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ok i'm kinda stuck in the middle. i believe that they shouldn't be legalized because its unnatural for a guy to love a guy or a girl to love a girl (in the marraige kind of love, not the family kinda love), and a marriage is between a man and a woman. Also its against my beliefs. some people say "if god created everything then he created gays" i don't belive that, i believe he created us and we are free to make our own choices.i also don't believe that people are born gay. i believe u choose to be that way.
At the same time though, gays are people too and its against the law to take away rights from these people.
p.s i'm not gay.

2006-06-12 04:43:52 · 59 answers · asked by what_you_got_cookin 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

59 answers

My religion supports gay marriage 100%. I'm Wiccan. Should I not be allowed to have a relgious marriage because some other people's religions disapprove? That is a stupid way to run a system. Whose religion is on top? Whose religion gets veto rights? Even within Christianity, United Church of Christ supports gay marriage 100% and Southern Baptists oppose it 100%.... who gets to win there? I want the blessing of my faith on my committment, why should I be denied that?

Also marriage comes with a host of legal rights. I already have the committment with my partner, I don't need a piece of paper to validate that. But it sucks that I don't get the same legals then straight people who make their committments. For instance:

If my gf was in the hospital, I can't visit her in the ICU since I'm not family. I can't make medical decisions for her. If she dies, I can't decide where to bury her. If she has to go in an ambulence, I can't ride along.

If she dies, we loose the house together since legally I'm considered a roommate not a spouse. Similarly for the car.

I can't adopt my own children, the children we concieve together, birth together, and raise together. That means I can't pick them up from school without a note from her, I cant take them across national boarders without her, and I can't take them to a doctor and make any medical decisions for them. (Some of this I can do if I shelve over about $20,000 to lawyers to get a couple of the things that a straight couple gets for a $50 marriage liscense).

If she dies, I don't get access to her social security or pension. I can't take funeral leave from my job because she is not family.

We file income tax as two single people so we pay twice as much in income tax.

We have to get health insurance for both of us, since we're not married, I can't share my insurance with her. Similarly since I can't adopt my kids, I can't give them my insurance either.

If we go into a nursing home together, they don't have to put us in a room together. They can place us on seperate ends of the building.

We can't get a gym membership or a AAA membership together. We have to pay twice as much.

If we break up, I will get nothing. No alimony. She wont be able to get child support from me. No one wants to think about divorce, but divorce laws do protect both halves of a couple in the event they should split. No protections for me or her.

And that is just a handful of the things I can think of off the top of my head. In my religion, I can have a handfasting and be 100% married. But to the secular world, I'm not at all. How is that fair? How is that a good way to run a democracy? How does that bring us closer to living out the promise of our creed that ALL men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights?

2006-06-21 10:58:03 · answer #1 · answered by dani_kin 6 · 1 0

I am gay, I'm 42 years old, I grew up in a country town where if you had of been caught being gay you would have been bashed until you left the town, and it wouldn't only be you, it would be your whole family, so it is not a choice of anyones to make, whether you are gay or not ,you are born that way and from a very early age you know within yourself that you are gay, just as you know that you are straight. I have been in a relationship with my partner for the last ten years, we have worked hard at our relationship, and yes we love each other like any other couple, we fight, we peeve, we save together, we tell each other our deepest kept secrets, so we don't get tax breaks, can't buy a home together, can't even be sure that our last wills and testaments will be honoured. Yes marrage is for the straight couple but civil union should be allowed for same sex couples, and its people like you who know nothing about love or gays that seem to be the very same people who are in power, so hellooo Johnny Howard

2006-06-23 10:22:49 · answer #2 · answered by keleising 1 · 0 0

I believe that same sex marriages should be legalized! As a person each of us are individuals, meaning that each of us are our own person: we have different styles and have different emotions. Each particular person falls in love differently and just because a man falls for another man or a women falls for another woman does not make it wrong, they are following their heart. When men and women get married they do so because they love each other so why can’t 2 individuals of the same sex do it too? God did create everything in the since that he created everything to be different. I also do believe that a person, who is born with feeling for the same sex, usually does not act upon it right away because he or she in most cases would be rejected by his or her family and society in general. The ones that do act upon their internal feelings should not have to be labeled as outcasts in the since that they will never have an equal relationship with his or her partner like a man and a women will have and always will. You are also right it is against the law to take away rights just because a group of people have different beliefs.

2006-06-12 05:04:14 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

It may be something that some people aren't going to like. The thing is, it has been around forever, and I think that if they want the right to marry, they should get that right. I mean, even if they don't have that right, they are still going to be gay.

As a matter of fact, I would imagine that marriage would help keep them to one partner instead of several, so why are so many gay bashers so against it? I think it's just because they don't want them to win the battle. They don't want them to have anything.

I also don't believe in "banning" anything. It is ridiculous to just "ban" something you don't like. They have banned pit bulls in some cities, which is understandable because they are misinformed into believing that the breed in general is dangerous. But there is nothing at all dangerous about gays, and there isn't even a debate for that. I guess if they adopted a child it could compromise that child's well being, but why don't they just ban them from adopting if that's the case?

Well, as I have stated before and will state again, it's like this: Every generation needs something to hate, rally against, and rant about. If they don't they will get bored. Usually it is older retired people, but younger conformist types get pulled into the fray while they're at it. Last generation hated blacks. This generation, it's gays. Just look at the situation: They are doing the same thing to gays, except it's less obvious. Your kids are going to look at what is going on right now in their history books and wonder how something like that could happen to innocent people, just like kids now are looking at the books and wondering the same things about blacks.

I mean, why can't we just live without all of this hate? We don't need it! Just let everyone live their lives and stop trying to make their choices for them.

LordVenus, there are several instances of homosexuality in history. It has been around since the times of polytheism.

2006-06-12 05:03:40 · answer #4 · answered by jeff_is_sexy 4 · 0 0

First off, how many times have you gotten to choose who you have fallen in love with? Trust me, there is no choice there! As for marriage, why shouldn't I be able to marry the person I want to spend my life with and enjoy the same privileges and freedoms as every one else? Religion says that same sex marriage is wrong, but marriage is a legal and binding contract through the government, I seem to recall something about religion and state being kept separate. It's unfair and unwise to disallow a group of people a certain privilege just because SOME peoples god says it's not OK, who is anyone to tell me who I can and can't love. Isn't my happiness important to god? I spent many years of my life trying to be straight, and I was miserable, is that how I'm supposed to live? All of the torment, pain, hardship, yeah that was a choice. NOT!!!

2006-06-12 04:55:49 · answer #5 · answered by NoBoysAllowed! 3 · 0 0

I think that same sex marriages should be legalized. How can you say that people chose to be gay? When did you chose to be straight? Do you know the day you sat there and said "I am going to like women, not men." If you didn't chose to be straight, how did someone chose to be gay? Alos, how do you say that it is unnatural? There is no rule under the definition of love that says "love must be between a man and a woman unless it is in a family." Love is love. You can't control who you love. Also, why do you need to put a disclaimer on your thing that says "P.S. I'm not gay."

2006-06-12 04:48:30 · answer #6 · answered by Kelly 3 · 0 0

Yes . it should be legalized, and no, I am not a lesbian. But, you aren't really looking for an answer, you're using your question as a soapbox. Get off it. Whether someone is born gay or chooses to be gay is their choice. This is America, Remember?

Marriage is not so sacred in this country..50% get divorced. Some remarry multiple times.
There will be plenty of others with your opinion..they can't help it if they're so narrow minded a mosquito could sit on the bridge of their nose and kick their brains out.

2006-06-25 04:39:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The funny thing is that despite all the uproar about it and the various religious opposition, I can still get a religious marriage (and will be getting one). What is being denied to me is a matter of civil rights. I should be able to enter into a contractual union with any consenting adult that I please. The government took marriage centuries ago as a means of handling property and inheritance with little heed to the religious part. We still have a lot of that tradition in our marriage laws, but now we insist on forcing religion on a state entity. It's absurd. Again, you certainly aren't preventing me from getting married, only making it more difficult to get the contractual part that goes with it.

As for calling it a civil union...well, we decided that separate but equal is inherently unequal a long time ago. That's why it has to be marriage. Anything else would be creating a sub-class of citizens. We saw how well that worked last time we tried.

2006-06-12 05:15:54 · answer #8 · answered by sailordelta 2 · 0 0

I think that it should be legalized, there should be no difference of who it's between. Why do you believe that marriage should be between a man and a women? I thought that the united states was "free". And aren't church and state two separate thing (supposedly). I don't mean to rant no republicans, but not everyone has the same religion as you and it's not fair to make laws based on your religion.

p.s. I'm Gay

2006-06-23 09:13:15 · answer #9 · answered by Brendon 2 · 0 0

No-one chooses to be heterosexual - You fancy the opposite sex, and that's that. If you're heterosexual, no power on Earth that I'm aware of can make you stop fancying the opposite sex and start fancying the same sex instead. I'm a straight bloke - There's simply no way I could choose to stop finding women sexually attractive, and start finding men sexually attractive instead. It just ain't going to happen.

In exactly the same way, homosexual men and women fancy the same sex, and that's that. They can't choose to suddenly one day find the opposite sex attractive instead. So, the issue of choice doesn't come into it. We have to just accept that homosexuals don't choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexuals do.

It's no good saying "it's unnatural" because that argument doesn't work either - It's just another way of stating your opinion, not an objective fact.

So, what it comes down to is whether there is any justifiable reason to deny someone the same rights that you yourself enjoy, just because the person they want to marry is the same sex rather than the opposite sex. I don't think that such a reason exists. Therefore, it's obvious to me that same sex marriage should be legal and should have exactly the same status as opposite sex marriage. I look forward to the day when it's simply a non-issue.

2006-06-12 05:06:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First let me say this. I don't care one way or another about marriages. I am a lesbian. I feel that getting married should be legalized. G-d doesn't exist in my book. But if people would leave religion out of this, then maybe we would be able to marry under a civil union instead. I don't think that Bush or any other christian has any right to say why this is un natural to happen. A lot of things in this country happen that aren't "natural" according to some. And these things aren't brought up.

2006-06-20 18:38:55 · answer #11 · answered by teambargain 6 · 0 0

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