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I am so sick of our President. Does anyone ever recall a more ignorant, yet arrogant man? Ever? I love America. I support the troops but I think the war is SO wrong. We have sunken to the level of the terrorists. We are holding people indefinately with no charges, no trial, no rights. I thought WE were supposed to be the civilized ones? Killing innocent civilians?!? WTF? I don't blame the sodiers, though. I blame the imbecile who sent them there for his own agenda, all the while thumping his Bible and preaching about moral values. Give me a break. What is happening to our country? It's amazing the damage this idiot has managed to do in six short years. Sorry to go on such a rant but watching the news and reading the newspapers makes me sick. The world is judging America and the American people based on the actions of this psychotic megalomaniac.

2006-06-12 16:05:45 · 38 answers · asked by dubbyaisanass 2 in Politics & Government Politics

chupakabra123, WTF are you talking about?

2006-06-13 10:56:04 · update #1

Fergy, actually, yes, I DO think I could do a better job. Hell, I think Donald Duck could do a better job.

2006-06-13 11:02:52 · update #2

eddie_287, "A FEW BAD MOVES"?!?!?!
Seriously, are you retarded?

2006-06-13 11:10:41 · update #3

rukidding, ARE you kidding? A "landslide"? LOL. He didn't even win the popular vote. Oh, and by the way, READ the question. I didn't even mention the two elections he stole. There's plenty of material without them.

2006-06-13 11:31:16 · update #4

coombs1973, considering my rather high IQ (125) I think I have a fairly good grasp of the news. Nice try, though.

2006-06-13 11:33:12 · update #5

nickname, FINALLY, an intelligent response from someone who supports the war. I still don't agree with you but I am impressed that there are Republicans who can speak in a civil way about this issue.

2006-06-13 11:36:10 · update #6

100%AMERICAN, yes, dear, I am well aware of his glorious days in the Ivy League as a C student enjoying the Skull and Bones Society. A rather strange past-time for such a religious man, don't you think?

2006-06-13 11:41:28 · update #7

38 answers

(raises hand)
I support our troops, but not the war. It's not a war. I think we're just terrorizing another nation into doing what we want them to do. I don't watch the news anymore. I hate seeing that we're killing so many innocents and being killed because they want to live their own way. I really don't like bush. He handled this thing really badly. It would have been one thing to go into Iraq to get the person responsible for 9/11. But it's a completely different thing to go into their country, destroy their cities, kill and imprison civillians for no reason, and stay there until they meet our demands. I would not be suprised if they attacked us again cause we're asking for it.

2006-06-12 16:13:04 · answer #1 · answered by beweird22 4 · 0 2

The troops aren't idiots without a mind of their own. They conciously know what they are fighting for, and support Bush 99%. The terrorists are the ones killing the majority of the civilians. Sometimes civilians die in combat, the terrorists hide behind the women's skirts and use the kids as shields. Look, terrorists live and practice their terror in Iraq, the only way to stop terrorism is to kill the terrorists. They do not understand diplomacy. You cannot say the troops are fighting for our freedoms and then bash man who sent them their. The news media is 95% liberal and will tweak all information to bash the war. It's like fighting fire with fire, it works because sometimes water ( being civil) doesn't work, as is the case with terrorists. They must be killed. Your only reason for thinking the war is wrong is we are being uncivilized, and then the news media has convinced you it's bad, mainly because of the reason that it is uncivilized. You must protect civilization itself, and the only measure to do this is unfortunately by death and killing and sometimes innocent people die. We cannot stop terrorism by watching the terrorists doing their thing, unfortunately they must be killed. It is a bad thing but it is necessary.

2006-06-12 16:15:54 · answer #2 · answered by Joe 5 · 0 0

first thing: they invaded Iraq without the UN support, WTF is the UN for then?
Second thing: to go to a place and try to impose rules where the culture is so different is just stupid. just the time needed for the people to get use to it is a mayor problem
Third: why they keep this up if they already agree that the "intelligence" make by the pentagon was not real.

I'm not an American, but I have a lots of friends who are and none of them is happy for this, luckily for those friends I can understand that not every American thinks the same way, but what about people that assume by the acts of this "president" that all people in the united states are the same?

2006-06-12 16:14:32 · answer #3 · answered by William W 3 · 0 0

I agree. He's a F***ING IDIOT!!! Do you watch The Daily Show on Comedy Central? Jon Stewart clowns him good every night. He gets a hold of these clips where George Bush just makes absolutely no sense. But anywho, whenever I see that he is about to speak on the news, I change the channel because I know I'm just gonna get pissed off. Only two more to go y'all.

2006-06-12 16:11:25 · answer #4 · answered by tamc 2 · 0 0

He sucks, but he won't be in office much longer. Let's just hope the masses will be smart enough to vote someone into office who isn't doesn't have such a huge personal agenda. Most of what Bush has done while in office is for himself. Pretty sad. He will be a very wealthy man when he leaves office, you can be sure of that. What else does it matter to him? He doesn't care.

2006-06-12 16:08:59 · answer #5 · answered by spudric13 7 · 0 0

Personally, i'm sick of people like YOU who all they can do is insult the president just because he made a few bad moves. Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to pack the Supreme Court with only those who supported his legislation and everyone still adores him! About killing innocent civilians, we aren't the ones doing that. The insurgents are killing their own countrymen with their roadside bombs and suicide bombings! STOP BEING A PUPPET OF THE LIBERAL MEDIA!!!!!!! This is probably a mistake but, feel free to send me feedback at eddie_287@yahoo.com

2006-06-12 16:13:00 · answer #6 · answered by eddie_287 2 · 0 0

Actually its not George's fault. He just represents a sickness that the vast majority of us ail from.

Its easy to point fingers but its much harder achieving real change. Real change starts with YOU (and me). If you can reduce your dependancy on oil. Stop driving a car. Share your wealth with the needy. Then George will have absolutely no power over you or anybody else.

As long as we remain greedy and lazy then there will always be another George waiting in the wings to represent us.

2006-06-12 16:21:31 · answer #7 · answered by megalomaniac 7 · 0 0

Quit reading the newspapers & watching the news since you can not understaand them. I can remember at least 2 ignorant but arrogant men - President Jimmy Carter & President Bill Clinton. Both have done more out of office than they ever did in office. You come to mind often in this description too.

I like President Bush & I think he is doing a great job. Everyone hates war including him, but sometimes it is neccessary.

2006-06-12 16:13:33 · answer #8 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 1

First off I'm with you 100% brother~! This so called president think he is sitting back on top of the world with his latest kill but he is the Worse president ever to be in the White house ..

I personally Hate everything about bush & that is my Right as a Proud American.... "To be anti- George Bush is to be pro-American,"

I think he's dangerous, and he has to be stopped."

U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq Tops 2,400

2006-06-12 16:22:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am completely sick of him. Unfortunately, we have elected people just as bad as him recently, and will continue to do so. The right wing conservative Christian coalitions actually vote, and until the rest of “middle” America decides that we are tired of having our rights taken away, then people like George Bush will always be in office.

2006-06-12 16:13:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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