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30 answers

Every morning as I open my eyes, I sweep the desparation and uncertainty under the rug for the day, and try to keep it at bay as I put one foot in front of the other.

2006-06-21 02:19:19 · answer #1 · answered by mahleezah 7 · 1 1

hmmmm. Interesting question. "How do you numb..." This implies that there pain and despair are life and you can only deal with it.

You can:

1) Change your mind about reality. If you have clinical depression, then a trip to the doctor would be helpful. It wouldn't be numbing; it would be treating a medical condition that is not your fault.

2) Buddah said that Life is Suffering. You can accept ALL the richness of life, including the pain. Embrace what you resist and it no long becomes a fight and instead becomes a dance. For instance, let's say you are devastated because someone you love broke up with you. You embrace that pain, realizing that it is only an indication of the depth that you can love and loving is a gift.

3) Numb the pain, as you asked. Watch a movie, get drunk, do drugs, exercise. But I don't recommend going for the numbing solution. Treat the problem, not the symptoms.

I wish you well, my friend.

2006-06-12 13:01:59 · answer #2 · answered by reality_check 3 · 0 0

You should not numb it. You should face the cruel fires of reality. Face the pain and sorrow. Stand in the quagmire and get out of it. You need goals, dreams and things to look forward to. You need to fight as those who do not fight can not survive well. If you are so depressed that you can not function properly well than that is an illness of the mind and just like an illness of the body you need medication. Diabetics take insulin and depressed people need to take medicine too. So the point is, if a person is feeling poorly all the time than they have no purpose in their life or they are ill.

- lazy aimless mopers will be sad and in pain and this is their fault
- deeply depressed people can't help feeling bad and need medicine

Hope this helps. I used to just get hammered and party all the time. That helped a bit but never got to the root of it. I use cynicism and a dark sense of humour and my private goals and plans. Humour is essential. Life is a joke.

2006-06-26 10:18:40 · answer #3 · answered by Ouros 5 · 0 0

It isn't about numbing/dulling the pain it is about learning how to grow out of pain. If you don't learn from it and just wallow in it then what benefit does it have. Over come the pain. I personally choose to rely on my savior Jesus for this. He doesn't make it go away he doesn't promise it will never happen but he does promise to always be a friend during those times...as a true friend he'll carry you when you are down and celebrate with you when you are up.

2006-06-12 13:13:44 · answer #4 · answered by nothingcreativecametomind 2 · 0 0

You can't numb the pain. But you can find help for it. Try talking to a friend .You can talk to The Lord Jesus Christ .He will give you peace. Try volunteer work .Can take your mind off your despair. Some churches have ministries, Like jail ministry. Feeding the homeless. Hospitals. Wish I could help you more.

2006-06-26 09:15:56 · answer #5 · answered by diamondblue382000 2 · 0 0

Prayer and giving it all to God. The only one ABLE to numb the pain and quiet the despair.

2006-06-26 01:17:30 · answer #6 · answered by GOUTVOLS 4 · 0 0

Seek professional help. It doesn't numb it but helps you face it so instead of taking off the bandaid slowly you pull it off with one good solid yank. People who don't numb themselves by doing drugs, alcohol or beating their supposed loved ones out of fear and anguish over their lives not turning out the way they wished.

If you don't want to be one of these sad despairing people, I suggest getting your head out of the sand and going out into the world. You will quickly see your life is not as bad as you originally thought and will bring some positiveness into the world.

2006-06-19 15:43:20 · answer #7 · answered by brilliantyetconfused 4 · 0 0

When I go through painful moments and feel desperate, I only let its grip on me for a short while. After that short while I move on, I do not allow pain nor desperation hamper my personal growth because although I learn from such experiences, life is still best lived with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. For after all our trials, come the joys. They always go hand in hand, the more we choose to be happy, the more happiness will follow us wherever we go. :)

2006-06-26 01:12:49 · answer #8 · answered by Jo Ann 6 · 0 0

Examine yourself...start with the basics....and then move from there. Think about what would make you happy, and then try to achieve that goal. Do not focus on negative thoughts, and remove yourself from negative energy sources.......First, you must forgive the people that hurt you....Forget about despair....take responsibility for your life, change what you can change...and move on in peace.

2006-06-21 05:11:12 · answer #9 · answered by Shawna S 1 · 0 0

well.....u have to think positive, dont look back on bad things. u have to move forward, it is like a movie if u keep rewinding or looking back at parts that have already happened, then u will take forever to finish the movie, it gets boring and depressing. and u eventually get frustrated. just move on, try new things, develop a hobby or a sport. go out with friends, go on dates, meet new ppl. read books. but whatever u do dont look back on bad things, looking back on good things is ok, just dont regret anything that u cant change. if u can change it and make it better with a little hard work then fix it if it is important to you, i hope this helps you ;)

2006-06-26 11:16:19 · answer #10 · answered by Kyle W 2 · 0 0

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