All babies develop at different rates and preemies often are a bit behind. There are large ranges on the charts for when babies hit certain milestones because of the large variation. I had four kids, all full-term. One of them crawled at four months and walked by nine months. Another didn't pull herself up until she was almost a year old and didn't walk until she was 14 months old. (In fact she's fifteen and still prefers to sit than get up and do anything....) I'd be more concerned about whether your baby is significantly behind in other stages of development. Ask your doctor if he/she has any concerns.
2006-06-14 01:45:09
answer #1
answered by just♪wondering 7
If you mean pulling to standing this is OK. You should take his age and subtract 2 mo for the pre-mat. So he is "9 mo" for development. By 2 years he should be on track with development.
If he can stand while holding on to something he is on track. Kids move at different paces and can only work on one major skill at a time. So if he is talking more, the moving/standing will take a back seat. My first son was an early walker but a very late talker.
Here's a great site to see by month what most babies should be able to, some may be able to do, and few can do.
Take care!
2006-06-14 08:46:11
answer #2
answered by g-lady 3
Oh Bless You...I was meaning to ask this question since I am in the same situation. My husband says that I am "freaking out" since we have our daughter in the birth to three program (we have a therapist that comes to our home twice a month to play and do stretches) and her pediatrician isn't overly concerned.
I, too, have an 11 mo. old who was born at 34 weeks gestation. She's just starting to rock on her knees; however, she rolls non-stop all over the place! She, too, is starting to babble more everyday...just keep practing with your child.
The only way that I can my daughter to sit on her own, unassisted, is by straddling her legs and putting a toy right in front of her. Do you have toys that are for ages 6 months? I would highly suggest the Fisher Price classical stacker or the Fisher Price Peek a Blocks with the square container that they come in...or any sights and sounds toys that can be played with while your baby sits. I got my daughter to sit, without crashing, for 45 min. yesterday. I am soooooo excited! The only problem is I have to sit with her as when she's done, she just leans back and crashes onto the floor so someone has to be there to catch her.
Does your county that you live in have an early intervention, birth to age 3 program? If you don't know, I would check with your son's pediatrician. It has helped us so much with trying to get our daughter on track.
Don't worry about it all...some kids you just can't push. Your son will do it when he's ready. By age 18 months or even the age of 2, he should be right on track. Good Luck and God Bless!
2006-06-14 11:10:43
answer #3
answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6
Average age for pulling up to stand is 6-12 months (see sources section below). So he's so far right on time. However, he could be late and still be within a normal range because of the prematurity. Also, many babies are later than average on one or two skills. It's almost always still normal.
2006-06-14 08:54:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If he is 11 mos, then he is adjusted at 9 mos, he should be starting soon, no worries. Your doctor will know if all is well, preemies just take awhile to catch up. If all else is well, then he will pull up when he is ready.
2006-06-14 08:38:37
answer #5
answered by jen 4
Don't worry about son is 10 months and can't put himself in a sitting postion. He wasn't premature either. He is late, but the late ones catch up too. I took him to a physical therapist recently and she said to have my baby on the floor more..(dont forget to get anything away from him that he could stick in his mouth or fall on him..get the table cloths out of reach too!) Lay him on his belly a lot. Lay the toys a little out of his reach and he can push himself to use his legs and arms more. It's been working and they will get stronger when they move around more. My baby is on his hands and knees more now and he wasn't doing that before.
2006-06-14 08:40:35
answer #6
answered by CJ 2
If he was 2 months premature, then his "corrected age" (for developmental purposes) is 9 months. Technically speaking, pulling up on things is considered to be a 12 month milestone, so your baby could be 14 months before doing this.
At 9 months the gross motor milestone is sitting without support. So if he's doing this - No worries!
2006-06-14 09:47:04
answer #7
answered by cardboard cowboy 5
His adjusted age would be 9 mo's, so you really shouldn't be worried. Most 9 mo. olds(or even 11 mo.olds) don't pull themselves up yet. Be patient! He will soon enough, then you'll wish he never did!!
2006-06-14 10:06:26
answer #8
answered by momx4 4
He's FINE...being a preemie, you have to look at him developmentally like a 9 month old. 9 month olds dont usually pull up on things yet.
2006-06-14 20:11:14
answer #9
answered by dixiechic 4
I hope your doctor told you that premies develop a bit slower than full term babies. I believe at 2 or 3 they have caught up
2006-06-14 09:13:56
answer #10
answered by Marge Simpson 6