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I've just started dating my boyfriend and would like to know which forms of contraception other people use.. I really hate condoms, I know the physiology of how destructive the pill is to your body so dont want to go on that, but what is the alternative, anyone?

2006-06-12 08:46:55 · 19 answers · asked by ell_hayden 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

19 answers

hi i have a coil, on my 3 now as you can use them for 5 years then they are replaced, the main reason i chose the coil was becauce they have no hormones and once removed you can get pregnant straight away instead of the pill etc taking sometimes years to get out of your body, i am 36 i have tried loads of different pills made me ill and horrible with bad headaches, really bad mood swings, implant i was like a mad women possed, injection was just as bad so ended up on the coil which i have no problem with at all but the side effect can be very heavy periods and they are 95% effective where as the pill when taken right is 99% but at lease witht he coil in once in you can forget about it, good luck and if you need to go to family planning tey will help

2006-06-12 11:00:12 · answer #1 · answered by moravia16 2 · 7 4

Lots of people don't like condoms but use them anyway. I had a problem knowing what to use because my partner couldn't wear condoms and I couldn't take the combined pill. I ended up with the mini-pill which isn't as effective(I've got a 1 year old baby to prove it!). I have heard a lot of people use the injection which works in a similar way to the pill and is very effective. There is also an implant. However if you have just started dating, I would suggest not jumping straight in and wait ti have sex with him. As other people have said, you should use condoms to prevent stds and you should both get checked that you don't have any. It is most effective if you use combination of a condom and the pill/injection/etc.
However with many forms of contraception, you have to stop them for 3 to 6 months before you want to get pregnant.

2006-06-12 11:32:44 · answer #2 · answered by Evil J.Twin 6 · 0 0

If you've just started dating him, I'd stick with condoms as they can prevent STDs as long as you use them correctly. If this is a new relationship, you don't know if he's going to be faithful to you or not. I wouldn't chance it...

That being said, if and when you decide you are committed to each other, I highly recommend an IUD. ParaGard copper T, to be exact. It's inserted at your OB's office during your period (because your cervix is already open, making it easier to insert) and there really are no side effects other than slightly longer/heavier periods for the first few menstrual cycles after you have it put in. After a few months, things go back to normal. It's made from copper and is non-hormonal, so it won't mess with your system like pills, patches, and some other IUDs will. Makes for nice sponteneity to...no stopping just when things are getting exciting to go get a condom. :) It's more effective than the pill, and mine was paid for by insurance, so it's probably the cheapest form of birth control around. With pills and the patch, you have your pharmacy copay every month. I had my office visit copay when I went to see my OB to have it put in, and it was $15. That's it. And it's good for up to 10 years. If/when you're ready to have kids, your doctor removes it, and you can become pregnant right away, unlike with the pill which can sometimes make it hard to become pregnant. (Most women who come off the pill have problems conceiving right away...it takes them a while.)

Whatever you decide, good luck to you!

2006-06-12 08:53:38 · answer #3 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

Well tried tested and found effective for me personally is the depo-provera hormone injection-- its given once every 12 weeks and provided you have the next one on the exact day they say, you should be protected. For the first 5 days after the injection(first one) take other precautions until the fifth day and then you are safe..

The only down side to it is that it will in most cases stop your periods totally but for the first one or two you will have spotting and sometimes heavy bleeding depends on you as a person really.. But i found it to be very good. One word of advice though it can make you slightly infertile for a while and to get back to normal after stopping the injection can take 6 months to a year so its worth thinking about if in future u consider starting a family

2006-06-12 20:53:20 · answer #4 · answered by Scatty 6 · 0 0

Most here are right... Gran gran is a relgious nut who a few centures ago would have been in on burning alive screaming in agony young women for healing the sick (witch very nice people) or disaggressing with buring alive young women who were nice (heretic)...

Self respect hasd naff all to do with sex but saying don't let others push you around and bully you...Think the mirror scene in the film 'Cool Runnings' where the big guy draggs the bullied guy infront of a mirror and asks him what he sees... he says junior (ie mummies boy) the big guy says no I see

A bad *** mother who don't take no **** from nobody...

and again and again till the wussy guy gets mad and learns pride then the big guy takes the little guy back to the bullies who he hits back and no more bullying...

Thats what self respect is about... not the rubbish from gran gran.

If boyfriend doing that? or do you love having fun and making love with him?


As for contraceptives... Ignore any church approved natural method... they dont work and is the kind of rubbish gran gran who is not doubt jealous you are pretty and have a nice guy.

Use the condoms... but why not make them fun... ie glow in the dark ones, ribbed ones, flavoured ones...

Try vibrating ones with a vibrating **** ring on them then he will have like a super willy for you...

on top of (always have a back up) injection (so you dont forget)

Absteinance only hurts and if marraige was any good people would not want to divorce.

Better still use your head and go ask in a family planning type clinic

2006-06-12 12:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by Joey 4 · 0 0

I physically wasn't able to take the pill - it made me very unwell and after trying lots of different ones I finally gave up.

I have been using a device called a Persona. Basically this is a machine that "reads" your urine. For the first month, you use around 16 test sticks (similar to a pregnancy test stick) and the machine learns your monthly cycle for the first month. Then after the machine will ask you for around 8 tests per month thereafter and it offers you a red light or green light system... red meaning don't have sex or use a condom, green for "go for it"

This is only a good method if your in a stable relationship as it won't protect you from any sexually transmitted diseases.

Go to http://www.unipath.co.uk/persona.cfm for more information. Beware though, its an expensive choice, the unit itself costs around £50 (UK pounds - x1.7 for US$) and the test sticks after the first month are around £10.00 per month.

The great thing about this device it will also tell you when you are ovulating, so when you do want to try for a baby, you can use it in reverse! This is how I conceived my children.

2006-06-13 03:02:07 · answer #6 · answered by Violent and bored 4 · 0 0

hi there,
i have an implant in the top of my arm just under the skin called an implanon, it is about 1cm long and it slowly lets off hormones to prevent pregnancy, it doesn't hurt to put in because they inject your arm with an anaesthetic and it only takes a couple of minutes, there aren't many side affects either apart from a few mood swings but hey we all get those with pmt anyway, the best thing about this is once it is in it lasts 3 years so you can forget all about it unlike the pill then when the 3 years is up just get it replaced, honestly its the best thing i ever did, go to your local family planning clinic and they will sort it out for you, you don't get better than this for contraception and you can have worry free sex , i hope this has helped, K :-)

2006-06-12 08:58:39 · answer #7 · answered by Kelly 5 · 0 0

You just started dating him and you are ready to sleep with him? What are you 13? Honey you better get some counseling because you are going to need it when he dumps you or when you get Aids.

Better take the pill and let it kill you than being the town tramp.

2006-06-12 09:00:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Depo injection is the best thing since sliced bread for me but it is definately not for everyone. Most women get alot of side effects. Look into other options for yourself before you try Depo, all else failing it might work for you.

2006-06-12 08:54:41 · answer #9 · answered by Gemma C 2 · 0 0

Suppose you don't use condoms and he cheats on you and picks up an STD and gives it to you? Have you even checked that you are both STD free now?
That aside, me and my hubby used an inection called depo-provera, its injected once every 3 months and thats it. 99.5% effective against pregnancy but not STD's

2006-06-12 08:52:35 · answer #10 · answered by Donna : 4 · 0 0

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