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I hope you will be objective and mature when I list the thing President Bush has done. 1st it rained all weekend..this ruined my weekend..thanks BUSH! Then my child dropped a grade point in school..thanks BUSH! Then my vet bill was HUGE..thanks BUSH..you strike again! Then he went after that Saddam guy..he didn't do anything wrong, the world loved him and his wonderful son's..thanks BUSH..jerk! Then he lowered my taxes..thank idiot Bush..I want to pay MORE..you idiot! The government know how to use my money more than me..stupid! Oh yes..also I'm a loser with no job and I spend my day blaming other's because I a loser..and BUSH won't pay me for this service I give to this country for FREE..not ONE word from the Bush administration thanking me..NOTHING!..thanks Bush you are messing up my life...and I know you caused hurricane Katrina..LIAR..I HATE what you have done!!!

2006-06-12 09:07:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

You make an excellent point; Bush is often blamed for things that are very clearly out of his control.

Unfortunately, this is a fundamental problem with our two-party political system. Many Republicans do the same type of thing when the Democrats are in power. The problem is that acknowledging that your opposition did something right, increases their popularity, which increases their chances of re-election, and systematically reduces your own party’s power. This gives each party a major incentive to bad mouth the other – whether they have a legitimate criticism or not.

Do you remember when Bill Clinton bombed Iraq after Saddam Hussein kicked all of the U.N. weapons inspectors out? Many Republicans accused him of trying to distract the world from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Who knows, maybe that was part of his motivation, but I for one tend to give him a little more credit. Bill Clinton had the same ‘intelligence’ that George Bush did, and also determined that bombing Iraq was necessary. Bill Clinton should have been applauded for bombing Iraq, but doing so would make the Democrats look like they were doing something right. It was politically advantageous for Republicans to keep the country’s focus on the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

This political smear game is clearly damaging the country’s unity. We all need to calm down and start using our brains again. Each of us can make sure that we’re not guilty of this nonsense when the opposition is in control, and hopefully at some point it will stop.

Response to bluejacket8j:

You seem to be pretty intelligent, and you may well know that George Bush didn’t cause Katrina, but many “Dems and Libs” are actually making this accusation. Robert Kennedy, for example, is an outspoken liberal that is adamant about this. Of course, Robert Kennedy is an alcoholic and a drug abuser, and I’d guess he doesn’t have much credibility with most “Dems and Libs”. However, we can’t understate his influence; he is one of the icons of the extreme left. Moderate “Dems and Libs” tend to be more rational, just as moderate Republicans and Conservatives tend to be more rational. It is the fringe element on both sides that are causing most of the problems.

Now, as to Bush’s handling of Katrina, there is greater room for legitimate criticism. Lives may have been saved if he handled it differently. With that said, before Katrina there was little precedent for the Federal government to be the “first mover” on this kind of issue. Traditionally, the Federal government gives aide only when the governor specifically requests it. The governor is the one who “dropped the ball” first. The request for help came much later than it should of. Had the governor, who has primary responsibility over the affairs of the State, acted in a timely manner, then much of the human suffering that came from the disaster could have been averted.

Perhaps you may feel that Bush should have recognized that the governor was shirking his duty to the people and taken over. But to do that would have required Bush to act without precedent in his actions. Since the disaster, Bush has come out and said that there was a failure of the system, and even acknowledged that he had a share of the blame. Let’s make sure that we don’t overstate his culpability though. It’s always easy to make someone the scapegoat, but that doesn’t really accomplish anything positive. It only gives us a superficial satisfaction that someone was held accountable, even when the consequences were unforeseeable. It is far more important that lessons are learned and that safeguards are put into place so that there isn’t a “repeat” in the future. I’d be willing to bet that if we were faced with another “Katrina”, we would observe radically different behavior from the Mayor’s actions all the way to the President’s. Ultimately, we must judge our success or failure by our ability to learn from our mistakes, and by how prepared we are in the future - not by the cost of the lesson.

2006-06-12 09:48:01 · answer #1 · answered by codemap 2 · 1 0

Well, if you're looking for a job, the government is hiring down at the Army recruiting center. It doesn't rain nearly so much in Iraq from what I've heard, so that may help things. And your vet bill won't seem so large when you've got some disposable income.

Your child's grades may have dropped due to a poor implementation of the poor "No Child Left Behind" act (Thanks, Bush!), though it may simply be that your child is stupid, quite possibly because you didn't give it very many bright genes to work with, let alone nurturing them to achieve anything resembling potential.

This is, of course, really quite tragic because it means that as the compounded national bills from Iraq come due, your child is far less likely to have an earning potential sufficient to pay them off while retaining domestic national services -- such as interstates and the CIA. Conversely, if your child does make enough money to help pay these bills -- doesn't require particularly good grades to play baseball, does it? -- then the current trend shows that the "lower my taxes" lobbyists will help to ensure that your child doesn't actually have to. Really, it's quite simple: low taxes are good, fiscal responsibility is better. How we behave now does, in fact, influence future policy.

Take for example how Donald Rumsfeld was behaving in 1983 when he went and chatted with Saddam and sold him weapons and such despite Saddam's known penchant for chemical weapons. Why were we convinced that Saddam had chemical WMDs? Because the folks in the administration leading the charge to war were the same folks who knew Saddam's regime inside and out from the 1980s. Heckofa job, Rummy!

And while none of the blow-hards in DC can actually cause a hurricane -- although many of them are natural disasters in their own special way -- Bush did pull the US out of the Kyoto treaty to reduce the production of greenhouse gasses which accelerate global warming and help build and sustain more powerful hurricanes than have been commonplace in the (recorded) past. Additionally, he also placed the federal emergency management agency under the tender loving care of an underqualified croney within a department that is obsessed with stopping terrorists despite recent history showing that the planet itself is rather more blindly aggressive than any insurgency could hope to muster. So when the response to the emergency was slow, confused, and completely failed to mitigate the crisis in any meaningful way, Bush stepped up and... reassured "Brownie" that he was doing a heck of a job.

And when The Moment Of Accountability was called for, Bush boldly declared, "I'm the decider." And what he decided was that everything was just fine -- except for gay marriage.

Clearly the president is a great man and a great president. Of some nation where everything is going just fine. Too bad it doesn't seem to be the one I'm living in.

2006-06-12 16:38:24 · answer #2 · answered by kiezkahse 3 · 0 0

I hope this is your way to show people how idiotic they are for blaming him for everything. I am not saying that he is perfect and never makes a mistake. Hell all of make mistakes, we are all human. He has done an outstanding job. Maybe some of these idiots out there should do there homework before they put the blame on anybody. Did you know that when a president is in office it takes 4 years to show what he has done. There for alot of this **** is stemming from our wonderful Clinton (that did not inhale, or cheat, or lie or steal) God we should be so proud.

I don't agree with everything he has done but I do know that he is doing a good job and if he could run again, I would vote again. If some of these people would put this much thought and energy into there daily lives, they could be doing so much better.

How about all of you ignorant people grow up!!!

2006-06-13 08:33:05 · answer #3 · answered by mikemadie 4 · 0 0

Once again this issue comes to me. It bothers me that people really think that EVERYONE blames Bush.

Its not true and its giving us liberal democrats a bad name. I mean yes there are liberals and even some just regular conservative people from either party that DO blame bush for almost EVERYTHING including hurricane Katrina.

This is asenine.

But not everyone blames Bush for everything.
But if you put the blame where the blame should be Bush dosnt exactly have a clear record. There are alot of things that he has done wrong. However, as the president it is expected.

2006-06-12 16:12:55 · answer #4 · answered by ¡Free Love! 4 · 0 0

Because some lose their jobs they are losers?

He lowered the Rich's taxes. He didn't lower mine but by about $20,99 every 2 weeks. Gas is now $4.00 a gallon. It takes $70.00 to fill my car!

He went after Saddam illegally over oil? What part of that do you have a hard time grasping?

No, but he'll pay the rich, give them tax rebates after they have paid 0 in taxes. Who do you think makes it up. WE DO!! Not the rich.

You forgot he got 2,495 military killed, of which 58 were women. He cut veterans services. We know they are not entitled to anything, he lets oil companies pay 2.1% of their profit in taxes (where do I get that deal) while they soak me at the pump and he has run up a 8 Trillion dollar, 500 Billion dollar deficit.
It looks like this:


Thanks Bush!!!

I am surprised you didn't blame Clinton! Everyone of you other Fascist do!

Going to war illegally is out of his control?
Cutting Taxes for the wealthy is out of his control?
Running up 8 Trillion 500 Billion dollar deficit is out of his control?

Clinton had evidence and he wiped out military targets in 1998 leaving Saddam crippled, without losing anyone, yet you raved about how he illegally attacked Iraq. He didn't INVADE Iraq! Who cares about monika? He did what about 50% of you do every year anyway! And we know no one in the Senate or House does it, and we know no other president does or did it like Bush,Nixon,LBJ,Kennedy,,and even George Washington with his slaves!

Sorry, you don't make any sense!

2006-06-12 16:44:33 · answer #5 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

You hit most of it right on the head even though you are being sarcastic. I blame George Bush for every thing and I mean it. I am usually right and on the few occasions that I am wrong, he was probably behind the scene making stupid mistakes. Most repuglicans made a mistake by voting for him so altimitly they are at fault for getting him appointed in the first place.

2006-06-12 16:35:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, that was the most un-sarcastic rant I've ever seen. You know, we don't all blame Bush for everything. It's a common misconception that Dems and Libs blame him for Katrina and things that are beyond his control. By the way, it was how the government RESPONDED to Katrina. We know they have no control over the storm, moron. Geez, grow up.

2006-06-12 16:34:23 · answer #7 · answered by bluejacket8j 4 · 0 0

Please be objective and mature when you list the things President Bush has done. You are irrational. And belittling. And this is not a good way to get your point across. Go to a FORUM and engage in thought out DISCUSSIONS.
That would be objective and mature.
You don't need to thank me, I woulda said that to anyone as illogical as you. It's nothing personal.

2006-06-12 16:13:00 · answer #8 · answered by TheHza 4 · 0 0

Awe poor baby do you feel better now are going to blame the fact that you were born into your miserable existence on bush too.

2006-06-12 16:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Bush did all that and more. News at 11.

2006-06-12 16:13:40 · answer #10 · answered by ruby 4 · 0 0

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