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How does someone possibly become gay? I dont see how someone could be attracted to the same sex. Please enlighten me.

2006-06-12 15:53:45 · 30 answers · asked by Mr. Lemons 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

If you disregard my question then Im not going to take your answer seriously

2006-06-12 15:53:53 · update #1

you people dont know anything. I believe that gays are a cause of weak people who give into their desires. Their has got to be a moral limit somewhere, and this is where mine is.

2006-06-12 16:02:29 · update #2

hey screw u goldwig ya flaming ******.

2006-06-12 16:20:04 · update #3

Im only half black sstooc. Y the hell are you rambling on about race? I dont give a fuc*

2006-06-12 16:56:53 · update #4

I never said I feel strongly about it. geez. I just dont understand it. stop ad libbing 4 me.

2006-06-12 17:31:38 · update #5

30 answers

sometimes people have tramatic experiences with the opposite sex and choose not to be with them.I do beleive some people are born gay but for those who are not they either find the same sex more attractive by experience(being turned of by the opposite sex) or something such as rape or just a terriable relationship drove them closer to the same sex.

-------------i'm being completely serious so i hope that helped.

2006-06-12 15:56:27 · answer #1 · answered by Nina C. 3 · 2 11

Yes, I chose to come out. I didn't choose to be gay, though. Your common sense says I would never choose such a thing. And rightfully, I wouldn't. And I'm also quite fine mentally, socially, and emotionally, and was raised in a healthy, Christian environment. Hmm...what other explanation is there? I love how the people who know nothing about it and have no experience speak as if they are the final authority.

As for the KJV Bible...yeah, King James had fun making a few edits of his own. Refute it all you want, we have documented evidence of various places that he had his scribes write something other than what should have been there. Any religious scholar will admit that. If you want a better read, go back a bit further. Charlemagne did the same thing good ole James did about 700 years earlier...in Latin...with the best possible compilation of texts possible. I use the Vulgate because it's the best translation I have available to me. I envy my father who knows Greek and Hebrew and can go back even farther and closer to the original text.

And that "Do not lie with a man as you lie with a woman" has a very interesting translation from the Latin. The verb for "lie" actually has the meaning of "converse" in the context of that passage. Interesting, no?

2006-06-12 18:11:56 · answer #2 · answered by sailordelta 2 · 0 0

are certain race born to be criminals? I'm not black should i be dissecting your race and laying out all the negative elements? Just like you I got an opinion. Does that make me more bigoted than you? Cause I do not accept your existence? Aren't you piss off that I have no right and do not know what I am talking about being black. Obviously I know nothing about your race. R u a homosexual? What makes you an expert to even questions others? What gives you the right to pick on a minority and insult them? Perhaps you should study your own history and learn what makes a bigot bigot? It's only a 100 years ago, black people got lynch and enslave. Should mankind be repeating the history of hatred? How about learn some basic human compassion? If you want ot be enlighten, why don't you ponder as a human being, your very existence is benefit to mankind or a hindrence? What is your contribution to mankind to mother earth to the universe? Certainly your bigoted opinion is not nurturing. Have you not learn anything form historical figure like Rosa Parks, someone who would stand up against bigots regardless of social pressure!! Stop being a coward and try to put down a minority group that did nothing to you!!

2006-06-12 16:48:57 · answer #3 · answered by sstooc2001 6 · 0 0

I agree with you. I think some people are just ignorant. They don't want to believe that you can be born different. If people can be born different, then anyone could be gay, even their sons/daughters/sisters/brothers anyone. I have gay friends who are Christian. People tell them all the time they are going to hell and it hurts tham so bad because their God made them this way. Being gay is not a conscious choice. You don't just wake up one morning and think "i'm going to go be gay today so that the world will hate me and tomorrow I'll be straight again". it's not easy to be gay in today's society. I know more bisexual people than i know straight people and I believe that 99 percent of people are bisexual or gay in some way. I knew a guy in forth grade that I knew to be gay even though he didn't and now he is. He's tried to force himself to like females, but he can't. I am more attracted to women sexually. I couldn't marry a woman because I want children and a male figure in my life. A part of me has always been attracted to other women. I wasn't molested or had a tramatic experience, i just am. People don't get that. Just because a bible written by man says its wrong, then why did god make people that way?

2006-06-12 16:01:48 · answer #4 · answered by beweird22 4 · 0 0

The leading scientific theory today is that sexuality is decided by a combination of bio-psycho-social factors. Scietists believe that there may be a polygentic effect in which people are predisposed to learn homosexual behavior. There is psychological evidence to show that learning sexual preference begins at an extremely young age, as young as 12 months. Once this behavior is learned it cannot be unlearned. In other words the human mind is hardwired to learn sexualilty at a certain age and cannot relearn or unlearn past that age. Quite like the little girl who was found locked in a basement alone for 12 years with very little human contact. Even though she was rescued the girl was never able to learn language or displayed any sexual behavior later in life. Social factors influence how the sexual behavior will be expressed. If one comes from an open social environment one is likely to engage in gay behaviors openly, while if one comes from a restrictive environment that views homosexulatity as wrong that person is likly to not engage in gay behavior and try to repress those urges or to remain in "closet". It is important to note that these social factors only influence how likely one is to engage in certain behaviors and not who someone is sexually attracted to.

2006-06-12 22:01:34 · answer #5 · answered by sooziebeaker 3 · 0 0

My bible tell's me that a man or woman should Not lay with the same sex for this is an abomination to God and you will burn in Hell for eternity and God does not make mistakes so you were not born gay, you just were raised Wrong and you never seek to learn the right way to live.Get a KING JAMES Bible, no other, and live by what the Lord teaches you, not man. People are who have you screwed up now.

2006-06-12 16:10:21 · answer #6 · answered by WorkinMan 1 · 0 0

Homosexuality is something that is seen throughout nature. It’s a natural abnormality in the animal kingdom. There is nothing wrong with it, and it shouldn’t be feared. As a society though we should be grateful that only a small percentage of the population is homosexual because it’s kind of a species killer!

With the knowledge that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon then it’s fair to say that many homosexual people both male and female are born that way. However, threw physiological conditioning anything is possible. By this I mean, rape, sexual abuse, etc as a child.

2006-06-12 16:01:31 · answer #7 · answered by PseudogodJ 3 · 0 0

Spicy question and just as spicy answers.

Your statement: “I believe that gays are a cause of weak people who give into their desires.” Are you saying that gay people are weak and give into their desires or are you saying gay people cause weak people to give into their desires?

Although I’m not one who believes that gay people aren’t born gay. I think people are born gay, I don’t think anyone “becomes” gay. I believe God waits until such a time that the person can deal with the issue and reveals it to them. God also reveals it to parents of young kids who display homosexual tendencies because God knows those parents will help their children grow and flourish and most importantly love them.

Devil Penguin -- I don’t know many gay people who decided to be gay to annoy their parents.

PseudogodJ --homosexuality is not a species killer. There are many people GLBT persons who have had children or have children in their same-gender relationships. Just because a person is gay, doesn’t mean they CAN’T physically have children. And yes, some people end up being gay due to rape, incest, child molestation.

WorkingMan: a little biblical history. KING JAMES didn’t write the bible, I hate to shatter your loyalty to the KING JAMES version, however, KING JAMES was bisexual. The bible, as we know it today, was dedicated to King James because he ordered the bible to be combined in one book. There were a group of men who divided up the Old and New Testaments and decided which books would make up the bible. There is a portion of the bible known as the Apocrypha that contains additional books of the bible. Take a course in bible history or the history of Christianity -- then talk to me.

Yes, there is a scripture that states “a man should not lie with a man as he would with a woman”, now I don’t recall the scripture ending with “you will burn in Hell for eternity.”
Nope, God doesn’t make mistakes, never have, never will. For there is also this scripture “For it is He who made us and not we ourselves.” This question was asked “Why did God make gay people.” His answer “Maybe God wanted to see how we would treat them.”

Sstoc2001: Unfortunately it seems that decade after decade there is some section of society that feels they need another race or culture to discriminate against. When will it stop? When parents stop teaching their children? When preachers stop preaching from the pulpit whom God loves and doesn’t love? Who knows the mind of God? Not I?

2006-06-12 17:21:23 · answer #8 · answered by cajun7_girl 2 · 0 0

There has been evidence and many studies that SOME (not all) gay people may have been sexually abused earlier in their life. I once knew someone who had a gf and was perfectly straight. Then his cousin (a guy) started sexually abusing him, and his mother thought he was overreacting, and told him to stop complaining. Now he is gay and has a bf. I do believe that is some circumstances, people become gay through circumstances in their lives, while others are born that way.

2006-06-12 15:57:03 · answer #9 · answered by Aimee 4 · 0 0

My experience has been that someone can become gay because they have had horrible reltionships with the opposite sex and they turn to someone of the same sex for something better. I n some cases a person of the same sex may understand your needs better because they are the same as you. Other circumstances may be because when they were with someone of the opposite sex or leaned toward that direction, it never felt genuinely right for them as though something were missing and they found that missing something in the company of someone of the same sex.

2006-06-12 16:02:51 · answer #10 · answered by missconduct 2 · 0 0


I know i wasn't born gay, I did at one stage like girls. So, how does someone become gay? Fortunately the answer to this question is extremely simple lol. It's all preference. What people like.

E.g. Some people like one flavour of ice cream, and other people like another. It's just about what people like.

I feel comfortable being gay... that is i like guys. it's what makes me happy. Personally I'm attracted to guys because it makes me happy, and because I just think they're attractive. After a period of time, my preferences grew to favour the guys and as a result, I'm no longer attracted to girls. Don't get me wrong, I still think girls are pretty, but i'm not attracted to them sexually or mentally or physically. Again, it's all about preference... what people like.

2006-06-12 16:31:35 · answer #11 · answered by i_am_nathan_2002 3 · 0 0

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