makes me nauseous. If the relationship is what it is supposed to be then yes.. realistically, you won't have a desire to be with anyone else.
2006-06-14 02:39:20
answer #8
answered by itsjustme 2
There are theories out there that say man was not created to be monogamous from a strictly procreation standpoint. This clashes severely with what society expects as a norm. Judging by the amount of infidelity out there, I think there might be something to it. "Successful" relationships seem to have a higher level of committment.
2006-06-14 04:37:05
answer #9
answered by Mike 4
No I think that people have a longing for more. But win you get married you made a promise to god and to the person. If you want more loveing dont get married.
2006-06-14 02:42:47
answer #10
answered by 10th warrior 2