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17 answers

Ok, being a virgin is great - good call - but has next to nothing to do with periods being wacky. That can happen to any girl, so don't panic.

A lot of girls do have irregular cycles for a while, sort of your body getting used to hormone cycles, responding to stress, and everything else. If however, you've usually had regular cycles and this is a recent development, you should look at the following and then try to get in to see the doctor or nurse practicioner, telling them anything on those four points.

Stuff to look at:

1) Diet - have you made any drastic changes in what you eat lately? Grapefruit diets, juice fasts, drastically cutting your calories - these are the usual culprits. However, other things like eating a lot of fast food can also mess with stuff.

2) Stress - mental or physical. Exams? fighting with parents? trying to hold a job and go to school? Large emotional changes in your life, too, for example parents divorcing, a death in the family, depression, whatever. A large amount of physical stress can also mess with your cycle - for example, if you just started exercising heavily after sitting on the couch for a year.

3) Recent serious illness or surgery - messes with everything, including the menstrual cycle. Even sort of pokey bugs like mononucleosis can mess with your cycle for a bit, just because your system's kind of worn out from fighting it.

4) Medications you may be taking. Obviously, hormonal medications can mess with your cycle, but sometimes relatively innocuous things like antibiotics can also play havoc with your system.

You need to also let your healthcare person know if you have any other weird stuff popping up, for instance, extra-tired all the time or extra heavy hair growth - could point to thyroid problems or something like that. Try not to be embarrassed talking to them - trust me, they've heard it all and will hear it again, they are here to help.

Oh, and one other thing - if you happened to have a bad fall or something, the one day bleeding if it was light and spotty may have actually been a hymen breakage. This happens a lot in active girls, has nothing to do with your virginity it's just that that little stretched skin popped. So going to your family practicioner is a good idea.

2006-06-12 13:08:24 · answer #1 · answered by Fed_UP_with_work. 4 · 16 2

Most teenagers have irregular periods. If you're still a virgin, you're not pregnant...that hasn't happened in over 2,000 years and I don't think it's happened now.
Do you exercise a lot? People with low body fat who exercise too much often disrupt their menstrual cycles.
Do you have cramps? Bloating? Did this just start or is this how your cycles always have been?
If this is an unusual thing, or if you're really worried, go tell your mom or dad and ask if you can go to the doctor. You may have something medically wrong that is causing a problem. It may be embarassing, but trust me, they won't be mad. No matter how big you get, you'll always be their little girl.

2006-06-12 20:02:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't worry about it. I've had my period since I was 9 and sometimes I still only get it for one day every few months. These things are often irregular and it's hard to depend upon a set schedule. If you're still worried though, you can always ask your doctor.

2006-06-12 20:32:47 · answer #3 · answered by Linda 2 · 0 0

Don't worry much if it's just one period every 6-12 months. Things like that happen. It's normal to miss your period like that. But if it's a frequent thing, check yourself. If you skip period after period, that's irregular for any female even at your age. STD's are the main cause, but physical trauma to your stomach and other factors may delay your period.

But to be on the safe side, go get it check.

"Better safe and fertile, than sorry and adopting kids."

2006-06-12 20:09:03 · answer #4 · answered by Homer 4 · 0 0

It has more to do with the fact that you're a teenager, and teenagers aren't always 100% regular...Especially if you've been getting your period for 2 years or less. But even if you've had it longer than that, it most likely still has to do with being a teenager

2006-06-13 01:36:36 · answer #5 · answered by Eni 2 · 0 0

Don't worry its 100 percent normal. You might get some spotting over the next month, or you may not have a hint of a period until next month or even later. It is just your hormones going all over the place.

2006-06-12 20:00:33 · answer #6 · answered by manderstwin1 3 · 0 0

have you fooled around to the point where you could have gotten sperm in there to make you pregnant? if not i'd say go to your doctor...if you periods are messed up then they can find out if its something to be worried about. they may even put you on the pill to make them regular again.

2006-06-12 20:00:11 · answer #7 · answered by ravinskye 3 · 0 0

periods can be irregular during your teen years. I would see your doctor for some birth control or something. It would regulate your cycles.

2006-06-12 20:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by Mama to a Boy and Girl! 2 · 0 0

its normal to be irrgular when your a teen, if you are a virgin you are not pregnant, so dont worry, if your next period is the same see a doctor, he may suggest the birth control pill to regulate your hormones....

2006-06-12 19:58:40 · answer #9 · answered by dana_king01 2 · 0 0

When you are younger your periods are irregular that's all that's wrong its normal for most females ok don't worry if you haven't had sex you are quite fine and don't need to worry

2006-06-13 02:25:12 · answer #10 · answered by dorothy a 1 · 0 0

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