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Many people out there, some even American believe that the terrible acts were not carried out by Usama Bin Laden but by others. Some even put the blame on Bush, I know it all sounds very far-fetched but there are so many of these various different theories out there, it is hard not to take a bit of notice!

2006-06-12 12:05:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

18 answers

I don't believe the theories at all. Like all events with unanswered questions, there will be theories on what did or did not happen. I believe that the main motive behind the theories is based on the fact that people want answers to their questions, but don't get them, thus they go on their own coarse to find information and build a theory on the event. However, I can tell you that a lot of the theories have been disproved.

2006-06-12 12:08:23 · answer #1 · answered by 2-3,2-4,4-3,4-4,3-4,4-2,5-4 3 · 1 0

upsetting that people are so dismissive of so called 'conspiracy theories'. the biggest conspiracy theory is the one that Usama bin laden did it and the US government had nothing to do with it.

Most of the 'conspiracy theorists' are looking for the truth and want justice for the 3000 people killed in the WTC that day, along side the hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed in iraq. The US continues to use 9/11 as a pretext for whatever they like.

THE FBI HAVE STATED THAT THERE IS NO HARD EVIDENCE CONNECTING USAMA BIN LADEN TO 9/11. That is why on the FBI 'most wanted' website it DOESN'T say 'USAMA BIN LADEN wanted for the wtc attacks of september 11th 2001"

Look at 9/11 like a murder investigation. A crime has been commited. How does a detective draw up a list of suspects? They see who would benefit from the crime and see whether they had the means and motive to carry it out. The PNAC 'Protecting americas defences' document clearly states that an attack on the US, like 9/11, would be beneficial to them.

Then look at the Able danger project. Able Danger was the governement project to fly planes into the twin towers, disguised as a terror drill. Curt Weldon has appeared in the mainstream media trying to get the truth out about the specific information they had on the hijackers, pre 9/11, which was deliberately isolated from any other agencies.

As for the bin laden confession tape... it doesn't look like bin laden to me. and the audio was apparently difficult to translate due to the poor quality.

As for GW Bush himself. He wouldn't really have to know much or anything about it. he doesn't run America. PNAC, the bilderbergs and some oil companies do.

I could go on and on. I just hope we see more FBI and CIA people come out on this. I hope the people responsible are brought to justice and we all stop talking about how we need to invade eastern countries and have compulsory ID cards because 'them radical muslims got us bad'!

2006-06-12 23:48:30 · answer #2 · answered by mistertimgray 1 · 0 0

There are many conspiricy theories raging around the worlds concerning the attack on New York on 9/11

Some say the FBI / CIA had intelligence that this plot was being carried out months before the actual attack but it was allowed to happen as it would solve many issues faced by the Bush administration such as looming ecenomic recession (it was obvious this attack would cause disruption on the worlds stock markets for many months, providing a ready made excuse for any ecenomic downturn) the 'Unfinished business' in Iraq (Bush wanted to get rid of Saddam but had no legitimate reason to attack or a legitimate way of gaining international support) the unpopularity of the Bush administration (nothing boosts a political leaders profile than leading his / her nation in war!) and this attack would strengthen America's position as a self appointed international police force. Add to that the quest to secure more of the worlds oil reserves, handing out billions of $ in contracts to re-build Iraq to American / Allied companies and a hearty pat on the back from dad for settling an old family feud in sorting out their old mate Saddam.

There are more theories, some believe the Pentagon was hit by a missile rather than a plane, others believe the twin towers only collapsed because explosive charges had been placed inside (explaining the 'demolition' style way they both came down without damaging surrounding buildings)

The real truth is that we will never know the truth. The only people who have all the answers dies on that day (or did they?)

2006-06-12 12:28:16 · answer #3 · answered by The Wandering Blade 4 · 0 0

Conspiracy theories abound because some of the things that have happened since 9/11, that have made people think.
The Iraq war & Mr Bush saying that Iraq harboured those responsible for 9/11, this has since turned out to be a lie. Along with the WMD, that never were!
The Iraq war is more than likely a dose of good old fashioned pay-back! A failed assignation attempt on Mr Bush Sr, by Saddams henchmen back in the 90's.
The Israeli connection to 9/11 is still gaining ground & who would gain more from the fall of Saddam? Saddam was a sworn enemy of the Jewish state.
Which brings us back to why was 9/11 allowed to happen?
So the World would understand, Israel was feeling threatened & wanted the world on its side, united against Terrorism which to the Israelis all terrorists are Moslems.
& it worked, didn't it?

2006-06-12 12:23:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't care what other people out there think. I believe that those planes hit and destroyed the twin towers on 9/11. Theories and Conspiracies i will leave to the Unhappy and sad people to give them some kind of contentment. Everyone is entitled to believe in what they want to believe in.Its a Semi-Free country after all.

2006-06-12 12:14:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bin Laden admitted he was responsible!!! Why would anyone else, especially Bush want such a thing done? What good could come of it. He didn't need it to go to war in Afghanistan - we'd just had the USS Cole attacked 8 months before he took office & did nothing about it. He didn't need 9/11 to attack Iraq, recall justification was about WMD & the world didn't support us anyway. These things are insanly stupid.

2006-06-12 13:14:20 · answer #6 · answered by djack 5 · 0 0

Yes , I do, if that cabal can steal an election twice they can do anything. All they have to do is to claim national security and the investigation stops. I also believe that the towers were blown up. at least I believe that you could see charges go off at each levels on a certain video. Immediately after the Pentagon was hit a video of someone standing next to the plane proved that it was not a jumbo plane. The man was describing a white unmarked plane and while he talked I could see the tail undammaged. I never saw that video again.

2006-06-12 12:31:50 · answer #7 · answered by Elisabeth T 1 · 0 0

I doubt President Bush had anything to do with the attack on 9/11, because since then his entire presidential holding of office has gone down hill in the American people's eyes entirely. You have to ask why would he plan an attack on his own homeland soil that would entire ruin his carrier?

As far as anyone else other than Bin Laden being responsible, I just don't see any reason anyone else would have for attacking such symbols of our country directly anyway. As far as I know we're in good relations with everybody else, but then again...the population only knows what their govts want them to know.

2006-06-12 14:59:00 · answer #8 · answered by Kazel 1 · 0 0

there is enough evidence to cast some doubt on the official account. ENough inconsistancies in "facts". How the buildings collapsed begged a fair few questions itself.

At the end of the day you will have to mak eup your own mind, but please remember it was a trajedy regardless of who was to blame. Personally, i have many misgivings about the offical account and the subsequent knee jerk reaction and invasion of oil rich countries that have nothing to do with each other.

Good luck

2006-06-12 12:20:21 · answer #9 · answered by HarryBore 4 · 0 0

No. I do not believe the conspiracy theories.
As for George Bush instigating it, we all know the man is an intellectual reject but even he is not that stupid.

2006-06-12 20:03:04 · answer #10 · answered by monkeyface 7 · 0 0

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