talk to her and tell her that you care for her and you don't want anything bad to happen to her.If you get into trouble god will punish you. Pray for her that she will not get in trouble with people that she know that is not surpose to be around her.
if she does get into trouble when she goes to high school then you tell her that she needs to ask God to forgive her from her sins. Then tell her that she needs to get saved by the Lord. Tell her that she don't need to hang around her friends anymore because they are nothing but trouble and fast in the pants at a young age.
Good luck telling her that you care for her. Have a bless day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-06-11 10:42:11
answer #1
answered by Faithhhh,[♥] 3
Well your intentions are good, but teenagers are impossible. You have the right idea...keep the lines of communication open. If she shuts down and stops talking to you about things then she will be in more danger becasue then you wont know anything. Just try to listen to her and dont ever judge her...if she feels at all like you are judging her she wont confide in you. But when she does tell you these crazy things still be openly shocked and tell her yoru surprised that she would do that stuff....
It sucks I wish I had a magical answer but teenagers are thick headed and stubborn and really dotn learn thier lessons until they make the mistakes of life themselves.
2006-06-10 11:22:17
answer #2
answered by geet840 5
Throughly educate her and give her all the sex knowledge you have to her... Well... if you can't stop her, then at least give her the knowledge... I don't think you can stop kids like that in anyway~ By the way I'm a 20 year old boy, I mean 20 year old boy are mostly prevert and sex easily happen~ well... just tell her to use condom~ no matter what~
2006-06-10 15:39:27
answer #3
answered by landzai 4
okay.... this one is a toughie
she's probably going to do whatever she wants no matter what. to lecture at her and preach to her will only put a wedge between the two of you. besides, don't you two already have a mom?
so, i know it'll violate every shred of better judgement you have, but...
#1 keep yourself open! open minded, hearted and above all open ears.
#2 pick your battles! just shut your mouth. wait for something that is drastically important that it cannot be blown off. like crack or unprotected sex or an adult crush... then slyly ask her who else knows. then tell your mother and have mom say so&so's parents told her about it.
#3 forgive stupidity! remember when you were young and dumb too. remember when you thought you knew it all and thought you were invincible
#4 relate. when she's been hit in one of those ego areas, and when she's low and receptive, share with her the stories of your fall from ignorant bliss. stick to the ones that directly relate (we all have them) do not go off topic and do not volunteer too much information. you may let slip something you did that wasn't too bright and give her new ideas
hope this helps
2006-06-10 11:36:28
answer #4
answered by ladrhiana 4
my sister is 14 and she was kinda being like that but my sister witch is 22 and has a babie that is 4 talked 2 her and everithing she had 2 scream at her and everything but it depends is she scared of u or does she just ignore u??u have 2 give her a really really really long time.i dont think that im helping but just talke 2 her make sure she understands u .
2006-06-10 12:12:10
answer #5
answered by nancy 2
Tell her that the next time you find out she is "driving around" with a 20 year old man you will report him as a suspected pedophile. That oughtta put the fear in to her about him.
2006-06-10 11:20:24
answer #6
answered by scornedgirl 1
wow, you sound really sweet for caring for her so much, unfortunately your sister is going to make her own mistakes. Just let her know you are there for her no matter what- and she can call you if she needs a ride . Let her know about your experiences- and that she does not need to follow her friends. I wish I had had a sister like you !!!
2006-06-10 11:24:28
answer #7
answered by leo 4
talk to her about STDs and and warts and all the bad stuff. that discouraged me to have sex and im 14 too. tell her about those and that condoms never work 100%.
2006-06-10 16:06:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just try and talk to her and let her kn ow that you will always be there for her.
2006-06-10 11:21:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous16 2
Tell an adult. They can stop the problem
2006-06-12 12:49:55
answer #10
answered by c1 3