sounds like he isn't all that interested anymore in you and he's probably waiting for you todump him so he doesn't have to do the dirty work himself.
2006-06-13 23:57:39
answer #1
answered by cutiepie81289 7
I've been in that situation many times! I've been going out with my boyfriend for well over a year and i've only just got him ringing me and just about seeing each other all the time. The question you have to ask yourself... are you bored with him? DO you like him/ bordering on love? Maybe he is afraid of commitment.
2006-06-14 00:11:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like that there is somebody else in his life now it's either that or he really has gotten busy with other things. Sometimes people need their space from others, but if it was more sudden and he isn't giving you straight answers, then I think he is trying to move on and he is keeping you around just in case it doesnt work out. It's a sad story but probably more like the truth.
2006-06-13 23:54:09
answer #3
answered by Chris 2
It's hard but stop contacting this person. He needs to know that you are not depending on him. He needs to know that there are others who will treat you the way a women needs to be treated. Give him the running room and if he really likes you he'll contact you and tell you so. If he does not, then you'll be better off dealing with it now rather then later after you completly fall in love.
2006-06-13 23:58:07
answer #4
answered by tony31569jp 2
If it were me I would go on with my daily life. Sometimes you have to play their game, keep busy with other friends, and interest of your own. Make him think that you can get along without calling him all the time. In other words give him some space to miss you.
2006-06-13 23:59:18
answer #5
answered by glassbottle 1
Sounds like to me he is playing games with you. He either has some one else and is keeping you on the side in case things don't work out. Or he is looking and is keeping you cuz your better then nothing.
2006-06-14 00:23:49
answer #6
answered by brighteyes62301 3
when u love a person set him free,if he comes back he is urs forever if he doesnt he was never urs from the start. wait for some time.dont look desperate.he is taking time to decide.
2006-06-13 23:54:26
answer #7
answered by natasha 2
Dont push him nor get pushed youself..Tell him what you feel on his face and see what he has to say.. relationship needs feelings from both side. If he does not feel you the way you feel it.. just tell him it can end with grace!!
2006-06-14 00:21:09
answer #8
answered by m_cyberfriend 4
influence of friends....your friends give you sh@t for not being around...he wants to keep them and blows you off for awhile.
or he's interested in someone else and he's trying to play 2 women
2006-06-13 23:57:13
answer #9
answered by m37734 4