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33 answers

I'll address the first part--"If we did not ask to be born do we need to ask permission to die?" This might seem like a good argument against restrictions on a person's "right to die," but the argument fails to notice two important things.

First, before we are born (or conceived--whichever you really mean), we are incapable of asking. Once we are alive, we are capable of asking.

Second, the acts in question are very different. Once a child is conceived, the "natural" result is birth. To "ask permission" to be born once conception has taken place seems absurd. So that instance of "asking" has to do with allowing a natural process to continue. In the latter half of the statement, we are talking about performing an act--not just allowing nature to run its course. That makes the two qualitatively different.

2006-06-24 03:53:32 · answer #1 · answered by tdw 4 · 0 1

Are you sane?

I have to ask because legally it makes a difference. It is presumed that life is good, therefore; wanting to end it must be bad, so; if you are asking to die you must be insane or just bad. You can see the problem in helping you here. Legally we are justifying your suicide. For the record don't do it.

That being said.

Who said you didn't ask? For all you know, which is only what a human mind can fathom, you didn't ask, but then again; is that all you know? Perhaps you asked and because you are now human you no longer can remember you asked. Let me guess. You have never forgotten anything. Right. 100s on all your tests. If that were true why ask a question, ever?

As for permission, of who? Legally, if you ask they will tell you "Yes". The army would tell you the same thing, "You have to have permission to die, other wise; they will hunt you down in Heaven and shoot you dead." Nobody said they made sense, the military that is. But, morally do you have to ask to die? Again, I would say "Yes". You have made social contracts with people. If you are going to check out and leave no forewarding address you ought to at least say good bye. It would be like skipping out on a check to do otherwise. So, "Yes". Of course if you are a hermit, well you can't be a hermit and write this email, but if you were a hermit, though we know you are not, you could do as you pleased with one noteable exception, yourself. You would have to ask yourself for permission to die. You can't get away from that one.

As for tragedy, life is how you see it. If you see it as tragic or precious, like those are the only options then perhaps you are depressed. See a doctor, a little buspar and you will see life in a whole new way. He may give you lithium and who knows how you will see life then? You must have liked "The Lord of the Rings". The ring is like life, hold on to it too tightly and people will grow to fear you, and soon you will be invisible, and eventually you will be insane with the fear others may take it from you, until one day when you may figure out that it better to let go and return you life to where it came, and may be a big wite boat will come and carry you off to a better place. Hey it's a metaphor. But, at least now you can see why Golum called the ring "Precious."
As for the big white boat, well that depends on you and your beliefs. Maybe you want a yaught with beautiful women on it. Why not? If it is there for you, happy days. If not, well maybe your mother forgot to pick you up at school or maybe she's just running late. Be patient, be positive, and think what next. You will probably find someting to do, or not.


2006-06-24 11:36:47 · answer #2 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 0 1

It is both and not one or the other. Asking questions where you offer 2 choices ignores the fact that there can be other possibilities.

You have 2 questions here and not one. And they do not relate in any way either.

Why do you think you need permission to die? That is ridiculous. If a person shoots you in the head, you will not have asked.

Life is neither precious or tragic in any universal sense. It can be either of these for anybody and both of these or neither.

I am not really sure you have a clear notion of what exactly you are trying to figure out.

2006-06-24 08:03:51 · answer #3 · answered by Ouros 5 · 0 1

Whose permission would we ask to die? It doesn't make any sense to me because it is an entirely personal matter. I believe life is both precious and tragic at the same time. If you can, the best way to live seems to be to hold onto what is precious - even if no one else sees its value - and to survive the rough spots without letting other people manage your own personal tragedies. The small jewels of life and a good sense of humor can carry you through.

2006-06-26 01:35:39 · answer #4 · answered by Zelda Hunter 7 · 0 1

we don't ask to be born initially because we don't have self conciousness until after we're born - but He knows that if we saw the entire truth we'd want to; but I can tell you that all the babies in heaven who've been aborted PLEAD with God to let them go back to earth. You don't ever have permission to die until it's your time - and hopefully you'll die empty. You didn't give yourself life so it's not yours to take away or give up on. People who are alive are precious, the expressed handiwork of an invisable God; but living life is sometimes tragic to the person because there is such a thing as evil in the world - and people's free will.

2006-06-22 15:28:46 · answer #5 · answered by Shadow 2 · 0 1

Yes we need to ask God's permission to die, because

Neither our birth and our death is in our or any humans control
It is in the control of God, He does according to his Will

All life on earth is precious, because

It is the only place u can prepare for heaven or hell (according to the choices u make in this world). Earth is like college, u have fun here but the main aim is to get a degree so that u can get a good job.

So sow in this earth what u want to reap in heaven (or hell)

So we need permission from God to cut our time on this earth, just as when u want leave from college u need permission of the Dean or Principal.

2006-06-24 07:34:01 · answer #6 · answered by iChrist 2 · 0 1

No, you do not need to ask permission to die. You will die. If you refer to suicide - again I say no, you do not to have to ask permission.

All life on earth is tragically precious.

2006-06-24 22:34:23 · answer #7 · answered by Temple 5 · 0 1

I don't think I need anyone's permission to die, certainly not the state's. Not that I'm considering it; I enjoy life too much.
A wise person once said: To someone who feels, life is a tragedy; to
someone who thinks, it's a comedy. So, of course, it's both. As for life being precious, well, I think that may be a black/white issue: either it all is or none of it is.

2006-06-22 10:40:22 · answer #8 · answered by johnslat 7 · 0 1

Only the big man in the sky can make that call. We are all put on earth to fullfill a plan. We all have something to accomplish. No matter how trivial it may seem. Even the people who land in jail are there as part of the plan. Some peoples' only purpose here is so that we can ourselves perfect for God. I know that it seems complicated at times, but life wasn't meant to be easy. Good luck in your life travels and may your road be smooth and straight.

2006-06-26 07:49:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We never did ask to be born or our spirits might have but who knows till we die, nway we are sent here for a purpose that is to be attained and when that purpose is attained we will die since we are no longer of use to this planet, so find ur destiny and fulfil it each and every life has its purpose so its not precious since it will end when the time comes.

2006-06-12 17:31:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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