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why can't you allow nature to take its course??...Sex in its most beautiful form is to be shared with one partner with whom you desire to have a family. Why risk the rest of your future, your school, your career and your happiness by having a child for whom you are financially responsible when you lack the maturity, the degree, the family support and the decent paying job that will provide your child with the love and things that they need the most?? I understand that you are starting to REALLY feel the want to experiment...but before you do that...look at how much rent is....think about how much child support is...if your parents aren't willing to help you since you made an ADULT decision in your non adult life...consider what the cost of your experiment may be...beyond the emotional and financial needs of your new son/daughter....this is why adults consider teen pregnancy as a SAD thing....because we know the probable outcome.

2006-06-13 17:50:06 · 12 answers · asked by juanes addicion 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

12 answers

Yeah, and then these kids wonder why they can't have any time to themselves or go out partying with their friends every weekend. *rolls eyes sarcastically*. All these kids do is **** or think about ******* and don't even realize the reality of a 24/7 job of raising a baby.

I'm 27 and let me tell you - in my time, kids were thinking about having sex. I wasn't - I was into my school books (yeah call me a straight up nerd, but look who got the college degree!), sure I thought about boys and still do today, but I wasn't thinking about having sex.

These teens think about possible pregnancy, but why don't they have ENOUGH BRAINS TO THINK ABOUT CONTRACTING THE AIDS VIRUS OR ANY OTHER STDs???

Can someone answer THAT question???

2006-06-14 18:38:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Some people don't think about rent and how much it is to support a child at their age, some of them have more important thinkgs happening in their lives. For example, when I was concieved, my mom and dad were 17. My mother's mother was dying of brain cancer(she died in August of 1987, my mother was 5 months pregnant with me). She wanted to get away from all the sadness and probably thought that sex would make her feel a little happier. Her (and my) high school didn't have sex ed back then, so no one in her circle knew about birth control or cared about abstinence-it was the 80's. Don't judge teenage moms, it takes alot of guts to go through a pregnancy that's looked down on by society and to go through it alone takes even more strength. I'm extremely grateful that my grandfather didn't make my mom have an abortion so the family could save face, I'm still a virgin, and my boyfriend and I celebrated our third anniversary last month. If I do get pregnant out of wedlock, though, I have no problem going at it alone because my mom did and I know that because she did it, I can too.

2006-06-13 20:02:17 · answer #2 · answered by dancingqueen378 2 · 1 0

The human animal is just not made that way. As soon as we are able to procreate, the urge to do so kicks in. That is innate - a trait that insures survival of the race.

Besides, as the full grown child of a teenage mom, I can tell you that the relationship with such a small age difference is remarkable. The kind of friendship that can be established is something you just don't see in parent child relationships with a larger age difference - not so far anyway.

It is sad to parents, the loss of childhood, but for those girls they are happy to see childhood go often times - and they will be lucky enough to be young and healthy when their kids get married and have grand children (they will be more likely to have great grandchildren too).

There is a reason for everything - why don't we all just mind our own business? There is good and bad in everything. Peace!

2006-06-13 19:15:34 · answer #3 · answered by carole 7 · 1 0

LOL, it's weird because I've always known how you get pregnant, because my parents were always straight with me about it, and then we had sex ed from an early age at school. But I think it's sad that some people STILL don't know how it happens. The worst I heard was a girl who held hands with her boyfriend and thought she might be pregnant! I don't have a go at them for being naive though; it's not their fault they don't know. I just tell them the facts, and hope they understand what I'm talking about. And then I might follow up by saying that if they know that little about sex, they probably shouldn't be in a relationship yet... Thinking about it, I think I've had 3 pregnancy "scares", but bear in mind that I've been with the same guy for each one. The first was when the condom split, so we bought the morning after pill. The second was when I was a week late, and the third was when I was about 2 weeks late. I used the pill for the first year or so of our relationship, but it wreaked havoc with my body, so I came off it, and after that we used the pull-out method, so I suppose I've been pretty silly in that I could have fallen pregnant so many times, but I haven't. We're getting married in July though, and trying for a kid after that, so who knows?

2016-03-27 03:19:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i was 17 when i had my baby,i worked went to school and took care of MY BABY the babys dad was the frist person i had sex whit and the only one ever i marryed him when i was 21,i am 24 now.at the age of 18 i owned a car a house and finshed school my daughter was my life and i wouldn't change any thing.so tell me why back in the old days as people would call it girls were haveing babys at 15-16 and didn't work but that was ok it wasn't sad?so i don't think it was sad when i had my baby thangs happen you can do the right thing or don't do the right thing,but at what ever age you are if you can lay there then you can take care of a baby and if you can't then don't have sex.

2006-06-13 18:13:51 · answer #5 · answered by ccc_shell 3 · 0 1

i agree about the one partner thing and it is sad. my mom is a teacher at a middle school, and this summer is teaching at a the high school. one of her students she had came to see her as they were talking mom found out that about all of her students she had were pregnant or had a kid already and they were dropping out of school because of it or already had. teens don't realize that their actions have consequences and not just for themselves but it includes the people around them such as their families who help support not only their family but their child's family.

2006-06-14 01:28:16 · answer #6 · answered by Suki_Sue_Curly_Q 4 · 0 0

im not saying that all people who had or is having kids at17 is bad evil or wrong but im 21 and EVERYONE i know who got kids wished they had someone they talked to about sex and wish they would have waited not saying that their kids or not a blessing to them but if they knew what they knewback then they would have waited. teens today need more guidance and its up to parents to teach these kids EVERYTHING about sex before they get in the 5th or 6th grade i know its sad but this is the age in today's society that kids are ******* and i dont mean to be blunt but thats what they are doing they are not making love they are ******* and a lot of it has to do with what they see on tv and they listen to on the radio and now on the internet take part in they lives before its to late My mom kept me on a close string she knew all my friends what music i listen to (nothing with cussing in it) and she would pop up at our schools(not that we were bad) but she just did to see what we were doing and who we were hanging out with. And then I choose to lose my virginty at 18 but i wasnt living at my moms house i had my own apt besides im still with that guy (my only sex partner) and we are now engaged about to be married in a year i do sometimes wish i would have waited til i was married but the point is i have family who was doing it b4 me and their parents are helping them take care of there kids (so to say) stop doing that i believe in tough love like my mom did and it worked so far (so to say) if they think they are grown enough to lay down and open them legs and make the adult decision to have sex then they need to accept resposiblity for there actions need it be a kid or aids or stds. I "had" a friend who is in this same postion she got pregnant at 16 had the baby at 17 and now she dont take care of the kid know what she do she drinks and kick it with boys and is still having unprotected sex with 9 different guys and think it is fun and doesnt work doesnt see her kid but once a week if at that and just got her ged a 4 months ago would u want your kids like this if not i think its time you sit them down and make them listen to the sex talk remember it only takes one time.

2006-06-13 21:56:48 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs. Stone 1 · 0 0

Isn't it ironic, that 99.9% of the questions, and comments from teens and preteens are based upon sex, of which is 100% natural for them to be thinking about it.

2006-06-13 17:56:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Teens want to grow up fast. They have sex, and then get pregnant. Kids today haven't been getting enough guidance to ensure that they don't do that stuff.

2006-06-13 17:54:16 · answer #9 · answered by Twin Mommy 3 · 0 0

Heheh. We all forget we were kids once. I don't know how old you are, but in the 70s, sex was as prevalent as it is today, maybe even more so. So it's not new; relax.

2006-06-13 18:22:20 · answer #10 · answered by chas_see 3 · 1 0

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