The page might be having trouble but underneath the picture, there are buttons and one should say "Make Deafult". Also, the HTML code to put photos on the internet is
2006-06-10 06:54:03
answer #1
answered by ddevilish_txnfml 4
If you only uploaded one picture, it automatically becomes your default profile pic. To post pictures on your main page, use the code . To get a url of an image, you need to upload a picture to a website, such as and after you do that, it will give you a url to your picture and just put it inbetween the quotations and then paste the whole code into whatever section you want your picture to be in.
2006-06-10 13:56:24
answer #2
answered by pandabear™ 4
First you go to home, then go to change or upload picture, upload a picture if you haven't already then it should appear on the bottom and a default button should be located first. Click it.
I just read the whole thing and if it doesn't have the default buttom then its already your pic but it takes up to 24 hours to appear. Good Luck:)
Converse with Tom to learn how to get internet pics on there. He is there to help. He should be located in your friends space if u didn't delete him. I wouldn't.
To post pics .
2006-06-10 13:56:46
answer #3
answered by tasha 5
Once you upload a picture, it automatically becomes your default. When you go "Upload/Edit Pictures", there should be a button underneath which says "Remove From Default", not one to add it to default. If you view your profile, you will be able to see that your picture is up.
Also, get the html code for the pictures you want to put on your page and go to "Edit Profile" and then put the code in whichever section you want the pictures to be in.
2006-06-10 13:56:01
answer #4
answered by Kelsey 2
when you upload the picture, there will be a box to hit that reads default pic when it is done loading. To place internet pics on your page you put them in the about me section or the people to meet. You have to find a pic that you can copy the http for.
2006-06-10 13:53:24
answer #5
answered by daisygal3fdu 2
on the page where your pictures are, there should be options right under each picture that say "Set As Default" "Add Caption"
"Add to ranking" and "Delete" just click the Set As Default button and it will make a note under the picture that that one is your default one
if you type in in whatever section, that will make the picture show
2006-06-10 13:58:20
answer #7
answered by blackolivesrule 4
it depends if u already have pictures on your computer. if u already have pictures on your computer then u click on browse n if u saved your picture u should have it there in the window that pops the name that u put the picture under. u click on it then it pops up in the little box. once it pops up then u click on upload. or if u dn't have a picture on your computer then u send your picture to your e mail or download it on your computer then u right click the picture and click save as faviorte or save pic. then when u go on myspace on the photo upload it should be under the browse pop up then do all what i said before. after all of that u should have a pic on there. after its done uploading u scroll down and u should see the picture right there. then post it as your main picture for your profile.
2006-06-10 16:25:46
answer #8
answered by princessecutie 2
it is sooooo easyyyy but i cant type it all out sorry
2006-06-10 13:53:29
answer #9
answered by investing1987 3