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anymore pregnancy is a punishment, not the blessing that it should be. i've always held that pregnancy should be licensed and sanctioned, in this day and age, it appals me that there is more training and testing involved in driving a car! but biology gives every idiot the right to pilot a human life!
something about that just feels very wrong to me.
there should be evaluations, screenings. people who are clearly unfit (like active drug users, mentally ill med non-compliant, teen and preteen, known abusers, ghetto moms pumping out kids for a living) , and sittuations where the quality of sed child's life will be substandard; these mothers ought to be given a choice.
adoption or abortion. these "ladies" (using the term loosely) need to be prevented by the state from inflicting themselves a pure being.
i had a daughter at 20. i was very irresponsible. my daughter suffered for it. now, at 32, i have a son(3), and my daughter(11) lives with my mom, and she is a very happy little girl

2006-06-12 06:42:17 · 6 answers · asked by ladrhiana 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

right to life guilt; unwanted pregnancies are allowed to grow to fruition and thus wind up being treated like a burden, instead of a blessing.there's already a surplus of children in the fostercare and adoption systems! there are also the girls that keep their babies thinking it'll be something like a pet and when it turns out cramping their lives and social habits, resentment grows...
there are also well mature adults that expect the baby to come out like a little adult and they are dissappointed in how much work it really takes. also, some adults seem just fine on the surface but they're really not, i mean mentally ill people. a person can live a balanced functional life and never know that they have any problems. then along comes baby, add in sleep depravation and baby's screaming jags and all the other difficulties along the way. after a while things will come slowly bubbling to the surface. then before you know it, the child suffers

2006-06-12 07:11:13 · update #1

save the baby and the mother too.
when you see alot of this on a first hand basis every day, your opinions and ideas get stricter by the day. but to tell the truth, i've felt this way since i was young.

my daughter's life is much better than i could have made it at the time. and my son and i are where we should be. i understand and appreciate what a precious gift his little life is. there's no resentment only gratitude. he doesn't cramp my lifestyle; he is my lifestyle. every child should have a mother that lives with and for them everyday.
isn't that a child's right?

people worry so much about mother's rights; what about baby's rights.

2006-06-12 07:24:43 · update #2

i myself live on a modest paycheck!
i am talking about maturity levels and emotional availability. i am stating a case against the abusers and the people who would be by today's standards considdered unfit (if the states ever get off their collective butts to enforce these protocols) i have seen with my own two eyes: a mother declared unfit, has her children removed from her home and placed in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY, not just in fostercare. this woman got pregnant again (without a lingering thought of the two that were just taken) and the kicker of it all, she was allowed to keep this new baby even though she had beaten and starved the other two!

2006-06-12 07:44:03 · update #3

6 answers

I hate to say this, but I think you're right on many levels.


Not that it's the "unfit" (determining this would be really arbitrary and totalitarian) person's fault or we should blame and tag them, But that violence extends from ignorance. And I commend you for making your child your life and not a kind of pet or frivolous thing.

The republic of China does this without determining fitness. Though rich families may choose to have more than 1 child and pay a tax. There's alot of problems, young girls are drowned for instance.

I think the problem may be more fundmental -- that we're disconnected from families and our human care for each other. The stock market certainly doesn't care about bastard children. Love (heh) is just the last thing we can enforce. We can engender that world and try to make it possible and available, but if people don't want it, nothing will stop that.

To offer a counter-proposal: the EU is better about family management.. and we can point to many factors why regarding sexual education, a certain kind of secularism, actual cost, and social stigma. The culture there is not very happy or forgiving on mothers who have children under relatively poor conditions.

Do we have to make that culture? Do we want that culture as US citizens? Because we can make it available through persuasive forms of education, advertisment, various propaganda channels turned on, others turned off.

It's a complicated issue. I can't think of a great answer. I'm often sympathetic to the realization of the problem, but disciplining aberrant people is a kind of tyranny.. not unlike the illegalization of abortion, which will continue as long as there are people on earth.

Please try thinking more holisticaly as to the many causes of why people have children in relatively poor circumstances, and offer non-violent alternatives.

** Yes I often forget too, that disallowing childbearing to the "poor" is a kind of elitism that only allows a world where the "rich" may reproduce. Which seems patently unfair, unhealthy, and offers even more privelege and right to social classes that need not exist in the first place.

2006-06-12 08:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by -.- 6 · 3 0

The state should have no saying what so ever in the matter, except maybe in the case of serial rapest. It is our free will that allows us to deside what is best for our lives, and our children. Unfortunatly the issue lies more with the lack of morals than it is with those who are getting pregnant. As long as people see that they can do what they wish, regardless of the consequences, we end up cutting down on the freedoms of others with every law that is passed. It has long since past that our society is in much need of a moral facelift and that has to start with the family.

The family unit is supposed to be the teaching area of the children. Not the government, nor school system, it needs to start at home.

2006-06-12 07:11:53 · answer #2 · answered by Nate 3 · 0 1

So who would decide what is "substandard" and what isn't? So, I'm assuming people who have tons of money can have children, but god forbid you aren't rich because no kids for you! So, my parents (who had to sell some of their things to pay bills, couldn't afford a lot of things, lived paycheck to paycheck, etc.)shouldn't have had children - right? I shouldn't be here and neither should my brother. My mom was 19 when she got pregnant with my older half-sister - guess she shouldn't have been born either. I was 15 and lost my baby (miscarriage), 21 when my oldest child was born, my husband and I have four children now - should any of them have been born?
Looks like you didn't learn your lesson. You say you were a crappy mom to your daughter yet you let yourself get pregnant again. Sounds like hypocrisy to me.
Personally, I'm glad pregnancy isn't licensed. If it was, my husband's Aunt Merthi would never have had her children and their whole family would have suffered from not having four incredible people in it.

2006-06-12 06:52:20 · answer #3 · answered by heaven25star 4 · 0 1

I understand your point. Although I had never been a woman, I wouldn't consider pregnancy a punishment. It is more of a responsibility to ensure that the children are raised in a safe environment. Therefore, making licenses mandatory for motherhood may be necessary to reduce child abuse and criminal behavior.

2006-06-12 06:55:15 · answer #4 · answered by BrendanL 3 · 0 0

Do you really want the government deciding when you should be allowed to get pregnant?

You want some bureaucrat to say it is OK?

Do you want them doing things to your body because they do not think you should reproduce?

"Oh, they would never do that to me", does not work.

Suppose one of those bureaucrats was a guy that wants to screw you and you refused? And he does what?

No, you don't want that. I hear what you are asking, but you do not want that.

Leave it as it stands.

Teach your children well, or you will be raising their kids. And you already have an example of that, do you not?

2006-06-12 07:15:46 · answer #5 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 0 1

I think the not everyone is fit to be a parent... i think if someone is pregnant they and their partner should go through parenting classes. that would be helpful... but you cannot control what people do w/ their bodies this is not "A Brave New World"

2006-06-12 06:47:19 · answer #6 · answered by kimberly 4 · 0 0

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