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Wondering when it is too early to take a pregnancy test?

2006-06-10 11:14:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

7 answers

If your period really would have been on 12 June, then, no, you're not pregnant. You *cannot* get pregnant from sex right before your period. The difficulty lies in that you may have had a delayed ovulation, and, even if your period is *always* regular, it wouldn't have been this cycle. In that case, your period isn't due yet.

In any event, following sex, it can take up to 3-5 days for fertilization to take place. That's how long the sperm can live in the female body. Then it takes the fertilized egg about a week to get to the uterus to start implanting. Until implantation, the egg isn't attached to your body in any way, so it can't cause physical changes (including secretion of the hormone HCG that is measured by pregnancy tests). It then takes at least a couple of days for there to be *any* measurable amount of HCG (and most tests can't detect it reliably until 2 *weeks* later).

So, the bottom line is that it is *physically* impossible to detect a pregnancy less than 8 days after sex, and your best chance would be 3 to 3 1/2 weeks after.

2006-06-10 21:27:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

most likely they are pseudo symptoms, sorry if that burst your bubble. But here is why I think: Usually (and i use that term loosely) women ovulate about 2 weeks before af so if you had sex 5 days before expected af you most likely aren't pg but did you have sex at all a couple weeks ago? My DH and I have been ttc for 7 months and every month I thought I felt nauseous, moody, overly tired, crampy, food cravings, temps stayed high...but all of these were pseudo symptoms. My best advice is to first start tracking your cycles if you haven't already. I use www.mymonthlycycles.com and not only does it show when my expected period will arrive (and its always dead on) it also shows when I should ovulate. This site is good not just for those ttc but those trying not to concieve-if you know when you ovulate you can protect yourself those 5 days to be absolutely sure. It is also too early to take a test if your af isn't even supposed to show for a couple days. If it is going to make you feel better than take one but with my experiences I have found it to be a waste of money. Good luck to you, I hope you get the answer you are looking for-on the hpt that is:)

2006-06-10 18:35:47 · answer #2 · answered by blondieblue98 3 · 0 0

Well I think that you are probably NOT pregnant, it is far to late in your cycle. But if you worry and freak out like you are doing all you are going to do is stress yourself out and that can make your period late. So just relax and think positive thoughts and next time please use protection. Also you usually don't start feeling sick and things like that until around 10-12 weeks. That is when the levels of estrogen are high in your body and that is what makes you sick. But if there is any doubt, wait a couple of weeks and take a test just to be sure, or go to your local planned parenthood clinic. They can test you for free and it will be confidential and they have lots of great resources and people who can support you and point you in the right direction. GOOD LUCK

2006-06-10 18:49:47 · answer #3 · answered by blah blah blah 5 · 0 0

You will just have to wait until June 12 to see if you get your period, but that seems too late into your cycle to get pregnant. It depends on your cycle though. If your period is due June 12, then that is not enough time for the egg to implant, which usually happens about 8 to 12 days after you conceive.

2006-06-10 18:33:07 · answer #4 · answered by txblondi76 3 · 0 0

Wait to see if you get your period. Even if you get it this time around, wait to see about your July period. Some people still get one if they do become pregnant so close to the start of the period. Next month if you want try taking one of the first response tests, or my favorite the EPT(error proof test) one. That one is sooooo easy and says right on it, pregnant or not pregnant. Hopefully everything turns out how you want!

2006-06-10 19:06:51 · answer #5 · answered by linds_a_lot 3 · 0 0

Gee, the odds of not being pg. are very slim. You know your body better than any other person and if you are late it could well mean that you are pg. However, do not stress yourself until you are sure. If your bf. and you were "ready to do it"than you both can go and purchase a pg test and be ready to face the consequences of your and his actions. Condoms are there for this same reason---to stop unplanned pgs.

2006-06-10 18:34:08 · answer #6 · answered by Lifeline 7 · 0 0

well y dont u find out. go to the doctors take a test

2006-06-10 19:42:46 · answer #7 · answered by riskii67 2 · 0 0

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