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I realy do Love him we have lived toghter for 8 1/2 years he is my heart and my soulmate he is realley all of me plus my back bone we have been apart off and on for 3years but we always made a way to see eachother its at the point where we both love eachother very deeply we are like the best of friends we talk on the phone all the time i know that he has a girlfriend and every scence we broke up i have been by myself i have had friends but that did not help me or him by dateing other people at all its like now he drinks alot and his so call friends are what really came between us to we never cheated on eachother but 1 time the whole time we were together every woman he has dated he all ways tell me about them i also talk to him about things like that and i always feel so much better when we spend time toghter just like now i have moved to newyork he calls me we talk but sometimes his girlfriend be over his house but the thing is she knows about me i even dream about him all the time

2006-06-12 08:58:58 · 29 answers · asked by blacklitered 1 in Sports Basketball

29 answers

No one can accurately predict the future as you probably know, but I am going to resist the urge to give you a smart aleck reply b/c you went to all the trouble to put all that detail into your question.

Reading everything you wrote, though, I still don't feel encouraged, I am sorry to say. Your relationship then and even now sounds fairly toxic and unsatisfying. You and he are too much alike to really have the right kind of give and take, I think you need more opposites attracting for a successful relationship.

It is hard to hear that, I know. I am sorry. But I really do feel that you need to turn your back on this one now, close the book and start fresh with someone you don't know well yet.

That can be fun. Give it a try, and DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR EX with the new ones!!!

2006-06-12 09:06:21 · answer #1 · answered by desperatehw 7 · 2 0

I wouldn't bet on it. If you were together for 8+ years and have been separate for 3+ years but he's telling you about all of the other women who aren't you that he's been seeing in the past 3+ years, then he probably doesn't really view you as a romantic partner anymore. He may think that it's too casual of a relationship, too natural of a fit. He's probably looking for something that matches what he expects an adult relationship to be as demonstrated by his parents and Basic Instinct and Sex and the City. Or something -- I can't really say, you'll have to ask him.

That said, there is an off-chance that he'll get hooked up with some bimbo and have kids, but she'll just be using him for whatever and they'll be divorced in 7 years (or less) and then he'll think about how easy it is to deal with you and how compatible you are and then come calling to you because it's a natural fit. But given that he's dismissed the natural fit and continues to ignore it for years on end, I doubt he'd turn his attention back to it without some trauma to change his thinking.

2006-06-12 09:07:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I don't think you're getting back together. Atleast it seems that he doesn't want that otherwise he would have dumped the girl or not be with her in the first place if he really wanted to be with you. You gotta get your head out of the clouds and into reality. He's moved on time and time again. You need to do the same. It appears though that you guys have a strong friendship. Maybe that is worth holding onto but not a serious relationship. Good luck.

2006-06-12 09:04:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is obviously a tough situation. First, let me tell you I am male and have been in this situation but from your boyfriend's perspective. While an ex-girlfriend would still be in my mind and in my heart, I had begun to develop another relationship. On rare occasions, my ex-girlfriend would try to contact me. Whenever this occurred while my current girlfriend was present, it was awkward and would only strengthen my relationship with the new girlfriend. My advice...send your boyfriend one final letter, email or phone call. Explain you still love him, care deeply about him and believe you can offer him a future that will be very satisfying to him (and you, of course). In your letter, you should conclude you are aware he is with another woman and you do not wish to interfere further. If things work out for you and him, he will realize he actually loves and misses you. If they do not, it is your signal that you must find another man who cares for you as deeply as you care for him. I hope this helps.

2006-06-12 09:08:27 · answer #4 · answered by Grodewald 1 · 0 0

Im not being rude, but, dont you have other things to worry about aside from getting your boyfriend back? Like Getting your life back instead! Get a life girl, this life is not just about for getting a boyfriend,there is way more to life than that..Let him go and enjoy life in a Billion different ways you like.What you feel is already psychological,since you always get back together now youre expecting for him to return AGAIN.Easier said than done?true...but you still have to do it.besides,you owe it to yourself.

To cut it short,you lived,you loved,didnt work?move on.

God bless you always.

2006-06-12 14:45:13 · answer #5 · answered by BLACKPOPE 2 · 0 0

If you lived together that long and he has moved out and has another girlfriend, I think its time you moved on and start dating other people. He won't leave his girlfriend , he just wants you to keep hanging on.

2006-06-12 09:07:22 · answer #6 · answered by Izzy 5 · 0 0

If you really want to get back with him
persuade him so he will fall in love with you like when you guys started the relationship.
talk to him and find out his fellings about you
if he still has fellings about you, tey to work it out
if not, dont waste time with him and find a new man.

2006-06-12 09:26:16 · answer #7 · answered by triplezzz21 2 · 0 0

It sounds like he doesn't like you like you like him.
Let go of his wrist, he moved on, he's obviously not worth it so just move on, go out to bars and clubs, have fun with your friends, let go of him. It's great that you guys still talk but that doesn't mean that he's interested, it just means that he likes talking to you and wants to be friends with you.
You kinda sounds like a stalker... Maybe go to a therapist?

2006-06-12 09:04:24 · answer #8 · answered by arenagymnast44 5 · 0 0

Go get your man. Let him know how you feel. Chances are that he waiting for a sign tha your still in love with him.

2006-06-12 09:02:42 · answer #9 · answered by ladeda 2 · 0 0

No... I dont think so. If u was meant 2 be... U wud b. Cut ur losses and catch the nxt bus girl!

2006-06-12 09:03:06 · answer #10 · answered by AfroSistah 2 · 0 0

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