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See I am a 20 years old undergrad who took this professor who is humorous, attractive, and sincere. The problem is that he’s 50 and also he is married with two sons so I know that it’s probably never going to happen. See at first I really didn’t have any feeling for him, I though he was nice and all but then things started to grow I don’t know i all of sudden i started to feel something. i remember it began when we were exercising and i said o is this good for your back and he didn’t say nothing. However i remember he waited for me after class to talk to me about that in which i found sweet. also he asked students to go to a club meeting to talk about the issues in school and i said ill do it and i remember going there and he came up to me and held my hand for a moment and he sat down and then moved somewhere else and then came back to talk. also i remember i had to run to take a test and i caught him in the elevator and he was like why are you rushing i was like i have a test for acct and he smiled and said you have acct , also i notice he turned his face downward and smiled. also i remember telling him one time that i gained weight and he was like if ask everyone in the class if they wanted a body like your they all would raise their hand then he slightly touched the side of my stomach. Anyway i remember one day he was telling me that if he was single he would date me (he said if his wife dumps him) i looked at him and he turned his head away from me. That is when i really started to fall for him i was like why would say that to me in the first place. so i asked him and he said that it was at a different place and time and if he wasn’t married the sure and he said that i am the only one that knows he married and that not to get him in trouble. anyway I am like we will just be friends no harm in that. So i started to see him during his office hours he showed me pics of him when he was younger and of his kids which was cute. It’s funny bc we always cracks jokes around each other and we can talk about anything. I mean other girls find him attractive , and i bet he probably said this to his other students , yet what I want to know is if he is flirting with me or mb I am just imagining things.

2006-06-12 15:47:47 · 30 answers · asked by smoothjc18 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

30 answers

It sounds like you may just be infatuated. Please don't take this any further even if he wants to. Don't help any in the break up of his family. At least you will have a clear conscience.

2006-06-26 15:08:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes he is flirting with you,but I would advise you to stop seeing this man, you will only end up hurting yourself. He is someone that senses your vulnerable points and is exploiting. Get away from him, he is:

1.way too old...you may not think so now, but when you're his age and still looking gorgeous, he's gonna be 80, if he's still alive...and you will have to look after him

2.married...there is an old italian saying that you should never put a finger between the husband and the wife...just DON'T get involved with this guy, he is not gonna leave his wife and he just wants a bit of fun. He also has kids that are probably older than you or the same age, and they will resent you for messing around with their dad. What if you got pregnant by this guy? He would drop you like a hot potato or sweet talk you into having an abortion: men like this don't want responsibilities.

3.your teacher...imagine if you got involved and things turned nasty, then everyone in college would know and you don't really need your life to be food for college gossip...also he could get revengeful and affect your grades and you really don't want that.

I can't tell you what to do, because you are a grown woman and if you really want to go ahead and have a relationship with this guy, nothing anyone can tell you will stop you. I just hope for your own sake that you won't get beyond friendship (without benefits) with this guy and save yourself from emotional scars.

2006-06-26 19:43:42 · answer #2 · answered by sexy_devil 4 · 1 0

The important word here is "FIRED" ok? I skimmed the other answers and I didn't see it there- so in case I missed it, I'm sorry, but FIRED is what this Professor will be if you and he go any further with it. In fact, he may well be eligible for firing just from what he's done so far. I am not judging his nor your actions. It is the policy of most Universities that faculty not be involved romantically with students , or they are FIRED. He knows that - he's just tempted by your body that the class all would raise their hands to have.
Now, hey, I'm almost as old as the "old fart" and other nasty things ppl called the Prof. So I'm glad that as we approach middle age, us men are still sexy to young women. TY. But if you like older men, find one who is NOT your Professor or he is going to be FIRED and you are going to feel responsible for it. End it now before the Administration finds out. Add the fired to divorced, etc, and you have a real mess.

2006-06-26 21:57:34 · answer #3 · answered by Thom Thumb 6 · 1 0

okay so we can't help who we are attracted too. Remember Billy Bob Thorton and Angelina Jolie back in the day. He was 100 years old but they had chemistry. Also you can't help if they are spoken for. But you can control your actions. You may not be the first girl he's acted this way too. Plus he's a man in power and you should wait til your out of his class to start something. You never know maybe is wife will be into you too and he can make things happen. Good Luck

2006-06-26 00:10:47 · answer #4 · answered by KAT 2 · 0 0

You will never get from those 2 boys daddy what your dad didn't give you. You will be wasting your time and body with a man who is only going to use your body to fulfill his fantasy.. You are seeking an education which indicates you have some sort of ambition for your future , so your self esteem cant be that low. Listen if you reach for the bottom guess where you'll end up.? The bottom . So be good to yourself continue to reach high and get a guy who will offer you a future filled with more than sex. You wont regret it.

2006-06-26 17:04:41 · answer #5 · answered by peaches 3 · 0 0

That is such a long drawn out question. He is a married man and I understand he is attractive and all, but the fact that he is married should raise some type of standard with you. You seem to be very smart ,also very detailed (smile) so you of course no that this territory is a NO-WIN-SITUATION. Yes he is flirting, but he sees something he likes. Don't ruin it by throwing yourself on him. It sounds like you want to make this more than what it is...Set some standards for yourself young lady and dont compromise for someone or something you can't even have.

2006-06-26 18:51:43 · answer #6 · answered by T.B 2 · 0 0

People that are 50 and are there to be someone to look up to...I was reading your question and started to get upset. The fact that you are 20, and not 16, makes no difference in my eyes.
You have to start ignoring him. This is wrong, wrong, so many times, that I have no words to tell you. Nothing good can come out of it. Stop dreaming about old perverted men, and find someone your age, or even 25 year old if you like older guys.

2006-06-25 21:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by sheba 3 · 0 0

hello i'am an old school gal that need to explain a thing or two to you don't stay on this road it will take you no where but to a lot of pain and misery look at the big picture do you know the hurt you will cause his family?or do you care? get ahold of yourself get away from this guy go find you a guy that is not married you seem to have a low self asteem of yourself a man will tell you anything to get in your pant's and after he will treat you like dirt especially if he is married

2006-06-26 16:13:40 · answer #8 · answered by mishoney 4 · 0 0

You DESERVE someone who is COMPLETELY for you. Would you be satisfied with half a degree? Half a paycheck? Why on earth would you be OK with half of a relationship? Because that is how things will turn out to be if you follow your misguided feelings. This man belongs to someone else, understand this. What you're feeling is infatuation - it's all an illusion. Forget about him, find yourself a young but emotionally mature guy if that's what you need. Live your life the way a young woman is supposed to live it, and love yourself!

2006-06-26 11:43:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are young and very impressionable right now. You have feelings for this man, it is evident in your writing. Please stay your distance from this man, you don't want to mess up someone's marriage. There are so many men out there, take your time, get your degree, date a lot, don't get hooked on one person right away, you don't know who else is out there for you. This man will evidentially act on his "IF" because he is a man and men rarely have self-control and make stupid mistakes. This man will also say I made a mistake with you and then you will feel used. And when you are married you definitely do not want that to happen to you. Move on, respect him for what he is a Professor. Good luck to you.

2006-06-26 00:38:14 · answer #10 · answered by AngiB 2 · 0 0

WOW what i long story.... u already feel something for him...u'll still feel that when u'll be with himm..... im sure u think of him at night and sometimes when u study..
anyway...it is a serious matter..cuz he has a family and would u like to see it broken...its not your fault but think about u should do well...take into account these things

2006-06-26 21:19:44 · answer #11 · answered by rapstar 3 · 0 0

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