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9 answers

1st .. No One Knows When The World is going to end
2nd .. Whoever Dies his World Ends
3rd .. What difference Do It Make ?? .. It Will End one day ..
4th .. The Dooms Day Is After your Death .. trust me
5th .. Dooms Day Will Come When Everybody Will Be Real Bad. . And they kill Innocent ppl everywhere ( Iraq Palestine Afghanstan INdonesia Etc... ) and They start stupid Wars against Iraq ... And they call themselves ( PeaceMakers ) >> That means real near

2006-06-18 00:08:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Apparently, this world will not end, but all life will be destroyed when a huge comet strikes the surface of the planet, causing untold damage and surface changes, while sending a gigantic cloud of debris into the atmosphere from the impact, blocking out the sun and causing the entire planet to freeze. It's what happened to the dinosaurs and to the lifeforms before them and those before them. All life has been eradicated from this planet not once, but many times. Happens about every 64 million years. We're not close yet. Answers are found in science.

2006-06-13 04:17:12 · answer #2 · answered by tropicvibe 3 · 0 0

No one knows when the world will end except God the Father.

2006-06-13 04:10:51 · answer #3 · answered by Amy 5 · 0 0

the world as we know it will end in the year 2012....a comet or asteroid will hit the earth distroying the cycles of life...dooms day? well i dont know...if you live where the comet hits your life will be over if not...the human race will try to survive...but really who knows?? but can we change our future? will we heed his warning?

2006-06-13 04:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by leifving 1 · 0 0

Er..in billions of years time when the sun becomes a red/white dwarf (i forget which)..otherwise, who knows. People have been predicting Doomsday for hundreds of years and its neevr happened, i dont see why it should now

2006-06-13 04:09:02 · answer #5 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 0

When people stop using reasoning and/or stop striving for solutions to the world's problems. It's a grave situation when people wish to see such things set in motion...............lemmings!

2006-06-13 05:46:49 · answer #6 · answered by nukecat25 3 · 0 0

like thomas p said, it will happen billions of years later when the sun becomes bigger and hotter. But it can happen b4 too - Aliens may come and attack us.

2006-06-13 04:10:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one has the answer to that question.

2006-06-13 04:12:58 · answer #8 · answered by lovemykalli 4 · 0 0

Sunday, June 11, 2006
UPDATE: I know when the End of The World Will Begin
Here is what I got:
"This shall know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphermers, disobeient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of Pleasure more then lovers of God. Having a form of gofliness, But denying Its power, Have nothing to do with them" -2nd Tomohty Ch3
Fornication, Homosexuality, Abortions, Rape, Drug Use, Pedophila, Atheism, and Child Molestations are at record highs around the world.
95% Of the world has premartial sex. Homosexuality is growing, Almost 10% Of america has had at least 1 homosexual expereince. 50 Million America Babies have been murdered since the 70's. 3 Million Kids under 18 Smoke Dope. 1 in 20 men will Molest at least 1 child before they die, But only 1 in 3000 Women will molest a child. 1 in 3 Girls will be raped in there lifetime. Atheism doubled in America since 1995, From 8% to now 16%&, Only 86% Believe in God, 70% In a Christian God, the rest worship False Gods. As far as Pedophila Well Watch Dateline Wednesday or goto www.perverted-Justice.com or goto a chat room pose as a 13 year old girl and watch Yourself get 20Ims!

"And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of all Nations, with perplexity, and the seas and the waves will be roaring" - Luke 21
In 2012 There is expected to be the worst solar storm in nearly 150 Years, and It is expected to knock nearly 30-40 Satelittles out of orbit in space. Decemember of 2004 Tsamnui was the so great it caused a knock off the earth axis by 1". It killed upto 285,000 people in 13 nations around the Indian Ocean, Registering 9.3 On the rector scale. The atlanctic Hurricane season was the most Active on record for 2005, with 28 Named storms, (Ave 9) with I think 16 Becoming Hurricanes (Ave 6) and 9 Becoming Major Hurricanes (Ave 2). Also in 2004, There was the First hurricane to form south of the Atlantic, Meterogists were baffled and it was deemed

"And you shall hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars: See that ye not be troubled, for all these things must come to pass, for the end is not yet" Matthew 24
We had WW1 From 1914-1918, and WW2 From 1939-1945, The rumors of wars lasted until the 60's with people building bomb shelters fearing a Nucular Bomb.

"For Nation Shall Rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom, There shall be famines, and earthquakes, and pestilanes, in dirverse Places" -Matthew 24
Earthquakes have increase about 30% Since 100 years ago, and Expecting in the year 2012 They expect earthquakes to skyrocket with the upcoming Solar storms and Upcoming Pole Shift. Also The 20th Century and 21st Centurys have seen some of the worst Pestilaces in History, With The bird flu killing 50 Million people in 1918 and The SARS Virus killing 300 Million through the 20th Century. AIDS has killed 25 Million people since 1981. Africa famines threatnen the entire continent.

"And I looked, and Behold a pale horse, and his name that sat on him is Death, and Hell Followed Him. And power was given unto him over 25% part of the earth with hunger and with death and of the BEASTS of the earth." -Rev 6
The bird flu could kill 1 Billion people if It really got out of hand.
"I will gather all Nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into Judgement against them, concerning my in heritance, my preople of Israe, for they have scattered my people amoung all nations and DIVIDED Up my land. -Joel 3
The Link says it all

"The 6th Angel Poured Out His Bowl on the great River Euphrates, and its water was Dried up to Prepare for the Kings of the East" -Rev 16
Since 1990 Turkey has built a Huge Dam that can stop the Flow of the Euphrates River! Source: www.endtime.com

"No one knows the day nor Hour, no not the angel in heaven, But my Father Only" -Matthew 24
I do not know the day and Hour, No one does, But i know the seasons, and he allows us to know the seasons. Keep reading It will be around 2018, Give or take a year, The Tribulation Will last for 7 years Until the second Coming around 2025.

"Now learn this lesson from the Fig tree, As soon as its twigs get tender, and its leaves come out, You will know the Summer is Nigh. Even at the Doors. This generation Shall Not pass Until all These Things be Fullfulled" -Matthew 24
If you read the Old Testiment I think in Joel, The fig tree represents Isreal, Which became a Nation in 1948, A gernation Is how Long people Live, Right Now we are on the 58th Year. People wont live til there 130? Will they?

I cant think of the verse for this, But Jesus said right before I return There Shall be Flase profits. The Divinci Code is telling lies about Christ, and another Movie called the Beast Came out on June 6th, Saying Jesus never existed. http://www.thegodmovie.com/
All shows, Such as South Park, Family Guy, and other shows Make up lies about Jesus. Flase Phophets are at a record high.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." -Revelation 13

Applied Digital Solutions, On the Nasdaq: ADSX has made a way to implant microchips under the skin, to keep track of everybody using RFID, It is also used in a cashless society. Here is a picture of somebody getting one in there hand! Notice the scriptures say "IN" the right hand. http://www.rfid-666.com/

Saint Malacy was given a vision from God during the 12th Century A.D. He foresaw all the popes from then until the time of the Tribulation. There were 112 Popes in All. The last Pope, John Paul 2, was the 110th, Now we are at the 111th Pope, Which is Saint Benedict XVI, This is what is says about the last and final Pope. " In the Final Persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will Reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many TRIBULATIONS, After which is seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge (Who is Jesus), will Judge the People. Also Saint Malacy has been 100% Accurute in 850 Years!! Also this pope is 78 Years old. This Pope May be the Last, and the next Pope will be the Anti-Pope or False Phophet to welcome the Antichrist. The next pope is Expected to betray the Christian Faith.

"In the Begining, God Creatred the heaven and the Earth, He took 6 days to Create the Heaven and Earth, and Rested on the 7th" -Genesis 1
Why Did Gid create 6 days to Create the Earth, and rest on the 7th, If he could have done it, In less then 1 second? But he didnt. He took 6 days and rested on the 7th. In the bible, It says 1000 years Is as 1 days In Gods Eyes, It also Says God Judges The end from the Begining.
If God judges the end from the Begining, In the Begining He took 6 days to create the earth, and If 1 days is as a 1000 Years, Maybe God is trying to Tell us something, There were 4000 Years Before Christ or 4 days, And "ALMOST" 2000 Years After Christ or 2 Days. And when that time is up, It will be the 7th day or the last 1000 Years, Which is Christs Rein.
This is where it Gets really Interesting.
I know we are in 2006, However It is said That from 100B.C. Until 1582 A.D. A year around the world was counted as 360 days, Not 365.25 Days. So we lost time, We are not really in 2006. Techally we may have lost 25 years, and Are really in 1981.
Now lets say we are in 1981 in 12 Years from now, in 1993 or 2018, It will be 7 years from the year 2000 or 2025, And Since the Tribulation Lasts 7 years, The Tirbulation will end in 2000 or 2025, Starting Christs Rein Until 3000 or 3025, Finishing the 7th days or the Full 7,000 Years Since God created the Earth.
http://www.jvim.com, http://www.rfid-666.com, http://www.prophecyclub.com, www.endtime.com
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2006-06-13 04:10:36 · answer #9 · answered by 0110010100 5 · 0 0

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