It should never have been made illegal in the first place. For info on WHY it was made illegal, I recommend the book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer. Of course, you can also just google "marijuana prohibition" too.
Yes, it is a drug, but so is caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, etc...
Laws prohibiting certain substances should be based on facts and the inherent danger to the individual of the substance in question, not ideology or narrow-minded morality.
-Pot is non-toxic, i.e. it is IMPOSSIBLE to overdose.
-Pot does NOT cause cancer. The active psychotropic chemical in it, THC, has been shown in studies to inhibit the growth of tumors and to destroy existing tumors by cutting off the blood supply to them.
-Pot is not physiologically addictive. It can be psychologically addictive, but so can sex, chocolate, sugar, etc.... There are just a certain percentage of people who take EVERYTHING to the extreme and have addictive personalities which lead them to overuse/abuse pot.
-Pot does not lead to the use of harder drugs inasmuch as there is a causal relationship between its use and the use of harder drugs. Very few people (less than 10%) of people who use marijuana go on to use harder drugs. The gateway theory has been thoroughly discredited in recent years but many still cling to it as a pillar of anti-drug rhetoric.
-Pot makes people more mellow and relaxed, whereas a legal drug like alcohol typically causes irrational, aggressive and even violent behavior in certain people.
-The negative health effects of smoking pot can be negated by using a device known as a vaporizer which heats the herb to the point of vaporizing its active components without combustion. It can also be cooked into certain foods or made into a beverage.
-Studies show little or no long-term damage in the brains of even heavy long-term users. The negative effects (short-term memory loss, motor impairment, etc.) are temporary and only last as long as the high itself.
-It brings creativity, insight, relaxation, pain relief, sleep for insomniacs and a whole host of other positive effects to its users. Can the same be said for alcohol or tobacco?
-It has been shown to induce a process known as neurogenesis in the brain. Literally, the creation of new neurons and a strengthening of connections between exisiting neurons which may account for the profound insights and philosophical thoughts it brings to many users.
To sum up, pot is perhaps one of the safest psychotropic substances known to man and the laws prohibiting its use are based on lies, fabrications, misunderstanding and stereotypes which are still far too common in this country as a result of its demonization by the powers that be for the last 70 years.
Legalize it! Regulate and tax it! Stop treating pot smokers like criminals! Support organizations working to end pot prohibiton like NORML, Marijuana Policy Project, Drug Policy Alliance, et al.
2006-06-19 15:48:59
answer #1
answered by Brent S 1
Yes i believe that it should be legalized. However i also know that it definitely is not the best thing you can do, but people need to realize some key points on this issue
1. Marijuana is not the worst substance there is
2.being illegal doesnt prevent use kids have an easier time getting it than they do getting alcohol or ciggarettes from dealers
3. Marijuana use is a personal choice, the only person affected by the harmful effects of it are the user
4. For the people who claim that it makes you go "crazy" it does not, the only way it could do that is if it had been laced with something stronger such as pcp, if it were legal it could be regulated by the government so the people who would be smoking it anyway would be able to atleast know what they are smoking instead of assuming it is "safe" also the government could place a tax on it and that would just be a little more profit going into our government.
5. It has been proven not to be addictive, the closest part to a mental addiction it can cause is the feeling of finding sober life to be bored
6. The gateway theory has been discredited, while it is true that most drug users begin with marijuana, most marijuana smokers do not continue on to use harder drugs and usually start earlier in life with simpler drugs, such as caffeine.
7. Finally is the fact that alcohol and ciggaettes kill more than any illegal drug so if they are legal I don't understand why marijuanna is illegal, especially since a marijuanna overdose has killed absolutely noone ever
2006-06-13 11:30:52
answer #2
answered by teenspirit 2
While I do not advocate the use of Marijuana - or alcohol for that matter - I do not see the advantage of making criminals of its users. The fight to get people to stop using the drug is a losing battle and we ought to just face that. We are putting a strain on our already over taxed judicial system by prosecuting these people, most of whom are not a threat to us.
Some people say that there would be more people driving under the influence. I say to them get your head out of the sand. Folks are already driving under the influence and there is no way to put checks and balances on it or restrict the sale because the sale is done on the street. Place the sale into the licensed stores and you have a means to control - more so than now - its sale to minors and to those who are likely to be irresponsible.
It would also take the sale out of the hands of criminals and take a major source of illegal revenue from the gangs and other underground organizations, including terrorists groups. The revenue would go to the state and legitimate business instead of cartels and gangs.
Some of the proceeds could be used to fund rehap centers and even promotional spots aimed at the young to dissuade them from ever starting the use of the drug.
2006-06-13 09:09:43
answer #3
answered by charleyit 5
There are many reasons for marijuana to be legal. I hate when people say that everyone will use it if it were legal. Ask anyone who doesn't smoke why they don't smoke. Their top reason will not be "because it's illegal." People have other reasons for not smoking. If murder became legal tomorrow, would you kill people? Of course not. The reason why I don't kill people isn't because it's illegal, it's because I believe it's wrong. If marijuana became legal, the same people would smoke it that smoke it now, actually probably less.
2006-06-18 08:42:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Marijuana has been used for many years in place of the "normal" Rx drugs to provide relief from pain, nausea, and glaucoma just to name a few with practically no side effects. It also can be used safely when a person has a disease that cannot be treated with conventional medicine
Yes, I would legalize it.
2006-06-13 09:07:03
answer #5
answered by Blond Logic 4
Not only should marijuana be legal, but it should also not be called a drug. marijuana does not fry your brain or has half the effects of crack, meth, or any other drug. It just makes you feel really silly. If you're caught with 5 grams of marijuana, you get a fine. If you get caught with the same amount of crack, you can get up to 3 years in prison. Why? because they know that it's not that serious.
2006-06-13 09:04:40
answer #6
answered by Silly KeKe 3
legalize it!....ever heard of anyone sitting on the couch at home dying from pot?...I haven't...they may wake up hungry...but not even a hangover...
but cocaine, meth, heroine, Rx drugs, cigs, even alcohol can KILL u with an overdose..
and our police could be used on much more dangerous things
it now funds gangs and terrorism, strains our judicial system and wastes law enforcement resources on a harmless herb. If it were legal, funds would stay here, many would even learn botany....
didn't I see where it was proven NOT to cause lung cancer?!?!... wow Dupont had it all wrong in 1939 when it lobbied congress to criminalize it.
how many have died from pot (w/out a vehicle...even a sneeze can kill u there)abuse?
2006-06-13 09:05:55
answer #7
answered by captmarvel54 1
I don't think it should be legal. Then everyone would be smoking it instead of 2 out of 3. I think we should just get high on pudding, the world would be a whole lot safer.
2006-06-13 09:06:37
answer #8
answered by Hannah 3
Yes I do think it should be Legal there are many use for it to help people in pain, I prefer it to getting drunk any day. The way I look at it is God made the plants of this earth he grew it for us to use in one way or another.
2006-06-13 09:06:45
answer #9
answered by khaki_82 1
i believe anything that can grow naturally shouldnt be against the law however if it was legalized i believe they should have a way to test against impairment just like they do with drinking and driving because we do not need anyone else dead due to someones stupidity to get behind the wheel when they are unable to drive
2006-06-13 09:04:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous