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The majority of the US and the world know he lied about WMD to start this illegal war in Iraq. Even more Republicans are turning against him. his approval rating is the lowest of any president in american history with a low of 27%. About 3000 Brave American Soldiers have lost their lives for no reason. Almost 100,000 iraqi civilians killed. More than 20,000 american soldiers mamed and wounded. Nearly 300,000 Iraqi civilians wounded and mamded. Bush cant tell the UN where his so called WMD is in iraq. The same WMD Bush said he knew exactly where they were. If bush is innocent than why not let a war crimes tribunal be the judge of that. If he did nothing wrong then he has nothing to worry about. I just dont think he have to wait till the November elections to impeach him.

2006-06-12 15:33:31 · 14 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Politics & Government Politics

14 answers

Because he controlls the military, army, marines, airforce, navy. He controlls the FBI, CIA, the justice dept, the dept of defense.
He has the majority in all three branches of government. But mostly because the citizens do not realize that they have the power. Mostly because the American citizens know more about American Idol than they do their own constitution. Lets face it. We allowed our government to hide several of the crimes they have been invovled in, in the past 50 years. The Kennedys murder on national t.v. 1963&198 we allowed them to give us the Warren Report. The vietnam war, not one person was tried for acts of treason for getting us involved and keeping us involved. The ruby ridge murders, the waco murders, oaklahoma city murders, the iran contra, the first gulf war, all the engagements in central america during the Regan years. Our government has been corrupted for a long time. Bush should first be tried for acts of treason. He knew he did not win in 2000 and he knew he did not win in 2004, he stole the highest office in our government not once but twice. The republican party aided him in this crime. They are all guilty of acts of treason against the citizens of the United States of America. Stealing a national election and denying the people the right to vote is a act of treason. It is the right to vote that secures all the rights of the people granted to them and secured to them by the United States Constitution. Needless to say it the truth were truly known this administration most likely had something to do with 911. We know they lied us into a illegal war, we know that they have committed acts of treason to lay claim to the highest office in government. We know that they have no reguard for the rule of law or the security of the citizens. Evidence of this fact the Patriot Act. Gutanamamo bay cuba, wiretapping of the citizens, homeland security, corruption of the intellengence agencies. 750 signing statements where instead of vetoing a law he just signs them and states he will not follow them, absence of freedom of speech, absence of the right to protest, absence of the readdress of greivences. We live in a police state. War Crimes, hell, he has set him self up as a dictator.! Polls are low so don't be surprise if there is not another 911 in the works. His target this time will be the house of representatives. Why so he can suspend the Constititution and declare martial law. Set him self up as dictator to these united states of america. Afterall it is the house members who represent the people, disruption of the house would give a high body count, and would level fear in the hearts of senators to make them act right. I do not believe that 19 arabs committed 911, only this time it will be muslims from Iran. Seems to me he his following Hitler's playbook. Also seems to me that anyone he selected for office is just as illegal as George W. Bush is himself. He is an imposture, he is not the people's president, he stole the office. If he is illegal, then all that he enacted is illegal. We need him proscuted for treason, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

2006-06-12 21:17:54 · answer #1 · answered by barbara o 2 · 0 1

O'k ill type really slow so you will understand in order for it to be an illegal war the congress of the United States has to reject the president's declaration of war. Shortly after 9/11 the president went before congress and asked permission to hunt down terrorists and there sponsors anywhere they hide which the congress approved unanimously. Who would you reccomend run this war crimes tribunal the U.N. now there is an organization that needs some charges brought against it.

2006-06-12 22:47:55 · answer #2 · answered by CHARLES A 2 · 0 0

Everyone claimed WMD were in Iraq including Clinton. The difference is simple. Bush had the balls to act on the percieved threat. Quit acting like Bush was the only person claiming WMDs!!!!!

Actually don't. Keep doing exactly what you're doing. We will keep winning elections...

Dear Bookworm,

America has no poverty. Please visit any other country before you claim there is any poverty in America.

2006-06-12 22:42:39 · answer #3 · answered by anonymosity 2 · 0 0

Bush has not commited a war crime. You need to get your news and information from a better source. Just perform a simple web search and come to your own conclusions. Don't let the liberal media feed you slanted stories.

2006-06-12 22:42:04 · answer #4 · answered by darleyjr 3 · 0 0

who is going to charge him? he doesnt listen to the united nations etc. who does he have to answer to. he has millions living in poverty who cant even afford medical treatment but he can spend billions on a space program and going to war. the american people need to ask these questions and demand an answer. if he doesnt care about what his own people say why would he care about what other world leaders or the united nations think.

2006-06-12 22:41:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because you are a gay mammas boy.Go kill yourself.Im coming to abduct you.From my observation I can tell that Bush is a great human leader and you are a paronoid as s headed democrack.

2006-06-13 18:18:23 · answer #6 · answered by I Sexy Little Alien 1 · 0 0

He should be, he should be packed up and shipped to the Hague to be tried for his crimes against humanity. He is the worlds biggest terrorist.

2006-06-12 22:37:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the plans are in the works as I type,, nothing would make me happier than Karl Rove in a perp walk

2006-06-12 22:38:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WRONG . Liberals get real desperate when things pick up under a Republican president ..roflmao..lol.lol

2006-06-12 22:38:52 · answer #9 · answered by missmayzie 7 · 0 0

America has been hand trained to recognize everything that damages its people, its environment and its interests as good.

People scream to be in debt and say thanks whenever we spend billions on useless wars

2006-06-12 22:37:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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