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We have been told we can not have any more scans because the hospital feel it not necessary to have any more..

I think this is not right, i feel we have the right to know the Sex of our child.

Just to know how many scans YOU had or any advice you can give....

2006-06-12 07:20:54 · 71 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

71 answers

You're gonna have enough surprises with a new baby. You don't need to be surprised about the baby's sex too.

2006-06-12 07:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by johnny z 2 · 1 0


Why should scarce resource be spent on scans when there is no medical benefit.

I am sure you could pay for a private scan. If it is that important to you.

Not sure it was that easy to tell in our day. Not sure I would have worried one way or another. I was more interested that mum and baby were healthy.

In the event we were very lucky and had a healthy baby girl first then just over two years later a healthy baby boy. I like to think I did something right, but I am sure it is in the hands of a higher force.

You know every medical procedure carries some risk and even scans may have an affect as yet unknown. People used to think it was good to smoke.

Why put your partner through another scan. You will know soon enough and having a scan won't change anything. You can't send them back you know. Its not like a supermarket or convenience store.

2006-06-12 07:28:52 · answer #2 · answered by sloop john b 3 · 0 0

I'm in the UK and we get 2 scans over here. One at 12 weeks approx and one at 20 weeks approx. Some hospitals will try and find out the sex of the baby at 20 weeks if you ask but not all. In some areas they wont tell you as there have been people suing the hospitals if they where wrong.. They cant always tell even if you want to know and the last research I saw showed only an 80% accuracy rate.

I did choose to find out with my first child but didnt believe they where right until she came out! I just wanted to have a guideline but I treated it as this, I didnt take it as gospel and buy lots of pink things! It is always best to treat anything they tell you with caution and not to go mad with the money off one scan! Imagine how gutted you'd be if you had to take it all back? I think it's great we can find out but even if you do you still cant trust it 100% so I'd urge caution!

2006-06-12 21:00:48 · answer #3 · answered by Ysa 1 · 0 0

I only had one scan for each child. This was mainly because I had them late in the pregnancies(because I didn't know until late!)
I didn't find out the sex before they were born. My partner wanted to know the second tie but they never told him anyway.
If you don't need any more scans then they shouldn't give you one just to find out the sex of the baby. They might not have the resources. You should have asked at a scan you already had. I think they only do 2 or 3 unless there are problems.

2006-06-12 11:40:27 · answer #4 · answered by Evil J.Twin 6 · 0 0

I dont see why you think it is a right, before they had scans there was no way you would have been able to find out anyway. I don't think it is a legal right because some people abort baby girls.

I had about 5 scans and I wanted to know the sex but they said they couldnt be sure so wouldnt tell me, they can't always tell what sex the baby is.

It was ok though I had a lovely surprise when by baby boy was born!

As long as your baby is healthy what difference does it make now, you are going to love the baby no matter what sex it is :)

2006-06-12 10:13:46 · answer #5 · answered by RACHEL D 3 · 0 0

It's not healthy to have too many scans (based on the latest research), and also completely unnecessary. I have to agree with the hospital. It really is a waste of money if you keep going unless there is a specific circumstance that requires monitoring such as Rh- blood type or possible complications, etc. If you want to find out the sex of the baby then request one more scan ...it's really a choice in the end if you want to go for more...but again...unhealthy and waste of money unless necessary...good luck with whatever you decide.

2006-06-12 07:26:51 · answer #6 · answered by OTGurl 2 · 0 0

OK, firstly if you're in the UK, then scans are performed to check the general development of your child and not to determine babies sex unless of course there are hereditary problems to look out for. Everytime a machine is booted up it costs the hosptial money.

Many hospitals will tell you the sex of your child if its obvious to them and they can see it... if they can't, then I'm afraid its too bad, you'll have to wait until the birth or get a sexing scan done privately.

I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and like you wanted to know the sex, at my 20 week anomaly scan, they just couldn't see, so were unable to tell me. I decided to pay £76.00 and have a sexing scan which revealed my first daughter. I went to a place in Ipswich that specialise in sexing scans as well as 3D and 4D scans (the 4th dimension being 3D in realtime).

Just go to Google and type in 4D sexing scans followed by your area and it should bring up a list of places.

Good luck.

2006-06-13 03:09:48 · answer #7 · answered by Violent and bored 4 · 0 0

I had four scans. That was one dating scan and then three more because I had diabetes and they wanted to make sure that my son was not getting to big.

They would not tell us the sex and we did not want to know. We did all the things of getting baby things in white, yellow and red, that would suit either. It was a wonderful surprise when we had a son.

My sister-in-law had two scans and they were told that they were going to have a boy. I felt then that it was just waiting for him to be ready to come into the world. He had his name while my son was called "Little One" before he was born and it felt like an exciting journey to get to his birth.

I would still choose not to know but you need to decide what is most important to you and if it matters that much. I wouldn't pay for a scan to tell me something I would know soon enough (the money could pay for better things for your child)

Good luck and I hope you have a healthy baby whatever it is.

2006-06-12 22:03:36 · answer #8 · answered by Mad Mum 3 · 0 0

My sis is pregnant and on her 20th week scan she found out she is having a girl (going to call her Holly). I didnt want her to find out but let it be a suprise, but now we know, its so much easier to buy for. She did have a 3rd scan but only because the midwife said she was 3cm smaller than what she should be. That scared her a little so she insisted on having another scan. Everything was fine. She has 5 weeks to go and is really hot and bothered now poor thing!! My sister would agree with you as she feels that 2 scans are not enough.

If you want to find out what youre having and you cannot have any more scans, have the 3D one which ive heard is amazing. If not, then it will be a nice suprise to find out what youre having when you finally do!!

2006-06-12 07:33:06 · answer #9 · answered by Lorraine A 3 · 0 0

actually right now I am only 3 months pregnant and we have had about 3 or 4 scans already (high risk pregnancy), with my first son we had only 2, I think you have a right to find out your child's sex and in my opinion I really don`t think that this is dangerous (I AM NOT A DOCTOR; FOLLOW WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SAYS REGARDING THIS), however, where I live (Costa Rica) it is mandatory to have a prenatal course for your spouse to be with you during birth, and when we did this course the first time they explained to us the importance of knowing the sex and having a name for the baby (for the baby to identify that you were talking to him or her in the womb and for the baby to feel safer and in less shock after birth, being able to identify the people he/she heard from inside), this all made sense and even when he was just a newborn my son would acknowledge us when we spoke to him (obviously not much of a rouse, but he tried to look at us when we called him by name)
I think its a good idea to know. The doctor may be measuring the medical side of it, but there is a whole psychological side that needs to be seen also.

2006-06-12 07:32:27 · answer #10 · answered by high_on_life 3 · 0 0

i only had one scan and ask them then what was the sex of the child. you only need two scans at the most during a normal pregnancy if you take your scan picture with you next time you see the midwife she may be able to tell you the sex of the child. other wise i agree with the hospital if its not necessary for you to have a scan then you are out of look unless you want to pay for it your self

2006-06-16 02:05:41 · answer #11 · answered by tone 4 · 0 0

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