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my friend is taking away my best friend and my other friends away by reminding them of our arguements in the past (We had already sorted it out but she brung it all up again!) and i still want to be friends but they dont, she is turning everyone against me, its so unfair.

2006-06-12 08:28:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

16 answers

Find yourself some other friends. Friends who bring up arguments that have already been sorted out are not friends - they are trouble makers who enjoy other people's unhappiness. Is this friend who is causing all the trouble the most recent person to join your group of friends? If so, maybe you and your other friends need to get together to decide what to do about it, as she sounds like the sort who, once she has finished with you, will then start on someone else. If you are not careful she will break up the whole group.

She is doing this to wind you up, to get a reaction. And once one starts, others like to join in. (Sometimes humans are like a cross between a herd of sheep and a pack of wolves!). So, don't let it bother you, and don't let them see that it does. Stick with the friends you can trust, the ones who don't join in with this sort of thing, and go off and do your own thing.

Do you have one or two friends whom you really, absolutely trust? Talk to them on their own about it. See what they think. You may find that just because they don't say anything when all of this is going on in the group does not mean that they agree with what this girl is doing. Sometimes when you talk to one or two folk away from the others you find that they don't like how this girl is treating you either, but maybe she is such a strong. bossy character that they are afraid to say so in public when she is around.

Use this time and experience to discover who your real true friends are and stick with them. Forget the others - if they are so easily led then they are not worth it as friends anyway. Friends are people you can trust, people who know you well enough to trust you and you them, people who are there for you.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that, in a few months, the friends who have been misled by this girl will fall out with her and want to come back and be friends with you again. If they do, just be very careful.

Hope this helps.

2006-06-12 20:31:52 · answer #1 · answered by fallen angel 2 · 2 0

Huh, I've been through that years ago. Best not to b1tch about this girl to your friends or you will look like the big bad wolf and chase them away even more. Wait until she is not around then tell your friends that you are uncomfortable with the fact that this girl is bringing up past arguments and that you want to make it clear that what is past is past and you want to stay their friends. If they still are against you then give them the 'silent treatment' for a while and don't call them and they will either ignore you and in that case you can cultivate new friends or they will run after you. Tears can't hurt a little bit either- use them to your advantage. Don't be afraid to try to make new friends I know how hard it is. Really. But if you keep at it you will integrate yourself into a new group eventually.

Good Luck!

2006-06-12 15:36:27 · answer #2 · answered by Rox 4 · 0 0

i have gone through the same thing they always ditched me and got mad at and were so mean. i ignored them all for a week and i think they started to care. well you have to ignore this friend thats turning everyone against you, obviously you cant trust her. and try getting to the rest of your friends and telling them its all in the past and try to remind them of what your mean friend is trying to do. you should remind them of the good times not the bad. and this friend she obvioulsy is really jealous and pissed at you so jsut ignore her, she is not the kind of friend you want anymore.

Your friends were just getting convinced on lies. But now the girl that turned everyone against me is hated and i have a lot of awesome friends

2006-06-12 15:35:48 · answer #3 · answered by RollnStones77 2 · 0 0

she (sorry am assuming it's a she) must not be a 'best friend' if she can that easily be taken away. The person who is doing the taking aint really a friend, so she is the one who should be taken away n not u. Rise above it. Be the better person, it's hard, but it will be worth it in the long run.

2006-06-17 23:04:39 · answer #4 · answered by pinkie 1 · 0 0

Well seeing that they are turning away from you, shows you that they truly were not your friends to begin with....

Friends, fight and sort things out and are there for each other no matter what.. They on the other hand, go by what other people tell them, which is not COOL..

Don't sweat, just go out and make new friends....


2006-06-12 15:37:16 · answer #5 · answered by Torres 4 · 0 0

She doesn't want you to like your other friends more than her. She wants to be the only best friend by taking away all your other friends that are to her a threat.

2006-06-12 16:57:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, that makes the two of them, try talking to each of them one after the other, i think past things should be past so why will she b!tch around messing ur name. if u talk to them and it doesnt work ignore them, i know finding new friends will take time but believe me they are bad friends, true friends are based on trust so i dont see why they should listen to gossips.

2006-06-13 07:45:16 · answer #7 · answered by pOOhPhAT 6 · 0 0

Wow sounds like what happend to me. Well if they are going to leave you for no reason or somthing that you had already resolved, my advice is find new friends that won't backstab you and are going to be forgiving and understanding to you. If they get mad with you for "leaving" them tell them that they wern't being good friends and you were tierd of it and arn't going to deal with it anymore.

2006-06-12 15:49:23 · answer #8 · answered by classyree88 2 · 0 0

find new friends and these people you call friends are not your friends are not worth bothering about so dont get to upset just walk by with a smile on your face that will worry them cheers sandy

2006-06-12 15:32:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should ask her why she is doing all this. Does she not have a life of her own to mess up.
And if they really are your friends they wouldn't be so easily manipulated. Stand up for yourself and don't put up with her stirring.

2006-06-12 15:37:10 · answer #10 · answered by tweedy 1 · 0 0

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