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21 answers

i believe that einstein stole a time machine and went back and beat off into the primordial ooze

2006-06-11 19:38:10 · answer #1 · answered by poony!!! 4 · 0 0

The big bang theory violates atleast one of the fundamental laws of physics.

"You can not get order out of chaos" - Evolution simply couldn't get started and here is one example. If I take a watch and break it into thousands of pieces then throw them into the air, will they come back down as a working watch? What if I threw them a hundred times? How about a billion times?? The answer is always no and it doesn't matter how many times I throw them up.

The world, atmosphere, animals, and plants could not exist if not for the hand of some other power. They simply could not happen out of chance.

I tell you, what is wrong with the belief that an all-powerfu being (God) created the world and whole universe in 6 days (the 7th he rested)? What proof could someone he doesn't exist? Absolutly none, yet people are willing to put their beliefs in theories like evolution and the big bang, which have more tons flaws.

2006-06-12 11:05:09 · answer #2 · answered by Nate 3 · 0 0

God created the universe, big bang points to the idea that the universe was started.

I have very little confidence that any scientist and their dating techniques are very qualified. Whether it's astro-phyiscs or geology, one group will have a premise that the laws of the universe, the speed of light, radioactive decay, are the same now as they ever were. While another group will state (some) differences in whatever they think will better fit their theories.

With the Bible and the 7 days, (7 durations??), -the only think that literalist type Christians will say is, "When we get to heaven and God reveals a fuller revelation of his creation, we will be able to say that the Bible was absolutely true in it's characterizations of events". The 7 day events will be in the right order, and I believe he will have spoken them into existance. - ie His own Will.

2006-06-12 02:47:57 · answer #3 · answered by MK6 7 · 0 0

You have to be careful, cause 7 days to God could be 7 seconds or 7 billion years! God could have caused a Big Bang when he made the heavens and the earth on the first day. But I find it really hard to believe that our solar system was created from exploding stars whos matter collected and compacted so much that it exploded again to form another star, 9 more planets, and a bunch of asteroids. Believing in God is much easier.

2006-06-12 02:44:11 · answer #4 · answered by kyle_tyrone 2 · 0 0

This is a somewhat sad answer, but I believe in God and creation and the whole deal, but I don't believe God is active and/or interested anymore. When's the last time we saw a burning bush (oh how i'd love that if it were only George W.) or a parting of a sea?? It's just not the same anymore - like God's a spectator... anyone see the Devil's Advocate? A bit extreme, but some good points...

2006-06-18 23:58:47 · answer #5 · answered by junebug 3 · 0 0

I believe in neithier, for both scientific and spiritual reasons. My understandings are quite simple, but to explain them to someone who knows nothing else is very complicated given the illusions the average person has trained themself to believe. I will indulge you with a couple of examples, one from each.
Big Bang - As the creationism believers have said aleady, what created the superdense material that went bang? I believe that speck was once a universe, vast and volitile, and over time the gravity of the matter pulled it's parts together to form this dense dot, which then imploded due to immense pressure applied sub-atomic-ly, and exploded (implode-explode is the chain reaction that ocurrs in a nuke), expanding into space. This expand-contract rythym of the universe has been occuring since time infinity, and will continue till time forever, as it is the breathing of God. This is different from Big Bang theory.

I believe that evolution of the species occured slowly and gradually, but not randomly. I believe there is intention behind when species are introduced into existence on Earth and elsewhere, but I don't believe there is some proverbial chess player making the big decisions on a throne in heaven. I believe that fate is an acronym that stands for "From All Thoughts Everywhere" and this is the mind of God, in part. In other words, all matter in existence collectively decided and co-created the circumstances where one group of matter could convert (change) from, for example, Ape into Homo-sapien. This is very different from both Creationism and Darwinism / Evolutionism.

2006-06-12 05:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by Bawn Nyntyn Aytetu 5 · 0 0

I believe in God but not the seven days. The concept of day could have been much different at that point in time, and I also remember reading that the word that was originally used had an actual defintion of just some time period--nothing definite. so it could have been thousands of years between those "days". and I also believe that the big bang is possible. but I also believe that is was God that created that big bang--sort of like the sound made if God snapped his fingers.

2006-06-12 02:42:23 · answer #7 · answered by deere_erbear 2 · 0 0

I believe in the Bigbang I believe in God becoz it is mention in our holy book. Koran.
I dont know what u mean with 7 days.

2006-06-12 02:40:48 · answer #8 · answered by Sajis 4 · 0 0

I believe in God and the 7 days. I think it is consistant to say that God caused a big bang.

One thing proponents of the big bang can not explain is who made the stuff that exploded in the bang. That matter had to come from somewhere.

2006-06-12 02:39:20 · answer #9 · answered by Dee 4 · 0 0

I neither believe god's creation nor big bang because I was not there to see what has happened when? Since I have not seen or perceived, I don't believe. Or to believe, there has to have some proof which can satisfy my rationality and should be able to answer the question why and what for? If not, I don't believe.

2006-06-12 02:49:13 · answer #10 · answered by r_govardhanam 3 · 0 0

Bigbang is a theory based in observation, but nothing else than a theory.

God is nothing you can demonstrate, nothing good in any case. Just a cover for human ignorance.

7 days? I can conceive that someone believes in god(s), but are there still such naive persons believing those fairy tales?

2006-06-12 02:51:26 · answer #11 · answered by Enfant 1 · 0 0

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