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8 answers

tomorrow, you will go to work. then you will come home. then you will eat dinner.

2006-06-12 12:52:36 · answer #1 · answered by CSG 2 · 1 0

well here is something that i know about u.
2006 will be a year of consolidation.

From the 6th March, Venus will start crossing your sun, helping you to meet new people. After a lively period in your love life, the coming of Saturn heralds a more constructive time, which will lead you into a deeper, more serious relationship. Keep your eyes open, especially during August.

Uranus will play on your nerves a little, so think of ways to keep calm - what about a martial arts class? A rugby starter course? Everything will fall into place.

Middle (31/3 to 10/4)
2006 is a year of harmony. The influence of Neptune will profoundly transform your relationships with others, making you more receptive to those around you. Everyone makes the most of it, not least you, who will be far less attracted by material gain. However, between July and September Saturn and Leo will bring good fortune and you will see your efforts come to fruition. You will be working in a structured, efficient way, making the most of your skills and knowledge, inspiring confidence in other. You will be in demand!
Late (10/4 to 20/4)
2006 is a year of action. You will be firing on all cylinders and have the power to move mountains, so make the most of it! There's no need to cross your fingers and wish on lucky stars, you can do no wrong this year. You will also tap into resources that you didn't know you had, especially if you were born between the 12th and the 18th April. This inner shift will come with change that you have no control over. Your life as you know it will be transformed, it's time for more independence and to take steps towards goals which you hold dear. Go for it!

Hope u got everything very clearly. if u want to ask something else u can contact me n ask whatever u want clearly n straightly u know im also an arian. bye take care

2006-06-13 00:47:30 · answer #2 · answered by Cool Like Fire 2 · 0 0

Your independence and fearlessness are your most dominant traits. This combination leads you into all kind of interesting places. Unfamiliar territory may be a little spooky at first, but press on with this venture.

2006-06-13 23:50:22 · answer #3 · answered by Hevn 1 · 0 0

Your sign being ruled by mars and right now is being pulled strongly by the sun. Now I see an influence of ..........

Oh my gosh .... Your going to die in seven days!

2006-06-12 19:57:09 · answer #4 · answered by StingRay 3 · 0 0

you are going to die in 7 days

2006-06-12 19:50:16 · answer #5 · answered by salut_mes_amis_noirs 3 · 0 0

This isnt a readng i guess but more of an inner reflection thing. email me and tell me if u like it
Jazzie b.

I did ur chart u can go online and type in moon in Sag, or mercury n pisces u can find out alot

Planet Deg Sign Min
Sun 18º Aries 26'
Moon 1º Sagittarius 32'
Mercury 23º Pisces 39'
Venus 2º Pisces 04'
Mars 23º Aries 08'
Jupiter 25º Gemini 25'
Saturn 23º Pisces 22'
Uranus 16º Virgo 20'
Neptune 21º Scorpio 39'
Pluto 16º Virgo 23'
Ascendant 21º Cancer 53'
Midheaven 5º Aries

Although you appear gentle and soft, and you are sympathetic towards other people, you are also a "warrior". You sometimes feel torn between these two aspects of yourself: the sensitive, tender-hearted, home-loving side, and the assertive, competitive, risk-taking side. Often people who first meet you think that you are a "softy", but later find out that you are a person with a strong will and aggressive in pursuing your goals.

You are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor and authenticity are your gods, and you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others.

You crave the freedom to do things in your own way, and you work very well independently. Cooperating with others or carrying out another's will is not your style. You like to be the chief -or to go after it alone.

You love action and if others are settling down into a nice, comfortable little rut, then you are always ready to stir things up, do something new, make changes, bring in some fresh blood. Routine and sameness are like death to you. You are not afraid of trying something that's never been done before, and even though you may be seen as a fool sometimes, you also discover, invent, and initiate things that others will later emulate. Taking risks and following your own star are the breath of life for you, and you wilt (or get very frustrated and angry) if you cannot do this.

You are spontaneous, impulsive, direct, enthusiastic and assertive. You believe in the power of positive thinking and positive action, and you think of yourself as a strong person -even invincible. You hate being ill or in any way in a position of dependency. Accepting your own human limitations and emotional needs is often difficult for you.

You are basically aggressive in your attitudes and have less facility in the receptive arts of relating to others, picking up subtle messages and nuances, listening, nurturing, and harmonizing. Often you are so fired up about your own projects or goals that you inadvertently run over or ignore other people's feelings and interests. Being receptive and appreciative of others' contributions, ideas and feelings would go a long way in improving your relationships. Your impatience to get on with things causes you to be rather insensitive, and to therefore alienate others unnecessarily. You also frequently try to accomplish your ends by using anger or some version of a temper tantrum. You would gain much by learning to slow down, relax and just let things be sometimes, but your energetic, restless nature rarely allows you to do this.

Your career, reputation and public image are very important to you. You have a strong desire to be influential or make your mark on the world. The merely personal sphere does not satisfy you; your ambitions include making a major contribution and receiving broad recognition for your unique effort and gifts. You may undervalue the personal or inner side of life.

You are assertive, energetic, active, courageous and vital. You have a very strong physical drive which expresses itself as sexuality and passion, a desire to compete with others, and a tendency to fight. You have a victorious spirit and the will to win.

Along with your energy and drive you have high ideals and an active fantasy life. There is a dreamer and an idealist in you, as well as a doer and a fighter. You want to win but not at others' expense, and this maybe something of a dilemma for you.

You are apt to be a fanatic in some way, and cannot go halfway in anything you do. Your extremism may seem (and actually be) obsessive and somewhat blind. That is, you don't always consciously understand why you feel as driven or intense about a given course of action as you do. There is a strong element of fate or inevitability in your life. A significant death or loss in your life is apt to profoundly influence you and shape important decisions in your life, and you may consciously seek out intense, life-or-death experiences as well.

At times you may feel an uncontrollable urge to radically alter your direction in life, or to act in ways that seem eccentric or at least highly uncharacteristic of you. When your life is becoming too predictable, you may do something to upset the status quo, sometimes without realizing why or how you are doing this. These impulses may seem at odds with your conscious intent and desires for yourself, and can be unsettling. However, there is a streak of unconventionality and creative genius in you that needs to be expressed now and then.

You tend to be very impressionable and psychically open, and as a youngster, you could have been dominated by more forceful personalities. Afraid of confrontation, you may have become passive, identified yourself as a helpless victim, or tried to gain your desires in underhanded ways.

Your hypersensitivity to your environment is apt to be a challenge for you in other ways as well. Pollutants, ugliness or dissonance in any form is apt to affect you more than most people.

Your life is apt to be blessed with more than your share of helpful friends, fortuitous connections and doors opening to you at just the right time. Because you are usually willing to share and to give back to others in a generous way, you continue to generate successes in your life no matter how unfortunate prevailing circumstances are. Beware, however, of becoming an opportunist.

2006-06-12 22:28:43 · answer #6 · answered by Young fun and oh so tender... 2 · 0 0

How rude. I cant believe he said that to you! What a jerk!!

2006-06-12 19:51:29 · answer #7 · answered by Bride2Be 8/30/08 5 · 0 0

kansas rocks hell yeah !

2006-06-13 01:48:49 · answer #8 · answered by maggiejp2005 2 · 0 1

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