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I'm pregnant I just found out and at first I was happy because me and my boyfriend was trying for a minute. But his bestfriend got pregnant and then all of a sudden he didnt want a baby but then we found out I was pregnant and he started acting real funny towards me. He kept making me take pregnancy test because I guess he thought I was lying or he was in denial or something. Now all of a sudden he just told me that he doesnt want to be with. That hurt so bad. So now I'm getting an abortion because he's telling me that he's going to help his bestfriend take care of her baby but he claims that isnt his baby. I dont understand why you would take care of someone elses baby and your baby is gonna be here at the same time. Then his family was trying to say I was nasty and they dont know me to say something like that. I only ****** with him. He was talking about he wanted a ******* blood test! Why is he doing this to me? He told me that he doesnt want to be with me and he hasnt wanted to be with me for a month. But he didnt tell me that until I got pregnant telling me he wasnt happy with me. etc... Dat hurts can someone tell me why they think he's doing this to me? Plus he doesnt want me to get an abortion. Am I wrong for wanting to get an abortion? But this **** hurts so bad!

2006-06-12 06:15:47 · 18 answers · asked by dimergurl247 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

18 answers

Well, it really doesn't sound like you are ready for a baby. BUT, there are other options. How about adoption?

2006-06-14 12:42:25 · answer #1 · answered by yogazen 4 · 0 1

well this is a though one. I think your boy friend is not really a good boy friend. I mean it seems like he just wanted to **** you and leave you. You should sit him down and ask him why all of a sudden he those not want a baby. Why those he not trust you. If he says a negative answer then you know he is not a good boy friend. In the the other hand do not get an abortion an abortion is not good you are killing o soul a baby you should keep the baby and make him pay child support next time pick your boys wisely and do the right. Like if you know if you are ready for a baby.

2006-06-12 06:31:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

how old are you? who do you live with? what is your financial situation like? how long have you all been dating? Why do you want a baby so bad?

Listen,.. i had a baby at 18 years old,.. not that i regret having my daughter, cause i really couldnt see life without her,... but it was hard ,.. really really hard to do it all on my own! (she is almost 7 years old now)Having a baby is not a bad thing,.. but there is the wrong way of doing things and there is the right way of doing things,.. only you can decide what is wrong and right for you,.. so only you can chose to have an abortion,.. no one else can make that decision for you! Just think of the consiquences your decision will bring either way, not just for you, but for that baby. And remember, your ex will probably remain in your life forever now,... that might not be a good thing. Or you will be left to take care of this child all alone!

My advice to you is not to have babies just because you are dating someone and you want one,.. have a baby because you are financially and mentally ready. Because you can and will provide a safe and stable enviroment for that child. Because you are ready to commit 100% to that baby and you are willing to give up your weekends, going out, partying. Because the father will be in that childs life (because he wants to)

the easy part is having a baby,.. the hard part is when you have to buy diapers, milk, clothes, when you need to pay for a sitter,.. when you are all alone becuse you dont have the fathers support, or his familys support..

You should of thought about all that before all this happened,.. life is not always what it seems to be,.. please be smart now,.. focus on you and this baby,.. leave your ex alone!

Good luck,.. and should you ever need to talk please feel free to email me,.. i can be a good listener! Make the best decision for you!

PS I am 4 months pregnant, i am married to a wonderful man, i have a big 4 bedroom house (my baby will have his/her own room), we have 2 nice cars and i am going to be 26. I think thats a good time to have a baby,.. not when you are all alone.

2006-06-12 07:29:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok first off you should never try to get pregnant when you are not married because things like this happen. It is really up to you if you want to keep this baby or not. You have to weigh the pros and cons. Ask yourself this: can you financially support this baby by yourself? Also he doesnt seem like he would be a good father so I would assume that you would be raising this baby mostly by yourself. Do not assume that because you dont have this abortion that he will come back to you and do the right thing. He sounds like a bad person. This is a lesson learned for you. Wait until marriage then get pregnant. When you do this you are not only going to be happier with the result but it will benefit your baby as well.

Good luck!

2006-06-12 06:23:22 · answer #4 · answered by Jenny 4 · 0 0

ok.... the best friends baby... is his
im sorry to say that, but its his- have u ever seen the show Maury, or Jerry Springer- these things happen all the time.... DONT GET AN ABORTION- its not worth it, he's not worth it- he is in denial because he got someone else pregnant, and he cant pay child support for two babies... i dont know why the **** he is chosing the best friend over u, but maybe he is having an affair... im sorry- one day you will find a guy who will father the baby, and love it like it is his own, and he wont care bout ur past relationships, i promise there are better guyz out there for u- just dont let one bring u down.... he's being an ***, and not standing up to be a man... im so sorry this happened to u
email me if u wanna talk

2006-06-12 06:20:59 · answer #5 · answered by GC_RiotGrl_879 3 · 0 0

take things slow and really think of what you want to do regardless of what he's doing or saying you have to think of the baby. F.U.C.K what everyone has to say that's your baby and he/she deserves to to live it's not he/she's fault he has a ****** up dad. Give the baby a chance it will change your live. what i think you should do is leave him tell him thats fine if he thinks the baby isn't his that he'll never see you or the baby again. and see what he does if he looks for you evens if it's just to bather you than there is still something there maybe there's someone putting ideas into his head and if he doesn't than it's your decision on what happens next . i'm sure if you do that and he doesn't want you to have an abortion he'll come around.

I wish you the best

2006-06-12 06:37:07 · answer #6 · answered by Justine G 2 · 0 0

i honestly think that you shouldnt get an abortion! it was choice to have sex and know u jus have to live with the consequences. look, im a singlr teen age mother my self and my son is 6months now and yea its hard but u have to do it for the unborn baby that doenst desevre not to have a famliy. and for the guy, he is probaly confused, but if he doesnt come back by the time u have the baby dont worry cause u can do. im a single mother, a full time student and have a job. life is hard but u will come out the other end a better person. jus keep on going through life with a smile

2006-06-12 06:26:40 · answer #7 · answered by lexitinoco 1 · 0 0

Sweetie, don't have an abortion. You're child will be so very glad if you don't :-) Sounds like the guy isn't worth it. It certainly does hurt a LOT I'm sure, and just hearing that he's not worth it may not help, but bigger things are at stake as to whether or not this guy likes you. There are lots of other alternatives to abortion even if you don't feel like you're ready, such as adoption. I pray you can sort this stuff out! God bless!

2006-06-12 06:25:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess he is in denial – kids are like that.
But it takes 2 to tango, he has to be responsible for the baby, and once he sees that little face, it will be ok (he has to be a dad, if it doesn’t work between the 2 of you…)

Now you will be first a mother and last a woman, you have to think wats best for your baby

Congrats !!!

2006-06-12 06:21:32 · answer #9 · answered by sara76c 4 · 0 0

The guy's a loser, dimergirl. Get the blood test done so you can make him legally responsible. Please to not abort the baby. If you do not want the baby, then put it up for adoption.

2006-06-12 06:29:03 · answer #10 · answered by Flame 6 · 0 0

I would tell him he lost the right to make decisions about the baby when he told you all that crap and just do what you need to do. Guys get scared when parenthood becomes a reality. He is a loser and forget about him.

2006-06-12 06:20:07 · answer #11 · answered by rufnready 3 · 0 0

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