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Lately, I’ve been experiencing a headache that I’ve never had before. The top
Of my head gets very cold to the point that I have to wear a hat most times to keep it warm.

Also, my feet tingle and the bottom portion of my legs tingle too and become numb. I have been to the doctors and been tested for diabetes which I do not have. I’ve also had an MRI and they don’t find anything (Thank God for that) but the fact remains they don’t seem to see anything.

I went to a kidney doctor because my creatinine level was up to 1.7. Is has come down to 1.3 and I’m on blood pressure medication to help keep my pressure down. But the doctor said something that was interesting to me. He said that my kidney was operating 75% and it could be that it (kidney) was not getting the circulation it needed. I asked him could that be the cause of my headaches/ numbness and tingling in legs and feet? He said no but I disagree; I think they are somehow related.

I have since started drinking cayenne pepper and water to help with my circulation but can anyone give me other remedies that would be conducive to my problem because the doctors don’t seem to know (or care) what’s going on.

2006-06-12 06:44:12 · 11 answers · asked by beccan 2 in Health Alternative Medicine

11 answers

Hi Smoothladyb. I am a retired Chiropractor so I will suggest a good Chiropractic evaluation, but I would like to make a couple of additional comments.

Your condition is very unusual, which makes it very challenging for any doctor to 'sort out'. However, just because your symptoms are unusual it does not mean they are not real!

Years of experience (meaning my many screw-ups that turned into learning experiences) have taught me that when the patient has a strong sense about the cause of their condition it often 'pays off' to listen to their insights. So, if you truly feel like you are dealing with a circulation problem, continue to push your doctors to evaluate that.

Your hypertension and kidney issues clearly indicate that you have problems with your vascular endothelium (the lining inside your arteries). It doesn't sound like your doctors are addressing this underlying problem, but rather, are merely treating the sign of the problem - the hypertension. It may be a good idea to find a doc that is more focused on treating CAUSE rather than signs and symptoms. A good Naturopathic Physician, Chiropractor, or Medical Doctor interested in 'Functional Medicine' may be able to help you. You can find a list of Functional Medicine docs on the website for "The Institute of Functional Medicine" (just do a web search of that name to find their website).

An excellent book on Hypertension and related cardiovascular issues just came out called: "The High Blood Pressure Hoax". It is written by Sherry Rogers, M.D. and covers a large variety of underyling causes of hypertension and damage to your endothelium (issues that most medical doctors don't care enough about to educate themselves on).

The last time I checked, this new book was not yet available at Amazon.com, but it may now be there. If not, you can order directly from the publisher at 1-800-846-6687. I highly recommend this book for someone like you who clearly has the intelligence and motivation to do a little 'real' learning about your health.

Another book on hypertension that I might suggest for you is by Mark Houston, M.D., professor of cardiology at Vanderbilt Medical School. The book is called: "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension". This book is available at Amazon.com for only $10.17. I have heard Dr. Houston lecture at professional educational semiars and his info. is cutting edge 'medicine'.

I hope this long discourse has been helpful to you. Best wishes and good luck.

2006-06-12 18:28:20 · answer #1 · answered by Doctor J 7 · 2 0

Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

2016-10-04 00:40:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2016-05-18 07:36:11 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2016-09-17 10:55:01 · answer #4 · answered by Noemi 3 · 0 0

If you think all the doctors with great degrees can diagnose disease without the help of blood reports, x-ray, CT scan, MRI etc., the answer is simple no. It is the machines that diagnose a disease and not the doctor. They are only expert in supporting with medicines. They are only worried about fetching big money.

In my opinion, the blood supply to brain and to your leg is poor. Start building up your immune system by eating lots of fruits, fruit juice and salad. Your cholesterol level may be little high. Start taking 2 raw garlic flakes chopped in fine pieces and gulp them with one glass of hot water on empty stomach in the morning. Eat walnut and almonds. Apply almond oil on your scalp. In case of headache, try to sneeze so that the mucus deposit will flow down and you will find relief from the headache. If you have doubt about your kidney, press the centre point of your palm and if pain persists, it means there is some problem with the kidney. The numbness normally occurs when there is any problem in kidney. For numbness, press the last joint of your middle finger behind nail and you will feel pain. Keep pressing intermittently for quick relief. You can rub almond oil on your sole. Take 1 tablet vitamin B6 and B12 twice a day. I don't' know your location so I shall not be able to explain about Ayurvedic medicines.

2006-06-12 07:37:49 · answer #5 · answered by Kunwar Singh 4 · 2 0

contrary to what acupuncture man says, your blood supply to your brain in not inadequate. if circulation was so bad that your head was cold, you would be dead. and your body makes sure blood gets to your brain, blood flow to your brain is very constant unless there is major blockage in which case you would have a stroke, which you havent had.

im curious, what your blood pressure med is.... if it is a beta blocker (metoprolol (toporol), atenolol (tenormin), propranolol (inderal), Coreg (carvedilol), etc... there are many others, the generic name ends with -olol, the ones i listed are the common ones) the problems you are having could be a common side effect of this class of drugs.

if this is the problem and its really bothering you, talk to your doctor about switching to a different blood pressure drug; dont just stop taking it suddenly without first consulting your doc, theyll give you a taper schedule (quitting cold turkey can potentially cause dangerous heart rhythms)

i dont know about your kidney or the tingling in your legs and feet, could possibly be neuropathy or that could maybe be from poor circulation, but id think the doctors would be able to tell if your leg problems were from poor circulation or not. try exercising on a regular basis if you dont already, this could help you some. but im not a doctor, and its sounds like you have seen many of them and they couldnt help you, so i doubt i can....

2006-06-12 09:09:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Have you tried chiropractics? I'm not a chiropractor but have been a patient of chiropractics since an injury to my neck in a car accident couldn't be remedied by drugs or physical therapy. The pain was so bad I hadn't slept for three days and was in constant pain in my right arm. (like an abscessed tooth).
A chiropractor acquaintance of mine (who I thought was a quack) convinced me to get checked out by him. Once he read the x-rays he performed a procedure on me that seemed so simple I couldn't believe it could possibly do any good.
I lost 95% of the pain in seconds. The other 5% went away in a couple of weeks with his chiropractic therapy.
I am a believer.

Since then I have pinched nerves in my spine on several occasions that cause pain and/or tingling in my limbs. I go to him for therapy on a semi regular basis and he makes it go away by straightening out my spine.

Remember, your entire nervous system runs through your spine and a pinched nerve can imitate all sorts of illnesses that drugs can't touch and physical therapy can take years to correct.

Check it out and good luck mate,

2006-06-12 11:51:13 · answer #7 · answered by BP 4 · 2 0


2017-02-17 19:39:14 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

See a Dr and get some blood work.

2016-03-14 05:54:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was wondering much the same question

2016-08-22 23:38:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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