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17 answers

How come women give birth and men can't?
I think it's a fair trade off.

2006-06-13 05:14:13 · answer #1 · answered by curious 5 · 0 1

Not true. Some men can have multiples also. It's just not as common. Not all women can have multiples either. We're all different. A large percentage of women don't have any orgasms.

2006-06-13 12:15:06 · answer #2 · answered by cjworks29 1 · 0 0

That's true, but most guys can't satisfy a woman to an orgasm all the time. Atleast your one orgasim is guranteed.

2006-06-13 12:15:26 · answer #3 · answered by Toodles 2 · 0 0

Well do you want the medical reason????

When the guy is finished then it's done. You guys don't have thing left in your "stores" that is why you have to wait a few minutes to 20 min to be able to carry on. Now as a guy this is a good thing because as your finished you can keep pleasing your girl and you will be remembered.. TRUST ME as a God in bed LOL...

2006-06-13 12:15:02 · answer #4 · answered by moonspawnhotmailcom 2 · 0 0

It's the way the woman's body is "wired" I suppose. Men can have multiple orgasms, but it just takes a lot longer.

2006-06-13 12:15:24 · answer #5 · answered by Blue Jean 6 · 0 0

Men have refractory periods after earch orgasam, women do not. That's just how the bodies of both genders work. With age the refractory period for male grows.

2006-06-13 12:15:56 · answer #6 · answered by hatezfate 2 · 0 0

Actually men can....it is very hard to do. Basically you have to trick your mind into having the orgasm but not ejaculating. I personally would just let her have her fun at first then have yours at the end.

2006-06-13 12:15:26 · answer #7 · answered by proffalken1975 4 · 0 0

the only reason why men cant have multiple orgasms is because once the come they just come all at once

2006-06-13 12:15:41 · answer #8 · answered by sunny_alabama 2 · 0 0

it's just the way it is women are kind of special and it has to with scientific reasoning go to your doctor and find out don't ask us how are we supposed to know

2006-06-13 12:16:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think men can.. just in a diffrent way.

2006-06-13 12:14:00 · answer #10 · answered by janedoe 1 · 0 1

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