Lots of things are not easy but many times it is important to look beyond the temptation and simply do the right thing. Anyone who is in a committed relationship can do several things to avoid having an affair. Make your partner your priority. Think how you would feel if you were to lose your partner and how badly you would hurt your partner if you were unfaithful. Imagine how badly you would feel if your partner were unfaithful to you. Make a list of all the things you love about your partner. Then make a list of the things about your partner that's not pleasing to you. Check the lists against each other and see what a great person it is that you are with. Focus on their good points. Tell them how important they are to you. Tell them some of the things you especially love about them. Be specific! Another important thing you can do is to purposely avoid being around the person who tempts you. And if you must be in their presence, mention little things about your partner that show how important they are to you and how much you love them. And no matter how tempting it may be, DO NOT FLIRT!! Something that may seem innocent can be the catalyst that puts you in danger of losing your partner. Avoiding temptation is so much easier than trying to clean up after a train wreck! And pray for strength to avoid situations that will lead you into trouble.
2006-06-13 15:57:02
answer #1
answered by missingora 7
READ the story about Pandora's Box.
While entering an affair may seem "romantic" or "exciting",
it is 1000 times easier to avoid getting involved at all than it
would be to try to get out of it once it begins. By its very
nature, an affair consumes those it touches, both directly
and indirectly, for the rest of their lives. It is built upon lies
and deceipt and selfishness. There is a sense of euphoria at
its beginning, the hope of what could be. Soon you resign
yourself to the futility of the circumstances. And then you
are left with an ache in your heart and the false hope that
nobody else was hurt by your actions.
Oh, by the way . . . nobody ever looks to have an affair.
It just kind of sneaks up on you so that when it DOES occur,
it seems like the most natural thing in the world.
2006-06-13 16:01:58
answer #2
answered by mda10k 1
I have a co-worker who cheats on her husband. The sad part about it is that she is not ashamed about it. She has told almost everyone in my office.
It amazes me that she has no problem cheating. And the way I see it, she has done this multiple times before. Her usband is a Correctional Officer and he is never home in the day time. So during her lucnh, she go off with one of the security guards and they have sex. She doesn't try to avoid it, nor do I think she wants to. Crazy!
2006-06-13 15:56:05
answer #3
answered by sparkling_apple 4
learn to say no and know your place as a married person many a divorce has happened over a fling that turned out to be just that. [lust] isnt worth losing your family. husband. or wife. over in other words leard how to keep your legs together ok in my opion you wont be the first one who has made a fool out of your self and you wont be the last to many belive every thing that they are told this is the oldest trick in the world . but in the end you loose not the one who you did this with he goes back to his wife you go back wondering when it will come out an it will in time when you least expect it. my opion. ?
2006-06-13 19:22:58
answer #4
answered by the_silverfoxx 7
You just have to learn to walk away and say no. It can be hard at times but you will be much better for it. Trust me it is not worth it to do this and to act on it.
2006-06-14 03:04:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
affairs just happen their are no set rules. and getting out of one is sometimes not easy, i am still having one with a friends wife. and that has been on going for 3 years and we don't want it to stop.
2006-06-13 15:47:23
answer #6
answered by cowsformeatandmilk 4
Never put yourself in the positon of being with a man besides your husband. If some guy asks you out to lunch, take your hubby.
2006-06-13 16:19:37
answer #7
answered by Pirate's Lady 2
look if you are thinking about this,you need to kinda look at who you would hurt in the long run,including yourself look at what you are willing to lose and may gain if any gain at all .affairs hurt more people than you think .just remember you may hurt yourself more thananyone else.and trust me the only reason people think about is the ideal of not knowing whats to come.get it ...behave yourself its natural to think about it just not to act on it
2006-06-13 15:51:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it always ends in a tragedy.once you are caught.but the thrill is there and you wont forget especially the sweetest part for the rest of your life.
2006-06-13 18:58:17
answer #9
answered by dave 1
once you get into it, it's just so complicated even to walk away, there are many considerations for that. so it will needs very strong wills to walk away..
2006-06-13 15:56:44
answer #10
answered by Sparkling pearl 4