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8 answers

I don't think it was revolution!

It was evolution.

Even if there was some creation involved (which I highly doubt), it still has to come down to evolution. Otherwise, how do the creator come to be? Anwser: it evolved.

male, 45, Louisiana

2006-06-08 23:37:51 · answer #1 · answered by swm_seeks_sf 3 · 0 1

life is brought about by creation because there can't be anything in existance without it being created . Furthermore the creator gave the command "Be!!And the life becomes " THIS IS the origin of life .You ought to be satisfied I guess

2006-06-09 06:50:43 · answer #2 · answered by azeeand people 1 · 0 0

you can talk to a scientist, he'll say evolution.
then a clergyman would say creation.
man can only obtian proof of evolution to a ceertain pont. then they have no answeres for questions like;
if the earths' life started as a one cell organism in water after millions of years sitting there, what made it change?
( answer - none) where is the proof of your missing link?(none) i've had a bunch more with no answer given.
the other side -
can you proove there Is a god? ( my answer - Yes)
what facts do you have he exhists? ( i have life. q- if you cannot see o2 without a microscope, but have faith it it's there as you breath, what are you leaninging on? fact?-you have no visable proof with you, or faith? you at one time had been taught it existed, believed, and had faith that it was, even if you couldn't see it for yourself.)
what writings do i have to prove i am right? ( in the begining-- if you try to understand the baisc introduction read as " religous" material, three major forms of faith all begin in similar manner. judeism, christianity, and islam.
you question the lack to physical proof that this happened, ( if you claim that this universe was created by the attraction of space dust, to the point that it formed. ..etc and caused the big bang, ( my question - other than another universe, where did even one speck of that dust come from?)
neither side as concrete proof without gaps. each side must rely on faith to make their point.
i believe in cration, but man has created his own way to manipulate what was created. it is called science. that is neither bad or good, through the science of medicine man has learned to help come to the aid of many a person who might not have had a better quality of life.
man has also taken the facts he had learned about this universe to set himself up as god(s). he bestowed unpon himself the "right" to decide who lives from who dies only by the neglent with drawl of his knowlige. he has also tryed to "prove" that one nation, race , religon, or segment of this population is worthy to survive while condemning another.
faith has constraints, other than man's laws. they can not be changed, or corrupted.( if it seems that way, my question is , has man try to rewrite them)
man makes laws and chooses which ones he preferrs to keep, change,or detract.
no institution is without it's failures, but i'd rather work with people who have a decent set of checks and balances,then those who choose to make their own.

2006-06-09 09:32:04 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I saw a documentary stating that life evolved from bacteria this theory was much more beleivable to me than anything I read in a bible. Sorry with out proof I am a non believer.

2006-06-09 06:37:57 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

By Evolution, creation is a pack of lies

2006-06-09 06:40:27 · answer #5 · answered by ag_iitkgp 7 · 0 0

its evolution, and my personal belief is that yes evolution does occur, but life was started by god

2006-06-09 06:37:50 · answer #6 · answered by Skin 1 · 0 0

I think you mean "evolution".

2006-06-09 06:38:28 · answer #7 · answered by rogue_kiss 2 · 0 0

You shall get your complete answer here-

Imagine the situation at the time of the Big Bang ... all Atmans souls getting scattered in the entire Cosmos with a blast so potential that it is beyond the comprehension of a normal human being. This Cosmos is always and ever expanding and shall continue to do so until it again dissolves back to its original shape (the time of Pralaya ... the dissolution of the Cosmos). Now if we try to venture out to the extreme periphery of the ever expanding Cosmos ... the concept of time fails us ... as there is nothing beyond the boundary of the ever expanding Cosmos? There is nothing beyond the boundary of the ever-expanding Cosmos we can measure in terms of time.

The concept of time (Kaal as we call it in Hinduism) exists only within the periphery of the ever-expanding Cosmos. Not beyond. The concept of time is as real as we Human Beings! If you consider Human Beings to be pure energy then the concept of time does not hold good! For, in that case everything is energy ... and the need to measure any form on the scale of energy would not be necessitated.

If we consider Human Beings as we are ... the physical self ... the self controlled and governed by the senses and the mind ... this physical form of a Jiva (a manifest being) cannot survive without the concept of time ... in the earlier days when the clocks were not yet developed ... the life on Mother Earth was guided by movement of the planets and the sun and to some extent the stars. People used to get up with the first rays of the sun and as the sun set it was time to bid goodbye to work. The scale of measurement of time has changed but the importance of time remains valid always and ever.

Time is only a measurement ... a scale to measure the passing moments ... in the present scientific society everything would go haywire if the concept of time did not exist. The scale of time is based on the rays of the sun ... the speed of light. Albert Einstein has stated in his theory of relativity that if we are able to develop anything about the speed of light then one could be able to travel back in time ... but it shall only remain a dream with the scientists ... such a thing ... such a happening can never manifest for it would be disturbing the cosmic system ... whatever happening has occurred ... we Human Beings (the highest manifestation on Mother Earth ... in fact in the whole of Cosmos) even are not permitted to interfere with the affairs of his (God, the Almighty Creator).

To be able to travel back in time is a lovely concept for storywriters and moviemakers but such a concept in the practical physical world does not exist. We Human Beings have not been able to discover antigravity till date ... what to talk of traveling back in time! The concept of time ceases for those who have Realized God ... who has become enlightened ... who have reached the end of the cycle of manifestations. Having Realized God in 1993 it was but possible for me to carry out work with such a speed that I used to often comment to my wife and two daughters that today I have carried out within 24 hours the work I used to carry out in one month ... and sometimes the work which I used to do within a year was possible for me to complete in 24 hours.

This was possible only because having reached the stage of Nirvikalpa samadhi ... all the clutter in the mind having vanished forever ... the 24 hours which I had at my disposal were almost equivalent to one year of the time passed by a normal human being. Sometimes I used to work for hours ... and when I saw by the watch it was only that five minutes had passed ... I never could myself understand the concept ... yet, I practiced it daily. It was only in 1995 when I came back to the mortal world for conducting my business (as willed by God I had to take care of my wife and the two daughters) did I lose my powers ... rather I surrendered them before the Almighty God until the time my daughters settle down in life.

This was the time I was acting as pure energy ... everything seemed to be under my control ... I had such tremendous power that even the president and the prime minister of the country could not have refused me ... if I had requested for some work! I hope to regain these powers in a short while from now as now I cannot go on my own ... God, the Almighty Creator is beckoning me to take back the powers and complete the job for which I had manifested in this life.

Broadly speaking time is a measurement ... a scale to keep track of the past present and the future. While talking of time we cannot discuss of the astral world, as normal Human Beings do not understand the concept of the astral world ... something, which I have not experienced... I may not be able to follow! I again repeat that time is not supposed to be connected with mind ... and mind is not what we think it is. Mind of all Human Beings is one ... the source of all thoughts contained in the Cosmos is known as the reservoir of Mind Plus and Mind Minus. Mine plus is the reservoir from where we invoke positive thoughts and Mind Minus is the reservoir for invoking negative thoughts. Time is also not a figment of imagination of us Human Beings ... it is not something subtle in nature ... we can definitely measure time in respect of the speed of light.

Talking of Lord Krishna ... Ganesha and Shiva including all other gods ... Here you are mistaken! Lord Krishna did exist ... for I can invoke that pure energy and talk to him ... but Ganesha and Shiva are concepts to explain Spirituality in totality. For a human being who is always evolving ... it is difficult to assimilate the concept of God and Spirituality without an image of God, the Almighty Creator. Whenever we talk of God ... something ... some form crystallizes in our mind ... in our thinking. Such a happening is the result of whatever we have learnt since childhood from our parents and the teachers. If at a certain stage of time someone contradicts us that we must try to imagine God without a form ... it is not practical ... rather it is not practically possible even if we close our eyes and try to concentrate on God.

It is only possible for people who have achieved a certain stage on the path of Jnana Yoga ... that they can worship the formless God ... the God who is already Nirakaar (without a form). I distinctly remember that whenever my teacher of first-class used to explain me anything which was only related to theory then it was just impossible for a child of about five years to fathom the depth of the concept being taught by the teacher ... but if a physical manifestation was put before us wherein we could visualize and count from number one to 10 then the concept would become absolutely clear to the most of the class.

This is the prime reason why Rituals were so important in the earlier era. It is only through the process of Rituals that Mankind ultimately realized that it is not only the Rituals that helps one getting emancipation but it is proceeding on the path of Jnana Yoga that shall ultimately help one in realizing God ... in gaining enlightenment! Rituals are the essential ingredients of the path of Bhakti Yoga ... by proceeding on the path of Jnana Yoga we are practically coming more nearer to our goal than those traveling on the path of Bhakti Yoga.

Here I would like to emphasize on the point that Lord Krishna was not a man God ... he was not a man God like Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus Christ or prophet Mohammed. He was an Avatar (manifest God) of the era ... even in his childhood he had so much powers that it is just not possible for a human being to gather so much of power within a lifetime ... an Avatar (manifest God) is one who can lift the society to the level of a Satyuga (the golden age) ... it is the time when a Dharma Yudha is necessitated because of the prevailing situation in the society. In the time of Krishna ... the Dharma Yudha between the Kauravas and the Pandavas became a necessity ... it was only Lord Krishna who was able to convince King Arjuna to precipitate the war of Dharma ... the Dharma Yudha (War of Dharma).

It is almost above 3500 years when Lord Krishna had manifested on Mother Earth ... time has again come when a Dharma Yudha has been necessitated between the followers of Christianity and Islam ... it shall be a fight to the finish ... both the societies will practically get annihilated! About 1200 million people will perish in this war. The World War 3 is expected shortly ... it was to have happened in 1998 but the Karma of the 6000 million people present all over the world delayed its coming ... who wants a war ... the Prayers increase and so do the happening.

The Dharma Yudha (the war of Dharma) which we shall all face in the present times shall be so devastating that Albert Einstein has rightly said that, " after the third World War ... the Stone Age shall manifest on Mother Earth". He was right. The third World War would be precipitated by Bhagwan Kalki ... the modern Avatar whose arrival is awaited by many with abated breath. Bhagwan Kalki would have almost the same powers as that of Lord Krishna. He shall end the present Kaliyuga (the metal age) and plunge us into the golden era (the Satyuga). He shall be the mighty one who shall cleanse the society of its ills. It is only after the cleansing of the society that we can hope for establishment of a Satyuga (the golden age).

Now I shall explain to you the concept of an Ishta Devta as we call it in Hinduism. Whenever we pray for gaining material riches ... we need not pray to the Almighty God, the Creator himself ... it is not the least necessary, for God, the Almighty Creator only desires one thing of us ... that we shall make all attempts to attain enlightenment and subsequently Moksha (Salvation) within this life.

More at the resource below-

Vijay Kumar...
(The Man who Realized God in 1993)

2006-06-09 09:36:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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