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21 answers

I have many morals on the treatment of others, I have high morals on the way I treat women and men, in relationships, loyalty, and respect of those who are older and wiser than me. As far as things like dignity and grace, it went out the window the second I was born.

2006-06-12 15:03:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I try to live a moral life. The Golden Rule is a simple one and
I think the foundation of morality. It's also practical. After all if
you screw people over sooner or later it'll come back to haunt
you,one way or another. Life is hard enough. Personally I think people create most of their own problems through bad decisions
of one kind of another-why add to them if you don't have to?
To be honest,one of the main reasons I live this way is because
of something I learned in younger days.
That is I'm one of those people who can't get away with anything
so I have to think of the consequences.

2006-06-12 16:00:32 · answer #2 · answered by Alion 7 · 0 0

I live by a moral code. Karma and such does lead to a happier life and it's better to not wreak havoc in one's short time on the planet. What kills me is people who don't want to believe in a universal moral code. Relatively still reigns, and then no one is responsible for anything or bound by responsibility. In that world we're all sunk. There must be a comfortable, adjustable balance between the extremes: strict moral authoritarianism and utter moral relativism.

2006-06-12 15:09:58 · answer #3 · answered by Shaman 2 · 0 0

My moral code IS to worry about the consequences.

2006-06-12 15:08:46 · answer #4 · answered by Source 4 · 0 0

I believe I'm here on earth to love and help others in need. I live by a moral code. I'm a Christian, although I'm far from perfect. So many kids nowadays just simply don't worry about the consequences of their actions. It amazes me how many young people worship Satan and are involved in witchcraft. I think when they took god out of the schools, they really did a disservice to our kids....)(

2006-06-12 15:23:49 · answer #5 · answered by MissKathleen 6 · 0 0

The question assumes that moral motivation must be consequentialist; but not all morally motivated persons find the principle of their action through some sort of means-ends calculus. In fact, some hold that acting from motives drawn from a consequentialism is not morally motivated action at all. See for example Kant, Groundwork for Metaphysics of Morals.

2006-06-12 19:09:32 · answer #6 · answered by Jasper41 1 · 0 0

Live by a certain moral code like there's no liberty, lack of freedom. But doing whatever you want as much as you like means lack of responsiblity.
I live in my life with the simplest form of moral rule, like formers who mention golden rule.
1. Be Responsible
2. You are deserve what you got

First one is the social responsiblity and also respect to other beliefs. I alone are responsible for whatever I done. Because I'll never do anything without my will. Not because of my religion, not because of my government and not also because of my mama. Its co-exits with freedom. We can't blame on others because they asked us to do.

Latter one is for spritual and mental health, even we try our best we'll not always get a positive outcome. It can depress us sometimes. But for me, what I get is what I deserve. I consider it as because I'm not good enough. In the form of Buddhism, It represent Karma, even if we try best, bad things happen because of the things we did in the past life. So, what about Christian way? More simple, being a Christian you have to have faith in the Christ, God. If you didn't get blessing instead suffering than you're simply not enough. And surly you need more faith, because if you think like that, it showed you still have doubts.
I recognized many people in different religions who enjoy peace and harmony, spiritual peacefulness. One thing they have a common is they have faith in their religion, yes, their beliefs. Even they don't insult others, they know very well about their belief and willing to explain it to you if you want to listen. You can argue with them, they'll not anger because they don't have doubts in it, they have their complete faith in it, and you can't win their hearts again.
Oops! Sorry its little bit long,. Beyond the bondries....

2006-06-12 16:24:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very few people don't worry about consequences. I believe that in general, people act according to one of three basic beliefs about themselves and others:
1. They believe that others are generally better in some way. Others are smarter, stronger, bigger, better mentally or physically than the person. It is not exactly fear, because they learn ways to cope with these beliefs that let them function in the world. This is the most common point of view. Personal attacks on them cause them to be hurt emotionally and they respond with tears and withdrawal.
2. They believe that they are generally better than other people. They are smarter, stronger, bigger, better mentally or physically than other people. Other people are not respected even thought these people know how to act in a polite way and hide their beliefs from the other people they have to live and work with. In its worst degree, these people are criminals and rapists. Personal attacks on them cause them to be angry emotionally and they respond with energy and argument.
3. They believe that they are as capable as other people. That an equal relationship where sharing and consideration of everyone's feelings and needs will lead to the best life. Personal attacks on them cause them to be introspective and evaluative and they respond with dignity and reason. They often ask "Why do you..." and "When will you..." because they seek equilibrium and a continuing happy, or at least workable relationship.

2006-06-12 15:56:24 · answer #8 · answered by China Jon 6 · 0 0

i try the hardest to live my life right ;treat people better then i do myself; teach my beautiful four children to do the same ;i just had a nervus breakdown or spiritual awakening in feb. the light of the old indian legion help me so much ;im a astrology helper keeper saviour; morals are very good to have and keep dont let anyone take that ;a very lifelong friend of mine took me down but im stronger and leared alot spending 13 days in psch. ward

2006-06-12 15:15:26 · answer #9 · answered by mary proof 1 · 0 0

I have an inner conscience that guides me, the desire to do the right things , I now know that it is the Spirit of the Lord leading me along with the free will that is given to us, I live knowing the choices of behavior and lifestyle that I choose impact the lives and choices of others.

2006-06-12 15:15:53 · answer #10 · answered by sunny29360 3 · 0 0

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