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I mean, there r the constant exams, peer pressure to look good. This will include drugs, weight and their love life. Puberty (with the raging hormones don't help) No wonder so many r depressed and commit suicide, particularly the boys

2006-06-12 05:16:32 · 26 answers · asked by THE ONE 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

26 answers

Yes there is. Things are much tougher now. They expect children even young ones to be little adults and to think and feel and behave exactly as adults and they just can not.

My best example of this is my six year old just finished first grade. About a month ago I got a note home from her principal saying that my daughter has been chosen as her classrooms ambassador. That the next day they would be meeting with the principal to talk about school things, current events, classroom problems/concerns etc. And that it was the responsibility of the chosen ambassador (in this case my daughter) to meet with her home room and to find out any of the things that the class wanted discussed with the principal. Not only did she have to do that but then present them to the principal. That is asking a lot out of a six year old. And if they will ask that out of a six year old what will they ask out of a sixteen year old?

They definitely have a lot of pressure!

2006-06-12 05:25:13 · answer #1 · answered by foolnomore2games 6 · 0 0

Not enough pressure to gain a good education...

The youngsters these days don't know that they are born!!! We didn't have computers or playstations to fill our days when we were bored, we had a skipping rope or a ball that kept us entertained all day.... we read books, we drew pictures..... Youngsters today have more choices available to them that I never had... I'm only 33, so I'm not some ancient old woman!

The pressure that young people are under today is caused by themselves and their peers as well as their parents in their drive for the latest and greatest material pleasures, which many of them find don't fill the hole that a loving and good family life can bring, which is why they then get depressed.

Have you noticed that young people cannot talk properly, cannot write properly, and some leave school with a 5 year olds comprehension of reading. I think we are doing all of our children a serious injustice, as most parents can't be bothered to entertain their own children or teach them.

Lazy and bad parenting creates lazy and bad children... sorry I'm ranting now.... so I'm going to have a cup of tea.

2006-06-13 21:43:15 · answer #2 · answered by Violent and bored 4 · 0 0

yes there is alot of pressure. ok so theres peer pressure but that cnt be really blamed on the friends but they had to of learned there tricks from somewhere. for example I live in Dublin in Ireland and my area isnt the most respected to say the least. if you go down to the local park you can see at least 3 groups of teenagers sitting in a group smoking an drinking. the police only come by every so often an when they do come al the do is take the drink an take the childrens name (how do they no the name isnt fake). it is so easy to get drugs for teenager somthing needs to be done. ther is a 15 year old that I no that take cocaine,e and many other drugs on a regular basic and his 11 yr old nephew has been smoking since he was nine. the 15 yr old got shot the other week (hes still alive) an the police have done notin bout it. ok it is partlry the childrens fault for getting into trouble but mainly i blame the police people like that if they had had a strong hold of children when they were young maybe they woldnt get into this sort of trouble and then wouldnt bring there children up in a socility thats even worse then they were as kids.

2006-06-12 13:24:09 · answer #3 · answered by brand_new_girl_pearl 2 · 0 0

Unfortunately there is to much pressure on children these days.To much of of the bad kind like how you look and what you wear and who your friends are and not enough of good grades good manners and being a kind person and i blame the parents. It makes me ill how so many parents buy there kids what they want so they will fit in and not taking time to teach them about responsibility, hard work or humility. I have a house full of kids and if they want what everyone else has they work for it. instead of me car pooling them to all the extra curricular activities like basketball and karate i let them volunteer and the help center or they help me at home. So i suggest parents let kids play get dirty and raise them with good morals and a kind heart. It is very sad how things are turning out.

2006-06-12 05:49:51 · answer #4 · answered by shortpplrule01 2 · 0 0

I am a 12 year old kid and i get atleast 3 or 4 pieces of homeowork a night and i am usually got projects underway.

my life is ruled by work i rarely get free time to enjoy life

i get homework every school day

most weekends and usually in holidays!!!!

its so depressing i have tried to commit suicide before but very succesful and i felt like just throwing me life away because i felt there was nothing for me.

I was scared that being adult would be worse because you know what parents say 'you think you've got it hard' which make me think its harder when you get older and i think to myself "can it get worse?".

Aswell as that my headmaster (principal) really pick on my class because we are going through tough stages of our lives (12-13 or 14 are quite hard ages) so hes extras hard on us - thats just makes us more misreble!

SO yes i think there is imense pressure on kids!

I'm starting pubity round about now and my hormones are definatly here.

2006-06-14 07:57:34 · answer #5 · answered by hardleyouth 1 · 0 0

Y E S ! ! !

We have to :
get good grades,
worry about our rep (you know- what will ya friends think if ya don't start smoking like them),
stand up to the popular kids (man- they can gossip),
juggle our social lives,
deal with hormones (and - for girls- our problems),
worry about ya date for the prom (that is mostly girls but guys can worry too- oh and avoiding putting out)
Have good hair and make sure you have no spinach between ya teeth (again this is most probably girls)
deal with family issues (divorces ect)
get a job

Oh, and remember, we are not adults yet and havn't grown fully mentally. Teens these days have to be strong. If this is what one of our today adults had to deal with when they were kids- i think that they all would have comitted suicide.

All ya parents out there- give ya kidz a break!

2006-06-12 06:33:04 · answer #6 · answered by yellow 4 · 0 0

I think the social pressure is huge on kids today - especially teenagers. The constant pressure from the media, friends, etc and the messages sent to today's youth is much different then it was in the past.

2006-06-12 05:24:06 · answer #7 · answered by pammy_6201 4 · 1 0

There is only pressure if you put pressure on yourself. That's something I learned early. Obviously it's important to do well education-wise, but its not that difficult. If anything, its become easier because teachers are better able to identify learning problems. And as long as a student pays attention in school and works hard, it's fairly easy to succeed. The pressure to look good is put on a person by themself. I go to school everyday in sweat pants and a t-shirt and no body gives a damn. As long as you're confident in yourself and sorround yourself with people who are worth your time, then you don't have that pressure. Drugs are an issue, I won't lie. But all it comes down to is choosing the right friends, the people who are into drugs don't come looking for teens. More commonly, a teenager will start to hang out with someone who's into drugs to seem cool. So it comes down personal decisions. Are you going to spend you adolescence fooling around with the wrong friends, or are you going to choose people who have a positive influence on you. Will you spend your Saturdays at the mall with your friends, or will you study on the biology exam you have on Monday morning. Are you going to have sex with the guy you just met who told you you're sexy, or are you going to get into a deep and meaningful relationship with someone who treats you like you're the most important thing. The pressure comes from within, when you make positive decisions you don't have to worry about that. Children today have it nothing compared to those from past generations. Having to get a job while you're still in school to support your family, having to do real work around the house. It's nothing like that for us. I wake up in the morning, go to school, come home, do a few easy chores and my homework, and then the rest of the day is free for me to do whatever. Compare that to older generations who had to wake up early, get their younger siblings ready for school, go to school, go to a job, come home and take care of their siblings, and then do harder work around the house. And they still had to deal with the pressures of school, hormones, and peers.

(Sorry, SpellCheck isn't working. Excuse my errors.)

2006-06-12 10:31:41 · answer #8 · answered by holidayspice 5 · 0 0

I'm a teen and there is a lot of pressure, but boy this is nothing. Once out of college, its dog eat dog, so in a way the pressure is good. It keeps you from getting hit by a train of truth on the expresslane of life.

Stay in school peeps!

2006-06-12 08:31:10 · answer #9 · answered by R man 4 · 0 0

I think the pressure is not any worse than it was in days gone by, the problem in recent times is that we are bringing up morally deprived children who find it difficult to make the right choices.

Thank you proud stud, you've answered the question very well.

2006-06-12 10:53:03 · answer #10 · answered by zaki1968 4 · 0 0

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