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There is no scientific proof that people are born that way - especially if people believe the Bible because the Bible speaks out directly about it.

2006-06-12 08:39:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

29 answers

Did you choose to be stupid?

2006-06-12 10:52:30 · answer #1 · answered by huhwhat 3 · 4 0

How much scientific proof would you require to believe that 10% of the population are so masochistic that they would choose to be gay????? Do you think its as desireable an option as being a rock star, or a genious, or super-witty? Do you not know that even in the animal kingdom there is homosexuality? Do you think thats an indication that maybe it is part of God's plan? Did He have some reason to create gays, hemopheliacs, downs syndrome babies, siamese twins, cleft pallets, albinoism, and all those different skin colors? Do you think any of THOSE people chose to be born that way????

Unless you ARE gay, your opinion on the matter counts for nothing.

2006-06-12 09:03:01 · answer #2 · answered by wize_owl2 1 · 0 0

Sorry, but it's most definitely NOT a choice.

After all, there's no scientific proof that you're born straight.

Think about it; do you choose to be straight? Of course not. It's probably impossible for you to even imagine being otherwise. It's the same for gay people. The only difference is, that many spend their lives trying to fight it; to fit in; to hide who they really are.

We're surrounded by messages in society about the way we "should" be. You see straight couples holding hands, embracing, kissing on the street. Television and movies are filled with such scenes. We're raised in homes and taught that you look for a spouse of the opposite sex, get married, have kids. Only problem is, that message doesn't really work for everyone. There is a segment of society that is hardwired differently.

Try this: Close your eyes and imagine for just sixty seconds that everywhere you go, every ad you see, every TV show and movie features gay couples. All the messages are that you have to be gay to fit into society. Yet you're not gay, are you? You are clearly attracted to the opposite sex. Is it fair or right that you're constantly told that you're a "misfit"? That some extreme people want to make laws to keep you even further shut out of society? Some even more extreme people spread the mesaage that it's ok to beat you up, maybe even kill you, just 'cause you're straight. After all, what's it matter if we take out another straight, right?

Hard to imagine, isn't it? Yet, that's what it's like, being gay in this country - EVERY SINGLE DAY. To stand up and be who you truly are in an environment like that is a tremendous act of courage. The only choice involved is do you have the courage to be who you really are, or do you want to keep hiding?

Religion has no place in this discussion. It's a matter of fairness and what's right - not about what someone's religion has to say about it.

2006-06-12 09:00:51 · answer #3 · answered by Erich G 1 · 0 0

Yeah right, it's a choice. So, let's see you choose to stop being sexually attracted to the opposite sex and be sexually attracted to the same sex instead. Should be easy, if it's a choice, as you say. Go ahead. Try it for a month, or a week, or a day, or even a minute.

Of course, you can't. The idea is a nonsense. No power on Earth can make me, as a straight bloke, stop fancying women, and start fancying men instead. It's just never going to happen. I'm sure the same is true of you. So, how do you think gay people 'chose' to be that way?

Stop trying to deny the obvious.

2006-06-12 08:55:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow! So many people ask this same question it seems.
Let's try to be politely clear heree.
ALL of the studies that are shown on sites like "the Advocate" and the New England Journal of Medicine have more recently been disproven. In most cases, BY THE FOLKS who created the studies in the first place.

Even the more "mainstream" homosexual groups are coming out (no pun intended) as "pro-choice" meaning that homosexuality is a choice.

Let's at least get up to date on this stuff everyone.

2006-06-12 09:04:40 · answer #5 · answered by Mister Bob the Tomato 5 · 0 0

You do not care about the real answer to your question.
You are simply trying to stir up some sh*t with your nonsense.

Does it matter, really, if people choose or not? People CHOOSE to be closed minded fear/hate mongers, but we have to put up with that... why not gay people?

I can't believe you would in one sentance ask for scientific proof that people are born gay, then use the Bible to reinforce your belief about homosexuality. You would be quite offended if somebody asked you for scientific proof that your Bible is accurate or that God even exists.

Let's just say some things require faith...

The people who experienced homosexual/homoemotional/homoromantic feelings LONG before they ever considered having sex know and understand that they were born that way. People who aren't born that way are just gonna have to accept their word for it.

Even if it is a choice, so, what? People can choose to be unemployed, choose to produce children out of wedlock, choose to commit adultery, choose to leave their spouses and children, choose to divorce, choose to remarry, choose to wreck another set of lives... yet of all those things people do to take away from the sanctity of marriage... and diminishing traditional family values, we rarely, if ever, see anybody asking really stupid questions about that... wonder why...

2006-06-12 10:47:23 · answer #6 · answered by Dustin Lochart 6 · 0 0

You know something about the Bible??? It was written by a bunch of men who were human...had nothing but wine to drink because the water ws unsafe and they believed what came out of burning bushes to be voices...in other words a work of fiction. People being people, there was no way they could keep their own personal opinions out of stuff.

Now on that note, being gay is not a matter of choice...if it is choice, it is a damned hard choice. The gay lifestyle is a hard one. I think it could be brought on by lack of a parent as a child was growing up, or simply a chemical they need to be "normal" (but what is normal?) Is becoming gay based on internal happenings or surroundings...I am not bright enough to know, but I have a brother who is gay and he has struggled with this for many years. Now that he is "out of the closet" he is the happiest person I have ever seen. He has found himself and is more content...and he has found a partner who is fun, loving and is not afraid to show the world who and what he is. With luck they will be together for a long long time.

I am lucky to be open-minded enough to accept both men for what they are, and not listen to pre-conceived notions about sexuality etc.

2006-06-12 09:04:11 · answer #7 · answered by skye 4 · 0 0

First of all, the Bible was written a long time ago, and we know many things today that the authors did not know back when they wrote the Bible... it states that a woman is unclean and should not be touched for the week of her period and the week after, but we don't really believe that now.

Second- not all gay people chose to be. People are attracted to people for many reasons, but they don't choose to be, they just are. You can't help who you love. I love my boyfriend... not because I decided to love him, but because I felt it. It's not fair to say that gay people have a CHOICE, because often they feel that it's just the way they were made.

2006-06-12 08:53:13 · answer #8 · answered by lizwatson109 4 · 0 0

The bible does not directly speak out about this, your version says something about man not laying with man, read it in its original language... it says nothing like what you think, and you are taking it out of context. In the verse that you are speaking of it talks about Levitican law, it says that no one should touch each other because of disease, it is not specifically talking about two men, that means man and woman should not lie together, but they say man in the bible. and if you are so keen on this part of levitican law, does that mean that when you menstruate you leave the city limits or your husband does not ever cut his hair? You cannot pick and choose the verses and the language you want in order to lay down your agenda towards God. That is not fair, right, just or Godly. God does not hate and i hope you have not ruined God in anyones lives because of your ignorant view on a most loving God who loves everyone, even when they do misquote and take the scripture out of context. God said love first and foremost, and even if you correctly could quote the bible, there is no way that you can preach hate in the name of God. The bible is a book and God is the one and only. Worshipping the bible (even if you worship misquotes) is a horrible way to show your love for God the creator of all, not just heterosexuals or people born in certain place, or that look a certain way. God's greatest commandment was to love and you are falling short with the spread of Hate in God's name.

2006-06-12 08:53:10 · answer #9 · answered by hannahonelove 4 · 0 0

what cracks me up is ppl who say that 'you cant be born gay, theres no scientific PROOF that you are born that way" however then they claim that thier logic is based on the BIBLE which ALSO has NOT nor can it be scientifically PROVEN that the bible wasnt written by a bunch of drunken egomaniacs...
being gay is a choice- about the same as being black, or hispanic, or tall... or short.... all of these things are the same.
sheesh, get a life.

2006-06-12 10:24:51 · answer #10 · answered by Charmed 4 · 0 0

The Bible says it is wrong so I think that should be viewed as a test. However, we now know that homosexuals are "wired" that way and yes scientific evidence supports that. It is not a "choice", not something learned, not bad parenting and not an illness. It cannot be treated and it cannot be changed. As a Christian I have to wonder who is actually being tested here. Is it the homosexual or is it really me? I think it is a test for me to see if I can be tolerant and forgiving not to mention remembering to pray for that individuals salvation.

2006-06-12 08:51:38 · answer #11 · answered by Tulip 7 · 0 0

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