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9 answers

It's an equilibrium because they balance each other out.

2006-06-11 23:41:31 · answer #1 · answered by Stoned Bosco 3 · 0 0

Absolutely the world is in a state of equilibrium. If it wasn't, nothing would be. And God created EVERYTHING, evil included, and everything was good. In this temporal world, nothing can exist without its opposite. Without bad, there is no good, without light, there is no dark. Some things "work" better at certain times than other things, but nothing created is wrong or an error. I wouldn't have a very high opinion of a God who created everthing, and it was good, but messed up just a bit and someone sneaked in and created something He hadn't intended while his back was turned. (I thought you Bible folks were pretty clear on God being the only Creator.) And God doesn't want anything, and He doesn't need anything. Everything is already perfect, just like it was made to be.

2006-06-12 01:06:08 · answer #2 · answered by Solstice 3 · 0 0

God had created 100 good ones like me and on other hand he has created 2 evil like you and here the equilibrium breaks because evil is more and a good one becomes less...

Sorry... Just joking....

For serious answer contact God or me the thing will be same...

Sorry... Again...

2006-06-12 00:03:15 · answer #3 · answered by Prasun Saurav 3 · 0 0

mind you....God did not create evil...The bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...on the seventh day he looked at everything and saw that everything was GOOD....the origin of evil came when satan rebelled against God....well good and evil is not in equilibrium bcos the devil is working hard to make sure that the world becomes a terrible place for all....The only people that are being saved are the born again christains.....to back up my point...evil is not in equilibrium with good bcos the real children of God are the ones that are being cushioned against evil and the are very scanty....

2006-06-11 23:47:39 · answer #4 · answered by Joshua 2 · 0 0

in my opinion God didn't create evil, Lucifer (the devil) did
and it is an equilibrium because it balances each other out as in ying and yang, in every human there is light but also dark
you cannot live with just one

2006-06-12 09:38:11 · answer #5 · answered by DippyCow 1 · 0 0

God wants us to be good in order to maintain peace and harmony in this world. But The Satan wants us to become destructive. God gives us the choice - good or bad. Therefore we need to seek the truth in order to get the guidance from Him.

2006-06-11 23:48:07 · answer #6 · answered by pgmetassan 2 · 0 0

Wo! Wo! Wo! God did not create evil. The only evil in this world is what man can do.

2006-06-18 02:58:06 · answer #7 · answered by Keyofsee 1 · 0 0

Good and evil are natural opposites just like night and day,black and white,ying and yang, cant have one without the other....

2006-06-11 23:46:17 · answer #8 · answered by MC 7 · 0 0

there is equilibrium.

because with good and evil... numbers or the exact quantity dusnt really matter.

the fact that there is some 'good' balances out the fact that there is some 'evil'. It dusnt matter that there are more evil things than good... and more good ppl than evil.

2006-06-12 00:47:25 · answer #9 · answered by autumn crocus 2 · 0 0

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